Found 273 Articles for Health

9 Ways Practicing Yoga Benefits Health & Well-being

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:20:45


Yoga is a long-standing tradition that has gained popularity recently. It includes a set of positions, breathing exercises, and meditation that support emotional, mental, and bodily health. Scientific studies have confirmed the numerous advantages of yoga practice. This article will examine nine ways yoga can improve your health and well-being. These include better sleep, stronger muscles, lowered stress levels, boosted immune function, improved mental clarity and concentration, and increased well-being. Incorporating yoga into your regimen can improve your life whether you are an experienced yogi or are just beginning. 1. Improves Flexibility and Balance Yoga's capacity to increase ... Read More

Can a Face Ice Bath Cure a Hangover Bust Anxiety Clear Skin & More?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:19:54


Face ice baths have become popular in recent years to possibly treat hangovers, reduce anxiety, get clear skin, and offer other health advantages. The procedure entails briefly immersing the skin in icy water. Some people are confident about its effectiveness, while others are unsure of its advantages. This piece will examine the science behind face ice baths and their purported advantages, safe practices, and potential substitutes. While facial ice baths may have some benefits, speaking with a healthcare provider before implementing new health regimens is always advisable. The Supposed Benefits of Face ice Baths Face ice showers are said ... Read More

Potential Health Benefits & Risks of Ginger for Type 2 Diabetes

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:17:44


Chronic Type II diabetes is characterized by an inability of the body to use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels efficiently. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, helps carry blood glucose into the cells required for cellular energy. High blood glucose levels in type-II diabetes are brought on by insufficient insulin synthesis or resistance to its effects. Obesity, physical inactivity, age, and family history are all Type-II diabetes risk factors. Frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, tiredness, and sluggish wound healing are a few symptoms that are usually present. Ginger is a popular spice that has long been ... Read More

Is it Hives or something else?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:13:44


Hives happen when welts develop that itch, swell, are red or white, and have no recognized cause. Chronic idiopathic hives are characterized by welts that persist for at least six weeks. The truth is that many skin conditions might be mistaken for chronic hives, even though any skin rash may appear to you to be an allergic reaction or hives. How to Detect Whether it is Chronic Hives? A dermatologist visit is an excellent initial step to confirm a diagnosis and find relief if you discover a persistent, itchy skin rash. The best ways to identify what's causing the ... Read More

What is the Gut Microbiome?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 16:13:06


Your body is home to millions of viruses, fungi and bacteria. The collective term to describe them is microbiome. While some bacteria lead to illness, others are crucial for the health of your immune system, heart, weight, and several other body systems. The gut microbiome is discussed in this article, along with its significance for your health. Gut Microbiome- What is it? Microorganisms, or microbes, are minute living creatures like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes. There are trillions of these microbes, mostly on your skin and your gut. The majority of the microbes in your intestines are known ... Read More

9 Dance Workouts to Try at Home or Stream From Anywhere

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 15:40:08


The use of dance as a form of exercise, whether at home or on the road, is growing in popularity. In addition to providing an excellent cardiovascular exercise, these classes also include a wide range of dance styles and musical genres. There is a dance exercise out there for everyone, whether they enjoy the elegance of ballet or the intensity of hip-hop. This post will introduce you to nine distinct styles of dance-based exercises that may be done at home or accessed online. Zumba Zumba is a high-intensity dancing exercise that combines Latin-influenced dance techniques with joyful music. A ... Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Circadian Rhythms and How They Affect Sleep

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 15:37:53


Changes in both body and mind occur at regular intervals throughout the day, known as circadian rhythms. The 24-hour circadian rhythm plays a significant role in keeping us awake and attentive throughout the day and preparing us for sleep at night. It affects our metabolism, hormonal balance, and even how hot or cold we feel. Our internal biological clock, or circadian rhythm, may disconnect from our daily routine and external conditions. Understanding your sleep-wake cycle and the factors interrupting your circadian rhythm might help you receive the rest you need. We also discuss methods for establishing and keeping a regular ... Read More

Everything You Need to Know About Chromium

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 16:10:26


There are many different types of chromium since it is a mineral. While industrial pollution is a harmful source, many foods naturally contain a harmless version. Trivalent chromium, the safest form, is considered an essential nutrient and must be consumed regularly. Several scientists have doubted the importance of this mineral. However, it has multiple crucial roles in keeping the body running. In the case of the hormone insulin, it is a component of a molecule called chromodulin that facilitates the hormone's effects in the body. The pancreas secretes a chemical called insulin, which plays a crucial role in how ... Read More

How to Quit Vaping: A Practical Guide

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 16:03:50


There have been stories of serious lung ailments caused by vaping, which may cause you to reconsider starting the habit. Maybe you're concerned about the additional health risks connected with vaping and wish to steer clear of them. No matter your motivation, we provide the tools you need to finally kick the habit. Find out What's Making you Want to Give up If you haven't already, give yourself time to reflect on why you want to stop. The first step is always the most difficult. If you can isolate these causes, you'll have a better shot at achieving your ... Read More

The Truth About the Rhythm Method

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 14-Apr-2023 15:49:07


Throughout the beginning, people have desired and needed the ability to avoid becoming pregnant. Before the invention of the birth control pill and condoms, heterosexual couples were required to keep track of when they were most likely to get pregnant in their monthly cycle and abstain from sexual activity during those days. Nowadays, we refer to this practice as periodic abstinence, also often called the rhythm technique. Fertility Awareness or the Rhythm Method Pregnancy may be avoided using the fertility awareness technique (FAM) or the Rhythm method(RM). Methods other than hormone replacement therapy are used to identify ovulation, so ... Read More
