What Are the Best Online Certifications for Digital Marketing?

Taking the initiative to obtain a digital marketing certification can make a significant difference for those hoping to pursue a long-term career in marketing (or seeking a raise or promotion in their existing position).

Seeing these qualifications can assist them to land a job if a prospective client or employer visits your LinkedIn profile or her website to discover more about your talents and experience. Your knowledge in this field will be demonstrated by a certification. Also, it's a plus if you stay current on marketing trends and modifications.

The main benefit of earning a certificate in digital marketing is avoiding the need to return to school. You may enhance your marketing abilities from the convenience of your home by taking one of the many online courses available. Many of the offered programs can be finished over the weekend in a few hours.

A certificate program provides a more flexible and affordable entry point into the field of digital marketing than a regular degree does. Also, it demonstrates your abilities and commitment to future employers, particularly if you are a trusted and approved provider. Which certification courses in digital marketing are worthwhile? Here is a short list of the top digital marketing certification courses that are now offered to assist you. These qualifications are for you whether you want to brush up on your current abilities or you're a total beginner in digital marketing. Your credentials will be of use to you.

Importance of Online Certifications

A structured learning environment is among the finest ways to master new skills. Digital marketing certificate programs, on the other hand, are shorter and entirely focused on the field of digital marketing. The Digital Marketing Certification Program offers a comprehensive career transition package that may take you from a complete beginner to work-ready in a matter of months, depending on the provider you choose. This is a fantastic choice if you want to change occupations but lack the time, money, or patience to do so gradually.

Even seasoned digital marketers need to keep up with the latest platforms, trends, and technology. Compared to traditional degrees, digital marketing certificates frequently offer a more up-to-date curriculum. If you already work in this sector, being certified is an excellent way to demonstrate to potential employers that you are staying current. We have all the necessary mastering abilities and information.

Few of the Best Digital Marketing Certification Programs

Kellogg Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing

As part of its executive education program, the esteemed Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University provides certification in digital marketing. This comprehensive approach includes all significant digital marketing channels, including email, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, search engine marketing (SEM), and search engine optimization (SEO). A final project that focuses on real-world applications is part of the program, and professional support is provided in developing your marketing résumé and web portfolio. Twenty modules of live webinars will be used to teach the class. Attend office hours to get further advice from reputable digital marketing professionals.

Google Analytics Certification

The Udemy Google Analytics Certification Course will prepare you for the exam and provide you with the credentials you need to stand out in the field of digital marketing.

One of the most well-known and crucial tools that every digital marketing expert needs to know how to use is Google Analytics. His two hours of on-demand video tutorials, downloadable materials, and 200 practice questions for the course are available to both GA experts and beginners. In order to get ready for the genuine Google Analytics certification, you can also take practice exams. This course will aid in the development of your Google Analytics expertise, even if you don't intend to take the test. You will become a better digital marketer as a result.

Digital Marketing Pro Certification from the Digital Marketing Institute

The American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Digital Marketing Institute have joined forces to provide this digital marketing credential (DMI). If a student succeeds on the exam, she will be awarded dual certification for PCM Digital Marketing and Certified Digital Marketing Professional. The Digital Marketing Institute is one of the top global providers of digital marketing certifications, having awarded over 30,000 credentials since its foundation in 2009. With a comprehensive curriculum that includes classes in content marketing, marketing on social media, email campaigns, digital marketing strategy, SEO, and more, the Digital Marketing Pro dual certification is intended to strengthen the skills of entry-level to experienced marketers. A previous participant praises the curriculum: 81% of his alumni received promotions as a result of finishing the course, and 92% of them believed that the training had a "good impact on their career."

Duke University Digital Media & Marketing Certification

With the help of this expert online course, you may pass the Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP) test and get a well-respected certification.

For experts interested in earning their OMCP certification, which leads the industry, Duke University provides this course. They must successfully complete the Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) module and achieve this certification before moving to further modules that address topics such as mobile marketing, SEO, sponsored search, and content marketing in greater depth. It also covers major digital marketing platforms such as Hootsuite (media platforms), Mailchimp (email marketing), and Google AdWords (paid search) (paid search). Hands-on lab work, incorporating accessibility to Mimic Pro and Mimic Social, allowing students to refine their skills without access to a real platform.

BrainStation’s Digital Marketing Certification

For those who wish to master in-demand technological skills, BrainStation offers boot camps and seminars both online and on campus. A digital marketing certification online promises to advance your profession and give you cutting-edge abilities.

The five units that make up the BrainStation Digital Marketing Certification Course are Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing Analytics, and Foundations of Marketing Strategy. At predetermined periods, lessons are delivered online in a real-time classroom setting. Because the course is project-based, you can work on actual projects for your marketing portfolio. You will receive a formal certificate upon completion of the course to promote your network.

Become a Digital Marketing Specialist (LinkedIn)

The online courses offered by LinkedIn are instructed by a variety of skilled professionals, offering a relaxed setting for newcomers wishing to advance their understanding of digital marketing. For people with little to no prior expertise in digital marketing, this is the ideal course. gives a thorough rundown of all the main digital marketing platforms, such as Google AdWords (PPC), SEO, email, and social media.

Students will learn the fundamentals of graphic design utilizing Adobe products, as well as Google Analytics, Content Marketing, Facebook, and Instagram. A question is included in each video lesson to help you gauge your understanding, and after you finish all of them, you'll get a certificate.

HubSpot Digital Marketing Certification Course

Digital marketers at all professional stages can benefit from the extensive selection of marketing certifications offered by HubSpot School. Both seasoned digital marketers who wish to advance their education and brand-new recruits looking for a crash course in the industry can take the Digital Marketing Certification course.

You may learn the basics of digital marketing via HubSpot's free digital marketing certification course, which includes modules on content production, SEO strategy, website performance, social networking, paid search advertising, and email marketing introduction. Although a completion certificate is given, this is a free course that gives an overview of the subject.

You need more complete services if you're enrolling in a digital marketing certification program to land a career in this industry. But, this is a terrific place to start if you're just getting started and aren't prepared to dedicate yourself to a more rigorous study program.


Get the ideal digital marketing certification with a variety of possibilities, whether you want to finish a rigorous program that supports career moves or you simply want to keep your current abilities current. in reach. Setting objectives, spending limits, and deadlines is the next step. You are now prepared to leave.

Updated on: 21-Mar-2023


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