Found 52 Articles for Parenting Tips

Take care of your parents in old age or be ready to lose your salary.

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Old age homes are the glaring examples of deteriorating human values and growing selfishness in the people. It is fine if people have no children. But many parents who have toiled their whole life to bring up their children are suffering in their old age due to the indifferent attitude of their children once they are on their own.The parents might have sacrificed many things to bring up their kids and have spent their whole life earnings on their education and well being. After getting a good job and a good life, many people start thinking that it is a ... Read More

How can a man strike balance between his mother and wife?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is very important for a man to strike balance between the two important ladies in his life. This is because a man’s life will not be complete without a Mother’s care and affection or a Wife’s love and support.The relation between the Saas-Bahu will always be a power struggle when it comes to the man. Each of them tries to win the upper hand in his life. A man can consider himself the luckiest if both of them realize that, each one is equally important in his life and their role is irreplaceable, hence there is no need to ... Read More

What are the responsibilities you have for your old parents?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

1K+ Views

Taking care of your parents in the old age is the moral responsibility of the children. Parents become extremely vulnerable in the old age and have tender minds that can get affected by even the tiniest of troubles. The parents take care of their children in their sensitive ages and phases. Hence, the children have to give their support to the parents during their difficult phases as well.Here are some major responsibilities that the children should take for their old parents in this modern era:Equip them with New TechnologyYour parents come from a generation when mobiles or computer were either ... Read More

What secrets are you hiding from your parents?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 05:45:16


At some or the other point in life, we tend to hide a lot of secrets from our parents even with the existing bonds of love and care that we share with them. These might be due to various reasons but happens due to compulsion or as a mistake due to the natural human tendencies.Following are some of the points that explain some secrets which are hidden from the parents -Crush on someone − This is one of the biggest secrets that the children hide from their parents mainly in the stage of adulthood. The children tend to have an ... Read More

What will be the consequences if you hide some secrets from your parents?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


As children, we tend to hide many secrets from our parents due to obligations or even voluntarily. There are some good secrets that can be kept and there can be some ugly secrets as well.The problems and issues begin once these ugly secrets get revealed through some channel to your parents. It can create umpteen no. of problems for yourself and your parents. Some of them are as follows:Remaining under constant fearWhen children keep too many secrets hiding from the parents, they feel guilty at some point or the other of not maintaining the required transparency.There might be some secrets ... Read More

How will you convince your parents to be sincere and honest?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Education gives a person critical thinking skills. The new generation youth are being exposed to new ideologies from the educational institutes and getting aware of the outside world. As the saying goes, charity begins at home and the children would definitely want the principles and values being taught to them by their educators to be present in totality in their own homes.But there can be instances where the parents, especially the public servants are enablers in the evils like corruption and nepotism. Parents will start acting upon the words when there is a shift from deficit to abundance in the ... Read More

Should parents change their mentality while dealing with their kids?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 20-May-2022 10:39:55


Bringing up children is one of the most difficult tasks for the parents/ guardians around the globe. The children have their own set of needs and desires while there are some expectations from the parents’ end as well.This topic always fetches debates and discussions related to the confusion whether there is a need to alter the thinking of parents minutely or radically to support and deal with the kids of this generation. The following factors are influencing the kids today to a large extent:Influence of the TimePost- 1991, there has been a revolution in the life styles of the people ... Read More

How should parents help their child to choose a career?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 20-May-2022 08:41:05


Repenting for the things you have done is much better than the things you have not done. As the philosophers have said, life is extremely short and every moment has to be lived up to the fullest. Every child is a unique creation gifted with so much potential to do something s/he is passionate about. To make a good career of your passion, parents play a very important role in becoming the guiding forces for their kids to choose their career -Holistic EducationTo set the children on the right path of career, it is most important to give them the ... Read More

How should parents handle their teenagers problems?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


During the teenage of their sons and daughters, parents face equal or even more sum of trouble in terms of stress and depression in handling their problems. During this phase, parents too are confused and are sometimes helpless to handle any situation, which their children encounter at this phase of life. Hence, it is important to make a note of the different tips that help in handling teenagers’ problems -Stay Patient and CalmThis is the biggest mantra that has to be adhered by the parents during this phase. Anger and frustration have no room for the parents because your children ... Read More

What are the health benefits of rice water for babies?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 10-May-2022 06:56:12

5K+ Views

Rice water is not a replacement for breast milk or formula but is used as an effective replacement by many South Indian mothers. It is not only simple and cost-effective but also easily available in every kitchen. It only needs Rice and water to prepare the rice water soup.Take two tablespoons of rice and one cup of water and boil it in water until the rice becomes soft. After the rice is cooked well, the water is strained and collected. This makes what we call the Rice Water. Though it is very simple and easy to prepare it has been ... Read More
