Which one is faster between JavaScript and an ASP script?

In this article, we are going to discuss about the quickest language between JavaScript and ASP script.

JavaScript is a light weighted and compiled language. It is a popular client-side scripting language. The content of JavaScript code is visible to the users. The extension for a JavaScript file is .js.

Active Server Pages Script is popularly known as ASP script. It is a server-side scripting language to develop dynamic web pages. The extension for an ASP script file is .asp.

Consider a Three-tier architecture – Presentation layer, Application layer and Data layer. JavaScript is used in the presentation layer. JavaScript is used for UI behavior for the client-side. ASP script is used in the Application layer.

The difference between JavaScript files and ASP script files are

  • In case of JavaScript, when a browser requests an event like a normal HTML file, the server just returns the file. But in case of ASP script, when a browser requests an ASP file, the server passes the request to the ASP engine which reads and executes the scripts and renders back it to the User Interface.

  • As JavaScript is client-side scripting language, the codes or files are visible to the users. Whereas the code or files of ASP script is invisible to the users. So, the ASP script is more secure than the JavaScript.

In between JavaScript and ASP script, JavaScript is faster than ASP script. Because, JavaScript is restricted to browser side scripting, it cannot process server-side functions like connecting to a database and performing operations on it. But JavaScript returns a response to the user when a request is sent. JavaScript uses some of the tools like AJAX (Asynchronous JS And XML) to manage server-side requests. JavaScript code is inserted into HTML document. When an event occurs, all the events and code execute at the client side only. Thus, JavaScript code executes immediately. So, it is faster than server-side scripting languages like ASP.

ASP script is responsible for server-side actions like processing HTTP requests, running server-side programs, connecting to a data base and so on. The events are performed and processed at the server-side. So, ASP script is slower than JavaScript. The other server-side scripting languages are PHP, Ruby, Node.JS which manage server-side requests are slower than JavaScript. For example, consider a login page which manages server-side request to verify the login credentials with the database and render the response it to the user. It is time consuming to manage the server-side request, database check, API calls. So, it is slower than JavaScript.

Updated on: 08-Dec-2022


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