7 Powerful SEO link-building Strategies

All search engine optimization strategies should prioritize building quality backlinks. Yet, once they go online, you can't just leave them alone. Links can disappear, get poisoned, or lose value over time. You must always look for a new SEO link-building strategy to keep your site at the top of search engine results.

According to Google, links are an essential factor in search engine rankings. To rephrase, link building is essential to rank your site, and without them, who would bother?

The earlier link-building strategy was all about quantity! But, with the change in search engine algorithms, it mostly depends on “Quality.”

Hence, you should care about the quality of your backlink plan instead of quantity. You'll need to employ an efficient link-building strategy to locate promising backlink sources and have success.

In this article, you will discover seven of our most efficient link-building strategies for 2023.

7 Powerful SEO Link-building Strategies

Below are the seven most powerful SEO link-building strategies for your website.

Resource Page Link-Building Strategy

Developing links from resource pages, also known as "Resources Outreach," is an effective method for increasing the number and quality of inbound links to your site.

But let us first tell you what is link-building to resource pages and why it is so effective. Links to other relevant resources on a certain topic are commonly compiled on a "resources page."

You can attribute the success of this strategy to the fact that the primary purpose of these pages is to provide external links to relevant information. We advise you to contact these pages with well-thought-out proposals to include your blog post before the page's mission.

To improve your blog post's search engine ranks and your website's traffic, you may use resource campaigns designed specifically to do just that.

Perform Broken Link Building (BLB)

Broken link building (BLB) is an approach to securing links on resource pages that entails identifying already existing broken links (404 pages) and offering your blog as a replacement.

Once you've finished producing your content, the bulk of the legwork in gaining links has already been completed.

If you want to replace a broken link with one that points to your site, you should write a comprehensive tutorial on a topic related to your niche.

Use Infographics Creatively

Everyone has a sense of style when it comes to art. Therefore, we won't try to tell you what makes the best infographic.

Let's pretend you've finished making your infographic and are ready to show it to the world. Afterward, you'll need to draft some HTML code to insert the images into a web page and provide a clickable link to your site.

Promote Your Article on High-Authority Websites

Guest posting has now been among the most effective SEO tactic. The essence of guest blogging is locating niche-appropriate websites, contacting them to inquire whether they accept article submissions, and publishing your writing on those websites.

It is customary to suggest potential blog topics to such sites. If they approve one of your offers, you will write a guest post and include a link-building strategy to your website (either in the text or your author bio). That's the whole deal. You just created an extremely powerful backlink.

High-domain-authority websites should ideally be your target. You can use tools like Semrush, MOZ, or ahers to examine the domain authority of any website.

Use Citations

Producing citations is a great approach to getting a local link-building strategy. Local citations greatly aid users in their search for local businesses. Most importantly, they could significantly boost your local SERPs.

The term "citation" refers to mentioning your company's name, address, and phone number simultaneously.

References are present in print directories, online databases, and online communities. But, the quickest and easiest way to generate citations is through local company directories, which we'll do now. Business directories are available in just about every location, and listing your company in one is easy.

Use of HARO to Improve Your SEO

Inclusion in a journalist's report as a quoted source is a sure sign that you've graduated from the ranks of industry newbie to established professional. It won't magically make you an expert, but it will help you get there faster.

Of course, unless you're already doing this. That being the case, you shouldn't pass up the opportunity to get your work published. Can you truly get a no when asking to have a link to your site included in an article?

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is an online platform that links reporters needing expert comments with those willing to provide their services.

Participating as a source and providing information in response to a journalist's request could earn you a new backlink and positive publicity.

Nevertheless, this is conditional on your email being well-written and answering all the issues raised by request. Remember to sign off with your name, author bio, and website URL.

Consider Guest Blogging

The most common link building strategy for gaining quality backlinks is guest blogging, which you have undoubtedly already tried.

While you may have heard that Google discourages guest posting, that doesn't imply you should ignore the practice. The intention is to put everything in the updated form of guest posting.

To get the most out of your guest blogging strategy, you should approach it with an educational mindset and seek sites that distribute external content without promoting guest posting options.

Top-tier and authority sites within that sphere are more likely to publish your excellent material due to their relevance.

Communicating with a publication that doesn't advertise a call for pitches is more challenging than it sounds. In these outreach letters, you should emphasize why their readers should care about your material.


We feel it's important to emphasize that link-building isn't going away. Naturally, developing links is a time-consuming endeavor, but it's essential if you want to boost and sustain your search engine ranks.

It is important to remember that while focusing on local link building strategy, it is preferable to seek out links with their origins in the same region. In addition, if you prefer high-quality links pertinent to your location, you will see a rapid rise in your search engine ranks.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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