Found 597 Articles for Management

How to be a Champion Scrum Master!

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 07:53:30


Do you like to be at the center stage when the management showers the praises and appreciates with thundering applause? Of course, those are the golden moments that everyone is dreaming about. But, is it easy to be a champion without adequate knowledge and skills? No, not at all. You should have all the required skills to excel.And when we talk about a role like Scrum Master, which is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted in many organizations, how come, a person effectively play the role and it’s responsibilities and becomes a champion scrum master, isn’t it challenging?Let’s discuss how you can ... Read More

Helpful Insights to Control the Cost of Your Project

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 21-Jan-2020 12:12:19


Managing a project is not everybody’s cup of tea. There are many aspects of the projects which we need to plan and manage perfectly to achieve the desired success, whether it is the scope, schedule, cost or quality. It is also seen that many times, the project runs into trouble only because the Project Manager fails to monitor and control the project cost.So it is important to manage the project cost throughout the project with proper planning and controlling the project budget. To manage the project cost effectively, there are certain activities which we need to perform initially.Planning the Cost: ... Read More

Don’t Miss the Milestones – Sequence the Activities

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 09:26:13


Managing the schedule of a Project is not an easy task. Once the project schedule is delayed then the Project Manager and the team has to burn the midnight oil to get back the schedule on track. So, instead of waiting to cross that bridge when you come to it, better plan it properly as early as possible. During planning, one of the important steps is to sequence the activities using proper methods and techniques.Sequencing the activities is the process of identifying the dependencies and relationships among the activities, and then putting them in a logical sequence to obtain accurate ... Read More

Developing an Effective Test Strategy

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 08:19:45


A test strategy document is a test outline document that explains the testing approach of the software development cycle. It is created by the test managers to inform clients, project managers, testers, and developers about some key issues and decisions of the testing process. This includes the testing objective, methods of testing new functions, total time and resources required for the project, and the testing environment. It is a strategy plan for defining testing approach, what you want to accomplish and how you are going to achieve it.It helps in evading all unclear and uncertain requirements and creating a basic ... Read More

Controlling the Schedule to Protect your Project from Deviation

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 08:11:56


Managing a project is not everybody’s cup of tea; it is certainly a tough row to hoe. Whether it is a large scale project or a medium scale project, there are many important facets of the project which require a constant monitoring to keep them on track. You cannot encapsulate your project for a safe run, changes are inevitable, and it is impossible to turn down the change requests. Thus, it is a bitter pill to swallow for the managers to control the project by simultaneously accepting the expected and unexpected changes.So, the project managers have to be alert enough ... Read More

Compress The Schedule to Hit The Target

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 08:06:48


A common nightmare for the project managers across the industries is to keep the schedule on track. But most often, for various reasons the schedule goes hay-way. It can be an unrealistic schedule planning which often happens in today’s competitive market, or due to any unforeseen incidents or in-case of any force majeure. For instance, if project schedules gets out of hand, the managers for the respective projects will have to run pillar to post to bring the project on track. But, that is not the same case always, it is also observed that sometimes due to the client or ... Read More

Avoid Scope Creep: Control Your Project Scope

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:34:18


Let us discuss our favorite and one of the champion Project Manager Mr. K, who is working in a renowned software product company. He is successfully managing a project for last seven months. All his stakeholders, including the client, are very pleased with the project progress so far. Also, the senior management of his company is impressed by the way he is managing the project and generating the revenue for last seven months. It’s a big client, already two more big projects of the same client have been delivered by his company a few months back.One day, he got an ... Read More

Resource Crunch: A Nightmare for Project Managers during Deadline

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:25:17


When everything goes well, nobody cares about the project’s resources, they become a dime a dozen. And smart project managers always keep their resource plan with them for any unwanted situation. But, the problem comes when the project is hitting the deadlines and some of your activities are far away from completion and you are not able to achieve the target with the planned, committed and available resources. Then these Project Managers caught between two stools, either the deadline will be missed, or include additional resources whoever is available to complete the work in allotted time.But the biggest problem here ... Read More

WBS – Simplify your Work to save Cost and Time

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:27:36


Let’s discuss a scenario, you bought a piece of land in the outskirts of the city. It is a calm and quite place, surroundings with green lush nature. A pleasant escape from the busy and noisy city life. You love to build a house there to stay forever.So, as planned, you have started to build your house, and hired the Laborer, Masons, Carpenters etc., and also purchased the raw materials. Fixed a specific time period to complete the work.Coming to the most important part is the budget. For that, you take expert opinions from your friends and neighbors, who had ... Read More

Useful Techniques To Identify Your Project Risk

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:10:05


Before starting a long journey on your car, isn’t it a general practice to check all the vital components of it? Most of us do check the conditions of important parts like tyres, oil levels, lights, mirrors etc to ensure that they are running in good conditions. But, what is the necessity of doing that? That’s because we want to ensure that at least we will not face any problem on the way just because of our carelessness. But the uncertainty is still there, you never know when any unexpected events left you high and dry on a lonely highway.You ... Read More
