8 Teas That Can Help or Harm Your Heart

Tea is a popular beverage consumed by more than 3 billion people across the world and is available in countless varieties. From green Tea to English breakfast, there is a flavor for everyone. But this wide variety of teas means there are also numerous ways to customize your favorite drink further.

Consuming Tea has a direct effect on the heart. Tea consumption has an immediate impact on the functioning of the heart. The favorable effect that Tea has on cardiovascular function can be attributed to the fact that it has been consumed in China for thousands of years, dating back to the Tang era (618 - 907 AD). By regulating cholesterol levels in the blood and lowering triglyceride levels, Tea and its fractions may prevent atherosclerosis. Tea also helps lower high cholesterol by increasing the number of "good" HDL (high-density lipoprotein) particles that remove LDL (low-density lipoprotein) from your bloodstream.

Consuming more than eight cups of Tea a day may not be the best option if you want to get the health benefits of Tea, as doing so has been linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Have you heard that second only to water, most people around the globe drink Tea? Take a look at the health implications of consuming various types of Tea. This post will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of Tea consumption. Learn which of your many choices of Tea-from matcha to black-is healthiest for your heart.

1. Matcha Tea

Matcha is green Tea made from whole ground powder - not simply dried leaves crushed into pieces. Because it uses whole ground leaves instead of just dried leaves, matcha has higher levels of nutrients and antioxidants than other green Tea, which uses only the dried leaf portions at harvest time. Catechins are a type of antioxidant that have been shown to have beneficial effects on cholesterol and heart health. Matcha contains higher levels of these catechins than other types of Green Tea. Studies show that matcha may help lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol, two important risk factors for heart disease.

2. Black Tea

Black Tea is made from tea bush leaves, harvested just before they reach peak production. Black Tea has higher levels of polyphenol antioxidants than green Tea and contains a better balance of nutrients. The polyphenols in black Tea protect cells against damage by free radicals that could lead to heart disease. Studies show that black Tea may also improve blood sugar control in people with Type II diabetes or prediabetes.

3. Pu-erh Tea

Pu-erh is a green and black Tea, although it is traditionally made from only the fermented leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Pu-erh Tea has been shown to possess high catechins and other antioxidants. These antioxidants are believed to help reduce oxidative stress, which is known to be a significant driver of heart disease. Pu-erh Tea may also help heal the lining of veins in the heart, an issue commonly found in people with coronary artery disease.

4. Herbal Tea

Green and herbal teas are both common herbal supplements that have been proven to positively affect one's health and cardiovascular system. Herbal teas have been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels; however, pregnant women or on medication for either of these problems should avoid drinking herbal teas because they may affect the dosage needed for the medicine. Herbal teas may include components that, if used regularly, could compromise the effectiveness of birth control tablets. Consuming herbal or green Tea for its health advantages does not put a person at risk of adverse drug interactions with his current prescription regimen because these teas have the same risks and benefits for one's overall health.

5. Fruit Tea

Fruit teas are made from various fruits such as blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, orange, or apple. These fruit types are blended and then made into Tea. Extracts derived from these fruit types can help with weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food. Fruit teas may also reduce cholesterol but should be avoided when taking drugs for these conditions and during pregnancy because they can interfere with medication dosage requirements. Fruit teas are safe during breastfeeding, but care should be taken to check individual fruit types that may harm the infant, such as apricot kernel extract or quince fruit extract. Fruit teas are healthy additions to the diet and can help promote a healthy heart.

6. Genmai Tea

Genmaicha is also known as brown rice tea or popcorn tea due to its appearance after brewing - it looks like popcorn! This type of Tea is made from roasted brown rice combined with green tea leaves, which gives it a nutty taste and pleasant aroma. Since Genmaicha is rich in antioxidants, it may prevent cell damage that could otherwise cause cardiovascular disease. Animal research has shown that genmaicha can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol in rats.

7. Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is made from the Jasmine plant's flowers, gathered just before they open. The cup of Tea prepared from jasmine flowers may be called an "essence". Jasmine teas contain more antioxidants than other types of green and black teas and may help protect against heart disease.

8. Tisane

Tisane tea is simply a type of Tea prepared using herbs, flowers, or fruits in addition to the usual green or black Tea. Tisanes are often well-crafted beverages that may contain beneficial herbs and flowers but should be consumed cautiously because there are potential dangers of herb-drug interactions. Tisane teas should be avoided when taking drugs for heart conditions or during pregnancy and breastfeeding because they may interfere with their effectiveness.


It is essential to remember that Tea is not a single substance. There are many different teas with distinct health benefits and risks. Consume Tea and herbal supplement items with caution, and if you have any queries about the specific product you are taking, go to your doctor.

There will be times when you will drink a healthy cup of green or black Tea, and at other times there might only be one time when you'll consume some tisanes in your day. However, as long as you follow the above list to avoid unhealthy ingredients in your teas, drinks, and powders, enjoying them is completely safe.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2023


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