What are things that hold you back from doing what you really want to?

Human desires and aspirations are endless and innumerable. How is it that very few people are able to fulfil their whims and fantasies while others are left pale-faced and listlessly craving. What are the impediments to their success and why are they being disheartened. Let’s discuss what factors are stopping them from wish-fulfilment:


The amount of motivation and zealous effort that one expands on any work always gives positive results. Hard work always pays.

Home Environment

The encouragement and support received at home from parents and siblings motivates an individual and develops a positive approach and aids in goal fulfillment positive reinforcement through encouragement from parents and peer groups also help in wish fulfillment.

Peer Group Influence

The right motivation and encouragement received from his or her peer group boosts one's morale and helps him in achieving what they want. Fierce criticism and negativism act as hurdles in their path and hold one back from doing what their heart desires.

Objectivity Factor

Sometimes impracticality involved in the process of wish fulfilment impedes objectivity and critical approach to stop one from surging for their whims and fancies. Rational thinking as to what is right and wrong; good and bad; legal or illegal also acts as guiding forces in doing or not doing what the heart desires.


A confused mind leads you nowhere. Similarly when there is no clarity in the mind as to what one truly desires one cannot act accordingly or choose the right path to reach their goal.

Monetary Factor

The amount of money one has to shell out for catering to one's whims or fantasies always becomes the deciding factor to go ahead and do what the heart wishes to do. The economics and budgeting involved in today’s survival always delimit the pocket for fanciful abetment.

Physical Stature and Health Conditions

The incapacities of the human physique act as impeding forces in certain wish fulfilment. The stamina and the strength of an individual decide whether one is fit or competent to do certain tasks. For instance, if one fancies going on an expedition or mountaineering, he needs to be physically fit to withstand the trials and tribulations that the trek involves. He should be competent to face any grave situation. Here the person’s stamina and health would be the deciding factors.

Fear of Failure and Self-Confidence

Failure is called as a stepping stone to success. But more important is the attitude that one has towards failure and success in life. Rational thinking and positive approach always keep the boat sailing in the ocean of life.

Tribulations and failures are a part of life. Positive attitude, perseverance, practicality, and self-confidence play a major role in the fulfilment of one’s wishes and goals. Encouragement and inspiration act as the motivating factors and help one in fulfilling their hearts desires.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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