Found 6702 Articles for Database

Fetching list of products from SAP: connecting SAP database from .net application

Monica Mona
Updated on 12-Dec-2019 06:53:34


You can troubleshoot by trying a telnet to SAP system.Open a command prompt on the system you are running your .net application and try to telnet server having SAP system installed.Telnet 3300If you using a local system, try using a hostname instead of loopback IP address and make an entry in host file of the system.How to find host file in the system?Press the Windows key.Type Notepad in the search field.In the search results, right-click Notepad and select Run as administrator.From Notepad, open the following file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.Make the necessary changes to the file. Click File -> Save to save your ... Read More

Delete duplicate alphanumeric entries from column data in SQL

Nitya Raut
Updated on 18-Dec-2019 10:05:14


You can opt for using regular expressions to remove the duplicate numbers from column c or any other intended column.ExampleSELECT REPLACE_REGEXPR ('([A-Za-z0-9])\1+' in 'BB11222343CC'    WITH '\1'    OCCURRENCE ALL) FROM OutputB12343C
