Violence Against Women

When someone who lives with the victim engages in violent behavior, it is considered domestic violence. This includes spouses, both present and past, immediate family members, in-laws, and other close family friends. The term "domestic violence" is used when the offender and victim are closely related. Usually, there is a power disparity between them. The victim is essential to the perpetrator. Domestic violence includes any abuse that is physical, sexual, or psychological.

What is Violence against Women?

Most crimes and atrocities against women are gender-based and targeted at the world's female population. These crimes and atrocities often stem from hatred and can take a variety of forms. There is nothing new about violence against women, and it is not exclusive to the Indian subcontinent. The notion behind VAN (violence against women) is centered on the enslavement of all women.

  • The majority of hate crimes are motivated by the misogyny, entitlement, and superiority that the male half of society places on the female half. One-on-one or in groups, these crimes are perpetrated.

  • The interaction between the masculine and feminine parts of society turned into a power struggle, according to the UN's Declaration on the Elimination of Crime against Women. The UN stated that historically, women had been placed in a position of subordination to that of men. When women reject the role of becoming men's subordinates, crime results.

  • Over the years, violence against women has taken many different forms, and during the epidemic, it took a turn for the worst. Several statistics claim that at least one in three women has experienced both physical and sexual abuse. The following are some other forms of violence against women −

    • Physical abuse

    • Sexual assault

    • Rape

    • Mental torture

Reasons behind Domestic Violence against Women

Many myths about violence against women center on its causes. Several myths exist, including the following −

  • Alcohol makes males violent; guys lack self-control when it comes to their lust or rage;

  • Women had the option of leaving abusive partners, and

  • Equally as much violence is committed against men by their relationships or ex-partners as against women.

According to research, these are the main causes of violence against women −

  • The unequal distribution of resources and power among men and women;

  • The unequal distribution of resources and power among men and women;

The way that people, organizations, and communities react to violence is recognized to be significantly influenced by attitudes that excuse or allow violence. Five major kinds of attitudes that support violence have been compiled by VicHealth based on research. Among these are the following attitudes −

  • A guy using violence against a woman is okay, so violence against women can be justified.

  • Men cannot be held totally accountable for their actions, such as when they act violently out of rage or sexual cravings; hence, their actions should be excused as being caused by other reasons (such as stress) or both.

  • They trivialize the effects of violence because they don't believe they are severe enough to require action from women, the community, or the government.

Constitutional Provisions for Protection of women

There are various provisions for the protection of women in the Indian Constitution.

Fundamental Rights

  • A person's right to equal treatment under the law and protection from it cannot be denied by the state while they are on Indian territory.

  • In matters involving employment or appointment to any office under the state, there will be equality of opportunity for all people.

  • A citizen may not be subjected to discrimination by the state solely on the basis of their religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, or any combination of these.

  • Right to life and liberty.

Directive Principal of State Policy

  • The State shall direct its policy toward providing the right to a means of subsistence to all citizens, men and women, equally, and shall try to secure equal compensation for equal effort.

  • The State is also mandated to include measures for maternity leave and reasonable and humane working conditions.

Fundamental Duty

  • Above all, the Constitution places a Basic Responsibility on every citizen to reject behavior that is disrespectful to women's dignity.

Types of Violence

Even before conception, during infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, and even into old age, women are subjected to violence.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence refers to any gender-based violence committed against women that results in or is likely to result in their physical, sexual, or emotional harm or suffering, as well as any threats of such behavior, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether committed in public or privately.


Femicide, which is more broadly defined to include all killings of women or girls, refers to the intentional killing of women for no other reason than that they are female.

Honor Killing

"Honor killing" refers to the killing of a family member, usually a woman or girl, on the pretext that the victim has brought the family shame or dishonor. These killings usually center on sexual purity and alleged violations by female family members.

Cybercrime/Online Violence

Online or cyberviolence is any act of violence against a woman that is carried out, aided in, or worsened by the use of information and communication technology (mobile phones, the Internet, social media, computer games, text messages, email, etc.) against her just because she is a woman.

Sexual Violence

Any sexual act performed against the other person's will is referred to as sexual violence. This can happen when the other person refuses to consent or when getting their permission is impossible because of their age, mental state, level of intoxication, or drug usage.

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the acquisition and exploitation of individuals through coercion, fraud, force, or deception. This heinous crime affects millions of women and girls worldwide, many of whom are sexually exploited.

History of Crimes against Women

Women have been repressed and cocooned throughout humanitarian conflicts and other catastrophes, never being allowed to come out of their shells out of concern that they would be too delicate. The world's civilizations and cultures refuse to acknowledge the truth that women have survived and have been treated unfairly.

There is a lengthy history of violence in ancient societies that gradually removed women's rights until they were unable to speak. In the ancient Athens legal system, women hardly had any legal protections. They had no access to the assembly or the court proceedings. Women in high positions were allegedly prohibited from exhibiting themselves or talking about themselves in public.

In India, there is an intriguing paradox: domestic violence is not just the most common basic human rights violation, but it is also the least talked about and recorded. Traditional Indian culture's rigidly patriarchal rules and structure, as well as the clear division between public and private life, have rendered the issue of domestic abuse nuanced and difficult, leading to a protracted and unrelenting fight for justice against the horrible deed. Although polygamy was widespread, the Pardha system remained unknown.


working to maintain their opportunity and pride. By and large, Indian women are having the most difficult time mentally and physically, primarily due to ignorance and a lack of knowledge about the legal and protected rights of women in India. The Constitution guarantees a number of rights to women, including protective separation for women, the right to be treated fairly, the right of women to obey instructions, the right to opportunities, and the right to political representation of women.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When did women's rights start in India?

Ans. Women were granted the right to vote in the Central Provinces in 1927 and in the provinces of Bihar and Orissa in 1929. Nearly all of India's provinces had franchises by the end of the 1920s. Less than 1% of women in the nation could vote, nonetheless, due to the property requirement.

Q2. What is the Meaning of women's right law in the United States?

Ans. Though, as such no specified law, but one of the most important pieces of legislation related to women's rights in the United States was the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment was ratified in 1920. This amendment granted women the right to vote. It was one of the most milestone regulations to ensure the women's equality. Other important legislation related to women's rights came into existence in 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race, color, religion, and national origin. Further, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 also helped to address wage discrimination against women.

Q3. Is violence against women a criminal case?

Ans. Violence against women and their children is regarded as a PUBLIC crime, and any member of the public who has firsthand knowledge of the events leading up to the crime's conduct is eligible to register a complaint.

Q4. What is the women's Act of 1994?

Ans. On September 13, 1994, the federal Violent Crime Control and Enforcement Act of 1994 was passed, which included the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA). Generally speaking, the law calls for strengthened preventative initiatives and prosecution measures for violent crimes against women and children.

Q5. Which article is for protection of women?

Ans. Article 39(e) provides that the state is required to ensure that the health and strength of women workers are not abused and that they are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their strength.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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