Python - Nested Dictionaries

Nested Dictionaries

A Python dictionary is said to have a nested structure if value of one or more keys is another dictionary. A nested dictionary is usually employed to store a complex data structure.

The following code snippet represents a nested dictionary:

marklist = {
   "Mahesh" : {"Phy" : 60, "maths" : 70},
   "Madhavi" : {"phy" : 75, "maths" : 68},
   "Mitchell" : {"phy" : 67, "maths" : 71}

Nested Dictionaries Example

The following example shows the creation and element traverse of a nested dictionary in Python.

marklist = {
   "Mahesh" : {"Phy" : 60, "maths" : 70},
   "Madhavi" : {"phy" : 75, "maths" : 68},
   "Mitchell" : {"phy" : 67, "maths" : 71}
for k,v in marklist.items():
   print (k, ":", v)

It will produce the following output

Mahesh : {'Phy': 60, 'maths': 70}
Madhavi : {'phy': 75, 'maths': 68}
Mitchell : {'phy': 67, 'maths': 71}

Access Values of Inner Dictionary

It is possible to access value from an inner dictionary with [] notation or get() method.


print (marklist.get("Madhavi")['maths'])
print (obj.get('Phy'))
print (marklist['Mitchell'].get('maths'))

It will produce the following output
