Which is the Best Institute in India to Provide Online Certifications in Digital Marketing?

Companies now prefer communicating with their target consumers through digital channels. Digital marketing is taking over the market because of its efficiency, increased reach, cost-effective channels, and consumer preference. Hence, it has become critical for job seekers as well as traditional marketers to understand and apply digital marketing techniques. Companies' survival in today's digital world has become difficult without digital marketing.

In this article, we will be understanding the concept of digital marketing and also state the top institutes for learning digital marketing online in India.

The concept of digital marketing

Any communication done by the company using digital platforms to sell its product, services, or brand name to customers, including potential ones, is known as digital marketing. Digital marketing is the new buzzword in the business world and is flourishing by leaps and bounds because customers today have access to high-speed internet and smartphones. The various wings of digital marketing are −

  • Social media marketing

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Search Engine Marketing or Paid Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Email Marketing

  • Content marketing

  • Website marketing, among others.

The top 4 online courses for digital marketing in India are

Google digital marketing courses (free courses) − Google has created a platform known as the digital garage. On that platform, an individual can find various courses related to digital marketing certified by Google. The course is free for individuals and is like a roller coaster ride from the basic to the intermediate to the advanced level. The duration of the course can range from 3 hours to 40 hours. An extensive volume of reading material and video content is provided to individuals. The various topics one can find in the digital marketing domain of the digital garage are −

  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing (provides certification to the learner)

  • How to start an online business

  • How to make sure customers find you online

  • How to promote a business with Google Ads or search engine marketing

  • How to Expand a Business into New Markets

  • Mobile Marketing

  • Promote your business with content marketing.

  • Social media advertising

  • YouTube Course (provides certification to the learner)

Google is a renowned browsing website, and the certificate holds great value for individuals. If you are planning to embark on the digital marketing journey, then certifications from Google are a must. You can find the area of expertise and do only those courses, or you can get an idea of all. You can find more details regarding the courses and the company here −


Udemy (paid courses) − It is an e-learning platform that provides users with online certification on various topics. An individual can find courses ranging from marketing to human resources to finance on Udemy easily. The price of these courses is low, and it is advisable to go through them. It provides the user with reading materials, tests, and video content. There are many offers coming up every now and then, so an individual must subscribe to its newsletters. It provides the learner with various courses, like −

  • Market Research

  • WordPress Setup

  • SEO and SEO writing

  • YouTube Marketing

  • Google Ads

  • LinkedIn Marketing

  • App Marketing

  • Email Marketing

  • Google Analytics

  • Social media marketing

  • Facebook Ads

The price is around $99, but the platform is famous for offering discounts. For Indians, each course might cost anything from INR 1200 to INR 3500. You can find more details regarding the courses and the company here −


Tutorials Point India (Paid Courses) − Tutorials Point (that's us) is another ed-tech platform that will help you in your digital learning journey. We have extensive courses in various domains, including digital marketing, technology, human resources, and others. The videos are pre-recorded, and we also have live learning sessions. An individual is bombarded with reading materials and webinars from industry experts in various domains. The various topics that an individual can cover in their digital marketing journey with Tutorials Point India Pvt. Ltd. are −

  • Social media marketing

  • Internet Marketing

  • Copywriting

  • Google Analytics

  • Email marketing

  • YouTube marketing

  • Content marketing

  • Affiliate marketing

  • SEO Marketing

The price of the course is around INR 20000, but an individual can get a discount and take the course for INR 2700. You can find more details regarding the course and the course structure on this website link −


HubSpot Academy (free and paid courses) − It is a leading digital marketing tool, and it provides the user with content marketing strategies, SEO tools, and others. An individual can gain immense knowledge on the workings of SEMrush tools through the below-mentioned course and can also learn the general trend of the digital marketing world through the courses. The course starts with the basics and would take you on a roller coaster ride, only moving upward. Names of some of the courses are −

  • Inbound Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Email Marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • Contextual Marketing

The academy also provides the learners with in-depth knowledge of the below-mentioned topics. But for these, an individual would have to pay a certain amount. One can check out the free courses, and if they like the teaching style and the reading material, they can avail themselves of the paid version. It is a renowned company, and the certification from here will have an impact on your CV.

  • Blogging

  • Facebook ads

  • SEO

  • Online marketing channels

You can find more details regarding the courses and the company here:


All these institutes are worth the cost and will be excellent choices for learners. The only disadvantage of courses through Google, HubSpot, SEMrush, and other big companies is that these companies will only provide you with knowledge on how to use their products and not the competitors’ products. But once you have an understanding of one platform, you will find yourself easily cracking the other platforms, and if not, there are always online videos to help. Gear up your digital marketing learning journey today.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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