Understanding Local Relational Network in machine learning


Have you ever wondered how humans are able to perceive and understand the visual world with limited sensory inputs? It's a remarkable ability that allows us to compose complex visual concepts from basic elements. In the field of computer vision, scientists have been trying to mimic this compositional behavior using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs use convolution layers to extract features from images, but they have limitations when it comes to modeling visual elements with varying spatial distributions.

The Problem With Convolution

Convolution layers in CNNs work like pattern matching processes. They apply fixed filters to spatially aggregate input features, which can be inefficient when dealing with visual elements that have significant spatial variability. For example, imagine trying to recognize objects with geometric deformations. Convolution layers struggle to capture the different valid ways in which these elements can be composed, leading to limited performance.

Introducing the Local Relation Layer

In a recent scholarly publication, a group of researchers has introduced a novel image feature extractor. The local relation layer overcomes the constraints of convolutional methods by dynamically calculating the sum of weights that depend on the compositional connection between pairs of neighboring pixels. Instead of using fixed filters, the local relation layer learns to aggregate input features in a more meaningful and efficient manner.

How Does It Work?

The local relation layer uses a relational approach to determine how pixels in a local area should be composed.By incorporating geometric priors, the local relation layer evaluates the resemblance of feature projections from two pixels within a trained embedding space. Through the process of learning to dynamically combine pixels, the local relation layer constructs a hierarchical structure of visual elements that is both highly efficient and effective.

The formula is used to calculate the aggregation weights in the local relation layer. Let's break it down further −

ω(p0, p) = softmax(Φ(fθq(xp0), fθk(xp)) + fθg(p - p0))

Here's a step-by-step explanation of each component −

  • fθq(xp0) and fθk(xp) represent the feature projections of the pixels p0 and p, respectively. These projections are obtained by applying embedding functions (fθq and fθk) to the pixel features xp0 and xp. The embedding functions capture the similarity or dissimilarity between the features of the two pixels.

  • The similarity or compatibility score between the embedded features of p0 and p is computed using Φ. This function Φ captures the pixel pair in area. It takes the embedded features fθq(xp0) and fθk(xp) as input and produces a score that represents how well the features can be composed together.

  • The term (p - p0) represents the geometric relationship between the pixels p and p0. It represents the spatial displacement vector between the two pixels. The function fθg incorporates this geometric information into the aggregation weights.

  • The sum of the compatibility score (Φ(fθq(xp0), fθk(xp))) and the geometric term (fθg(p - p0)) is calculated.

  • The softmax function is applied to the sum. The softmax function normalizes the values and produces a probability distribution over the pixels in the local area. It ensures that the weights add up to 1, allowing for proper aggregation.

In summary, this formula combines the learned similarities of pixel features, the geometric relationship between pixels, and the softmax normalization to compute the aggregation weights in the local relation layer. These adaptive weights enable the layer to effectively aggregate local information and capture meaningful compositional structures in the visual data.

Benefits and Applications

Local relation layers, instead of traditional convolutional layers, are used in the network architecture known as LR-Net which was developed by the researchers. LR-Net displays improved performance compared to typical CNNs in large-scale recognition applications such as ImageNet classification.It provides greater modeling capacity and achieves improved accuracy. Moreover, LR-Net is more effective in utilizing large kernel neighborhoods and demonstrates robustness against adversarial attacks.

Comparison to Existing Approaches

The local relation layer uses a bottom-up approach to feature accumulation weight determination as opposed to deep neural networks, which employ a hierarchical approach. This unique methodology proves to be practical and effective. Existing approaches don't completely replace convolution because of its applicability restrictions or because they serve as a supplement to it. The local relation layer distinguishes itself from other methods by emphasizing the significance of locality and geometric priors.

Deep neural networks, more especially the ResNet design, use spatial convolution layers that are replaced with local relation layers in (LR-Net).

The initial 7* 7 convolution layer and the 3 *3 convolution layer in the bottleneck/basic residual blocks are swapped out for local relation layers in the ResNet design.The replacement process ensures that the number of floating-point operations (FLOPs) remains the same by adjusting the expansion ratio (α) of the layer being replaced.

Using a channel transformation layer, the input size of 3 *H *W is changed into a feature map of 64* Height* Weight for the first 7* 7 convolution layer. A 7* 7 local relation layer follows this. The replacement for the 7*7 convolution layer uses equivalent FLOPs and completes ImageNet recognition tasks with a similar level of accuracy.

By replacing all convolution layers in the ResNet architecture, LR-Net is obtained. LR-Net-50, for example, refers to the ResNet-50 architecture with all convolution layers replaced by local relation layers. Table 2 in the paper provides a comparison between ResNet-50 and LR-Net-50, a result of channel sharing during aggregation, LR-Net-50 has comparable FLOPs but a slightly smaller model size.

Here's code snippet of local relational layer −

import torch

import tensorflow as tf

class LocalRelationalNetwork(tf.keras.Model):
   def __init__(self, num_relations, num_objects, embedding_dim):
      super(LocalRelationalNetwork, self).__init__()
      self.num_relations = num_relations
      self.num_objects = num_objects
      self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
      self.object_embeddings = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(num_objects, embedding_dim)
      self.relation_embeddings = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(num_relations, embedding_dim)
      self.hidden_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(embedding_dim, activation='relu')
      self.output_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')
   def call(self, inputs):
      objects, relations = inputs
      object_embedded = self.object_embeddings(objects)
      relation_embedded = self.relation_embeddings(relations)
      concatenated = tf.concat([object_embedded, relation_embedded], axis=1)
      hidden = self.hidden_layer(concatenated)
      output = self.output_layer(hidden)
      return output

In this code, the `CustomLayer` class is defined with similar functionality to the previous layer. The `m` argument is not set to a default value of 8, allowing you to specify it as per your requirements. You can modify the arguments such as `channels`, `k`, `stride`, and provide a specific value for `m` when creating an instance of the `CustomLayer`.


The introduction of the local relation layer represents a significant breakthrough in image feature extraction. By adaptively determining aggregation weights based on the compositional relationship of local pixel pairs, it overcomes the limitations of convolutional layers and provides a more efficient and effective way to capture spatial composition in the visual world. With the Local Relation Network (LR-Net), researchers have achieved impressive results in large-scale recognition tasks, demonstrating the power of this novel approach. The local relation layer opens up new possibilities for advancing computer vision and improving our understanding of visual data.

Updated on: 17-Oct-2023


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