What are the differences between Dropbox and Tresorit?

Let us understand the concepts of Dropbox and Tresorit before learning the differences between them.


Dropbox is operated by the American company Dropbox, Inc. and was released in the year 2008. It is a file hosting service.

Dropbox is placed in a high position in a competitive market. In comparison to all the cloud storage platforms, Dropbox has been highly effective in capturing the largest share of the cloud market.

It is important to mention that cloud platforms like Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, Apple cloud have some disadvantages which are readily covered by Dropbox.

Furthermore, it has some secured data servers that are highly competitive in comparison to the other companies. Hence, it can be said that Dropbox is positioned well so that work can be done effectively.


The features of Dropbox are as follows −

  • Store and access files from anywhere

  • Bring all your content together

  • Work smarter from your desktop

  • Dropbox Give permissions to the right people for right access

  • Disaster-proof your files

  • Keep company data in safe hands

  • File sharing

  • Productivity tools

  • Content collaboration


The advantages of Dropbox are as follows −

  • It is completely free.

  • Easy to use.

  • It will access the latest version of each file.

  • It share files.

  • Multiple accounts.


The disadvantages of Dropbox are as follows −

  • Right to delete information.

  • It concerns about the security.

  • It's not easy to drag copies of files.


It is an ultra-secure place in the cloud used to store, sync, and share files within your organization and with external partners.

It is a premium cloud storage service which has an end-to-end encrypted, zero-knowledge content collaboration platform that is designed to safeguard the digital valuables of individuals and organizations with the highest classification in the cloud.


Some of the features of Tresorit are as follows −

  • Share files securely with anyone in an organization.

  • Access the work documents from anywhere, at any time, on any device.

  • Keep the stored files safe from unauthorized access and data breaches.

  • Large amounts of file storage.

  • Fine control of synchronization having deleted version recovery.

  • Administrative reports and analysis.

  • File Request feature.


The advantages of Tresorit are as follows −

  • It is an End-to-end encrypted

  • There is Gmail and Outlook integration. 

  • It provides 3 GB storage for free and for paid 500 GB – 2,500 GB

  • It has 24/7 support services.


The disadvantages of Tresorit are as follows −

  • The paid versions are more expensive.

  • It is a little bit complicated to use.


The major differences between Dropbox and Tresorit are as follows −

Dropbox is owned by Dropbox incorporation in the year 2007.
Tresorit was owned by Tresorit in 2014.
Dropbox offers 2 GB free storage space.
Tresorit offers 3 GB free storage space.
Dropbox provides unlimited storage space.
The maximum storage capacity is 1000GB.
Dropbox provides file hosting service, file synchronization service and cloud storage service.
Tresorit provides file hosting, file sharing and cloud storage service.
The maximum file size in the drop box is 10 GB.
The maximum file size which is available for free is 500MB and for file size bigger than that is paid.
Dropbox supports developer API.
Tresorit does not support developer API.
Dropbox supports less type of file formats
Tresorit supports more types of file formats.
Dropbox supports file versioning partially.
Tresorit supports file versioning for paid versions.
Dropbox has allow space for referral up to 18 GB
Tresorit has no referral system.
Dropbox has a band-width limit of 20GB for free and 200GB for paid.
Tresorit has no band-width limit.
Dropbox uses block-syncing.
Tresorit does not use block-syncing.

Updated on: 22-Mar-2022


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