Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

Cyber Security Policy

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:05:50


Cyber security generally works for securing the organization’s important assets, Employee details, and the operations performed from the hacker’s attacks or Hacks. The Cyber Security solutions are available to have a secure and less risky operation from cyber-attacks. High authorities and IT professionals both are more prone to cyber-attacks, so they need to take security precautions to limit the loss of their data and assets. Not only IT experts and senior managers should be concerned about security in an organization. The Employees and persons working in a computer system should know the cybersecurity policy for protecting their data and systems. ... Read More

Cyber System Security

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:04:45


The Cyber System generally means the word related to a group of computers or Information Technology. And Cyber security means the security of cyber systems. It provides a wide range of functions namely Information Technology, Networking, Computer systems, and mainly cyber security operations. Cyber System Security secures the computer system from cyber-attacks. It protects the system and the personal data, credentials, and passwords. Due to the developments in technology, the risks, and the cost to retain the services becoming higher. Cyber System A system that utilizes cyberspace is referred to as a cyber system. Information infrastructures, as well as ... Read More

Types of Cyber Attacks

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:10:05


In the digital world, everybody is accessible to applications, digital systems, and software. We get the details of the things we want easily on the internet today, so it is a positive change in our lives. But compared to the positive one, we should deal with the negative thing also. And the main challenge is cyber-attacks. It has been increasing every year when people try to access vulnerable sites. The main objective of cyber-attacks is data manipulation, stealing of data, and decreasing the performance of the system. There are many types of cyber-attacks and some of them are given here. ... Read More

How to Prepare for Machine Learning Security Risks?

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 14:34:43


Introduction Machine learning (ML) is a fast expanding field with the potential to completely transform a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. Nonetheless, security issues must be handled as with any new technology. This post will go through some of the major dangers connected to ML and offer solutions for risk reduction. Machine Learning Security Risks Let's first go over the many kinds of machine learning security concerns you can run across so that we are better equipped to deal with them. Types of Machine Learning Security Risks There are several types of machine learning ... Read More

21 Server Security Tips to Secure Your Server

Satish Kumar
Updated on 28-Mar-2023 10:17:47


Introduction Server security is essential for any business or organization that relies on a server to store, process, and share data. A secure server ensures that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access, theft, and cyberattacks. In this article, we will share 21 server security tips to help you secure your server and safeguard your data. Keep Your Server Software Updated One of most important server security tips is to keep your server software updated. Software updates often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities. Failure to update your software can leave your server open to attacks. Use Strong Passwords ... Read More

How to Reduce Risk of Exposure to CSRF, XSRF, or XSS Attacks?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:45:52


We all rely extensively on the internet for our daily activities in today's digital world. We all utilise numerous websites and programmes to do these duties, whether it's online shopping, social networking, or internet banking. While the internet has made our lives easier, it has also introduced new vulnerabilities like as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and cross-site resource forgery (XSRF). These flaws may cause severe harm, ranging from data theft to website defacement, and can even endanger people's lives. In this post, we'll look at how you may limit your vulnerability to these assaults. What are XSS, ... Read More

How To Prevent Ransomware Attack?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:42:11


Ransomware is a type of malware that has been a growing threat to individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Ransomware encrypts the victim's files and demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key. The ransom can be a significant amount of money, and paying it does not guarantee the recovery of the encrypted data. In this article, we will explore how to prevent ransomware attacks and protect your data from this malicious threat. Keep Your Software Up to Date Keeping your software up to date is an essential step in preventing ransomware attacks. Software developers regularly release updates to fix ... Read More

How to Prevent Broken Access Control?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:41:16


As more and more services move online, the importance of access control becomes increasingly clear. Access control refers to the processes that limit the ability of unauthorized individuals or entities to access resources, whether those resources are software, data, or physical spaces. Broken access control is one of the most common vulnerabilities in software, and it's also one of the most damaging. In this article, we'll explore what broken access control is, what its consequences can be, and most importantly, how to prevent it. What is Broken Access Control? Broken access control refers to a situation in which an attacker ... Read More

What is PeStudio

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:37:52


PeStudio is a popular and powerful software analysis tool that allows users to analyze executable files for various Windows operating systems. The software was developed by the Belgian company, Marc Ochsenmeier, and is widely used by malware analysts, software developers, and security researchers around the world. We will provide an overview of what PeStudio is, how it works, features it provides to its users. The article also includes limitations and recent advancements of PeStudio. What is PeStudio? PeStudio is a tool that provides users with a detailed analysis of executable files, specifically those running on Windows operating systems. The software ... Read More

How Applications Coexist over TCP and UDP?

sudhir sharma
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 11:48:41


When computers communicate over the internet, they follow a set of rules and protocols to ensure that data reaches its intended destination. These protocols outline how data is sent, received, and processed by computers, and are necessary for ensuring that the communication is successful. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a reliable protocol that guarantees data is delivered in the correct order and without any errors. It's used for web browsing, file transfers, and email since these applications require reliable and ordered data delivery. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a lightweight but less reliable protocol. Unlike TCP, UDP doesn't guarantee reliability ... Read More
