Found 14 Articles for Celestial bodies

Difference between Asteroid and Comet

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 05-Feb-2024 16:11:51


Introduction Difference between Asteroid and comet is an important concept of Astronomy. Celestial bodies like planets, asteroids, comets etc orbit the sun. Asteroids and comets are sometimes termed as “time capsule” since they hold information about the solar system. They both are made from the leftovers of the moon and planets and formed about 4.5 billion years ago. These two sometimes can have unusual orbits due to gravitational disturbances and drift nearer to any planet. The main difference between asteroids and comets is their composition i.e., with what they are made of. Asteroids are metallic or rocky bodies without ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:44:14


Introduction It is common to hear the terms Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe used interchangeably among intelligent people. For instance, you could hear, "how many stars are in our solar system?" or, "Which is the largest planet in the Solar system?" As suggested by its name, the solar system is connected to the Sun. Almost all of the time, the solar system is commanded and governed by the Sun, whose gravitational force keeps the planets in their orbit. Moreover, the Sun also provides energy in the form of light, heat, and other forms, which is crucial. Planets of the ... Read More

Dwarf Planets

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Jan-2023 12:48:04


Introduction Astrophysics is the branch of science that gives all information about the universe and our place. The surrounding that covers the total universe is called space. The universe contains all planets, stars, galaxies, and various forms of energy in the universe. Some of them have their illumination among the above. The solar system consists of the sun which is surrounded by the planets such as mercury, venus, earth, mars Jupiter Saturn, and uranium. They revolve around the sun in their path. The knowledge about celestial bodies such as the sun, planets, comets, stars, and galaxies is gathered from the ... Read More

Difference Between Asteroid and Meteoroid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 17-Jan-2023 11:09:53


Introduction Astrophysics is the major subject to develop knowledge about celestial objects. The study of the sun, the comets, the stars, asteroids, meteoroids, and galaxies is called astrophysics. The birth of the stars and their life and the end of the stars are studied through this. Asteroids are small celestial objects which orbit around the sun. The orbit of the asteroid is in between Mars and Jupiter. A comet contains small rigid material. This material is covered by substances with high masses. Water, methane, and ammonia are the substances that cover the material. These substances are easily vapourised. It rotates ... Read More

Difference Between Equinox and Solstice

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 12:15:11


Introduction While orbiting the sun, a planet revolves around itself. The time it takes a planet to orbit itself once is called a period of rotation. The rotation time of the earth is 23 hours and 56 minutes. Therefore, a day on earth is 24 hours. Only the planets in our solar system can survive on the earth we live on. Because it is at the right distance from the sun, the earth has the right temperature, the right source of water, the right atmosphere, and the ozone layer. Life can continue on earth. Due to the reflection of light ... Read More

Difference Between Stars and Planets

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:29:49


Introduction Planets and stars, being astronomical bodies are held together because of their individual gravity. Distinguishing stars from planets is very important to identify them as different astronomical bodies. Most of the stars possess a particular shape and from the Earth, these are deemed to be a size of a mere dot. The speed of a star is another important factor that is greater than the speed of any other object, especially from planets. About stars Stars are significant celestial bodies that have their own energy and light. The components of a star are mainly Helium and ... Read More

Difference Between Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse

Updated on 21-Aug-2023 10:05:42


Introduction An eclipse can be defined as an event that occurs when one celestial body comes in front of another celestial body and the whole thing can be seen from a third celestial body. The line-up or the alignment of this event has a scientific name; it is called syzygy. Eclipse can be divided mainly into two types, solar and lunar. When the moon comes in between the sun and earth, it creates solar eclipse. On the other hand when the earth itself comes in between moon and sun, lunar eclipse occurs. What is a solar eclipse? Figure ... Read More

The Escape Velocity of Earth

Updated on 18-Aug-2023 17:43:52


Introduction It is often that we wonder how it is possible for any mass to deny the gravitational pull of the earth. The mass of the earth is $\mathrm{5.972\:\times\:10^24\:kg}$ is quite heavy and based on its mass, its pull will be much stronger in nature. This leads to the question of its possibilities and that provides the answer that the rockets induce the principle of huge velocities that are better known to be escape velocities. With this force exerted, the rockets are able to suppress the high gravitational pull of the earth and travel to outer space. What are ... Read More

Solar System

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:52:59


Introduction The solar system includes several non-steller objects that comprise gases as well as lesser bodies. The sun locates in the center of this system and all the planets are turning around the Sun. The planets are also surrounded by their satellites. Besides this, countless asteroid comets along with different icy bodies are included in the solar system. This system is divided into two different groups’ rocky planets and gas planets. The rocky planets comprise the closest four planets like "Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars” which are made of different solid rocks as well as metal. The ... Read More

Rotation and Revolution

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The spinning motion of an object, around its own axis is referred to as rotation. An object's orbital motion that is cantered on any other object is known as the revolution. The earth rotates around itself and produces day and night. This is an example of rotation and when it moves around the Sun in a particular path this is regarded as a revolutionary process. Description of Rotation Based on a centre of a particular object, the rotation is a significant and circular movement. The two most important elements of a rotation are the centre of the whole rotation ... Read More
