7 Winning Video Marketing Strategies for 2023

You're probably aware of how powerful videos are, whether you're viewing them on social media, in emails, or in online stores. With proper video marketing, your brand can rise above the competition and improve its engagement, visibility, and conversion rate. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, it's important that you implement the right video marketing strategies.

Despite the increasing popularity of videos, it is still important that we continue to update our marketing strategies to keep up with the changes in the digital world. Even though videos are becoming more popular, the landscape of video marketing is constantly changing. This is why it’s important that you keep up with the latest trends and techniques to promote your business. These seven strategies can help you create compelling videos that will catch the attention of your target audience without requiring excessive resources or time.

What's Trending in Videos in 2023?

Consumers are becoming more inclined to watch videos to learn more about products and brands. According to a study by NogenTech, 91% of marketers will use video content in 2023, and the rise of streaming services such as YouTube has been attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey conducted by marketing firm Statista in November 2022 revealed that 86% of marketers use videos on Facebook for their marketing efforts. YouTube is also the most popular social media platform among the respondents, with around 90% of them using it.

7 Helpful Video Marketing Strategies for 2023

In social media marketing, video can be used in various ways. We're not limited to polished educational videos or TV-style ads. With the rise of live-streaming videos, editing apps, and an interest in authenticity, it's easier than ever to learn how to use video. Here are seven helpful video marketing strategies that can help you grow in 2023 −

Repurpose your Videos

Aside from filming and editing, it’s also important to consider other aspects when it comes to creating captivating videos. This includes understanding your audience's problems, developing unique ideas, creating a content calendar, and crafting engaging scripts.

Repurposing videos is a great way to save money and time. It can be done in various ways, and it can also help you find new ways to use your existing content. For instance, you can easily repurpose educational videos, product videos, and testimonials.

Explore Short-form Vertical Videos

TikTok and YouTube Shorts dominated the short-form vertical video market in 2022, and they will continue to do so in 2023. As the platform continues to grow, it’s becoming more important that brands and celebrities use it to their advantage. Here are some tips on how to make the most of this platform: Be as authentic and casual as possible. Also, be sure to interact with your audience, as the platform is built on responses and trends.

Before the rise of video-sharing platforms like TikTok, businesses had to spend thousands of dollars on hiring professional video production companies to make their advertisements look professional. However, with the increasing popularity of these platforms, audiences are now demanding lower production values.

Add UGC Videos to your Marketing Campaigns

Consumers are tired of seeing overproduced videos from companies. Instead, they prefer to see content that is both authentic and relatable. User-generated content can help brands create effective marketing videos that resonate with their target audience. This type of content can be used to create a connection with customers and increase brand trust.

One of the easiest ways to create video content is by sharing user-generated content, which is a type of content that your audience can create. This strategy can help boost your social media presence and build a stronger community. Aside from being free, user-generated content can also help build a stronger relationship with your followers. According to a study, consumers are more likely to say that authentic content is more authentic than brand-produced content.

Live Video

Almost every social media platform now has live video options, and 63% of all users between 18 and 34 are watching content regularly. While TikTok is famous for its short videos, live videos are much longer, and audiences are more likely to spend several hours watching them as a form of entertainment.

Make your Videos Feel Personal

One of the main reasons why videos work better than other forms of media is that they allow you to connect with your audience emotionally. Unfortunately, many companies are not focused on developing emotional content and are instead rolling out overly produced videos that are not only unemotional but also tend to leave viewers feeling disconnected. Creating a genuine and personal one can be very effective in this era.

Social Media Stories

Stories are short videos that are commonly shared on social media. They originated on Snapchat, which only shows videos for 24 hours before they vanish. Since Instagram released its own version of the format known as the story, it has become a popular feature on various platforms, such as WhatsApp, TikTok, and Facebook. Stories are very easy to create and are ideal for sharing content because they allow users to connect with their followers without tiring them out.

The goal of a story is to create interactive content that will engage your audience and boost brand loyalty. This can be done through the use of various polls, quizzes, and questions. Having a strong community and building relationships are two of the most important factors that you can consider when it comes to creating effective stories on Instagram.

Use Animated Videos

People tend to love animated videos because they bring back fond memories of their childhood. They can also remind them of favorite childhood shows, such as "Scooby-Doo" and "Looney Tunes." These types of videos are more engaging than standard ones, and they can help you connect with your audience in a way that's not possible with other content. Businesses should consider utilizing these types of videos in their content strategy.


One of the smartest ways to promote your business in 2023 and beyond is by utilizing video marketing. It is incredibly accessible, has built-in value, and can create content that will resonate with your audience and stir up strong emotions, which can ultimately lead to sales. If you are a small business owner who is not yet investing in a video marketing strategy, then you should start now because the trends that will affect the industry this year are incredibly accessible and have a low barrier to entry.

Updated on: 10-May-2023


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