LESS - String Functions


Less supports some of the string functions as listed below −

  • escape
  • e
  • % format
  • replace

The following table describes the above string functions along with description.

Sr.No. Types & Description Example


It encodes a string or information by using URL encoding on special characters. You could not encode some characters such as , , / , ? , @ , & , + , ~ , ! , $ , ' and some characters you can encode such as \ , # , ^ , ( , ) , { , } , : , > , < , ] , [ and =.

escape("Hello!! welcome to Tutorialspoint!")

It outputs escaped string as −



It is a string function which uses string as parameter and returns the information without quotes. It is a CSS escaping which uses ~"some content" escaped values and numbers as parameters.

filter: e("Hello!! welcome to Tutorialspoint!");

It outputs escaped string as −

filter: Hello!! welcome to Tutorialspoint!;

% format

This function formats a string. It can be written with the following format −

%(string, arguments ...)
format-a-d: %("myvalues: %a myfile: %d", 2 + 3, 

It outputs the formatted string as −

format-a-d: "myvalues: 5 myfile: 


It is used to replace the text within a string. It uses some parameters −

  • string − It searches the string and replace in.

  • pattern − It searches the regular expression pattern.

  • replacement − It replaces the string that matches the pattern.

  • flags − These are optional regular expression flags.

replace("Welcome, val?", "val\?", 
"to Tutorialspoint!");

It replaces the string as −

"Welcome, to Tutorialspoint!"