One-to-Many or Many-to-One Relationship in DBMS

A relationship can be One-to-Many or Many-to-One in DBMS. Let us see what that means with examples −

One-to-Many Relationship

One-to-Many relationship in DBMS is a relationship between instances of an entity with more than one instance of another entity.

The relation can be shown as −

Let us see an example −

A student can work on more than one project. Student and Project are entities here. An individual student working on 2 projects at a time would be considered as One-to-Many relationship in DBMS as shown below:

Many to One Relationship

Many-to-One relationship in DBMS is a relationship between more than one instances of an entity with one instance of another entity.

The relation can be stated as −

A project can have more than one student working on it. A team of five students in a college in assigned a project that they need to complete in let us say one month. This states a relationship between two entities Student and Project.

Updated on: 06-Sep-2023

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