Understanding Intuition Behind F1 Score


The F1 score is a well-known measurement utilized in order undertakings to assess the presentation of AI calculations. It is broadly utilized in fields like normal language handling, picture acknowledgment, and other AI applications where order is involved. Understanding the instinct behind F1 score is significant for information researchers and AI architects to assemble and further develop models that perform better in genuine situations.

The F1 score, its calculation, and its application to assessing a classification model's performance are the subjects of this article.

What is the F1 score?

A classification model's accuracy is measured by its F1 score, which takes precision and recall into account. It is the consonant mean of accuracy and review and ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 address wonderful accuracy and review, and 0 addresses the absolute worst score.

A model's precision is the percentage of positive predictions that were actually realized. To put it another way, it measures how accurate positive predictions are. It is determined as the quantity of genuine up-sides partitioned by the number of genuine up-sides and bogus up-sides.

In contrast, recall is a measure of the number of actual positive instances in the dataset that the model correctly predicted. To put it another way, it measures how complete the positive predictions are. The ratio of the number of true positives to the total number of false negatives is used to calculate recall.

The F1 score is the symphonious means of accuracy and review, which gives equivalent load to the two measures. The formula is as follows −

F1 Score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)

The intuition behind the F1 score

Precision and recall in the context of classification are essential to comprehending the F1 score's intuition.

Let's say we're faced with a binary classification problem and need to determine whether or not an email is spam. A dataset of labeled emails is used to train a machine learning algorithm. Each email is either labeled as spam or not spam. The model then uses a new set of emails to make predictions.

The percentage of emails that the model correctly identified as spam out of all the emails that it predicted would be spam is known as precision. To put it another way, it measures the percentage of emails that were predicted to be spam.

Recall is the proportion of the dataset's actual spam emails that the model correctly identified as spam. At the end of the day, it estimates the number of the genuine spam messages were accurately recognized by the model.

Consider a situation where the model has high accuracy however low review. This indicates that while the model is very accurate at identifying spam emails, many actual spam emails are left out. Then again, in the event that the model has high review however low accuracy, it implies that the model is distinguishing many spam messages, yet it is likewise mistakenly hailing numerous non-spam messages as spam.

The F1 score provides a single number that reflects the model's overall performance and takes precision and recall into account. The F1 score is valuable since it adjusts accuracy and review and is a decent measurement to utilize when there is a lopsided class dispersion in the dataset.

For instance, consider a characterization issue where we need to recognize whether a patient has an interesting sickness. There may be a lot of negative instances (patients who do not have the disease) and few positive instances (patients who do have the disease) in this scenario. A model that says all patients will be negative will be at accurate in this case, but it won't be able to tell which patients have the disease. The F1 score, then again, thinks about both accuracy and review and gives a more significant proportion of the model's exhibition.

How to calculate the F1 score?

estimation of the F1 score includes first computing the accuracy and review for the model. The confusion matrix, a table that compares the actual and predicted labels to summarize the performance of a classification model, can be used to accomplish this.

There are four entries in the confusion matrix: False negatives (FN), true positives (TP), false positives (FP), and true positives (TN). The number of instances in which the model correctly predicted the positive class, the number of instances in which the model incorrectly is predicted the positive class, the number of instances in which the model incorrectly predicted the negative class, and the number in which the model incorrectly predicted the negative class are referred to as the true positives.

The accuracy and review can be determined as follows −

Precision = TP / (TP + FP)
Recall = TP / (TP + FN)

The formula for calculating the F1 score can be used after the precision and recall have been calculated −

F1 Score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)

Interpreting the F1 score

The F1 score is a number between 0 and 1, with 1 representing perfect recall and precision and 0 representing the lowest possible score. A model with a high F1 score is able to accurately identify both positive and negative instances due to its high precision and recall.

On the other hand, a low F1 score indicates that the model is not performing well in either precision or recall, which means that it is either missing positive instances or incorrectly identifying negative instances as the positive. Both of these outcomes are reflected in the model's performance.

To get a complete picture of the model's performance, the F1 score should be used in conjunction with other metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall. For instance, accuracy may not be an appropriate metric to use if the dataset is imbalanced because a model that predicts all instances as negative may have high accuracy but fails to identify instances that are positive. For this situation, the F1 score can give a superior proportion of the model's presentation.


How about we consider a guide to all the more likely comprehend the instinct behind the F1 score. Let's say we're dealing with a binary classification problem in which we need to predict whether or not a person has a disease. Out of a total of 1000 patients, 100 have the disease, while the remaining 900 do not.

We train an AI model on this dataset and use it to foresee the illness status of new patients. The confusion matrix that follows is what we get from evaluating the model's performance −

Actual Negative

Actual Positive

Predicted Positive



Predicted Negative



The precision and recall can be calculated as follows using the confusion matrix −

Precision = TP / (TP + FP) = 80 / (80 + 120) = 0.4
Recall = TP / (TP + FN) = 80 / (80 + 20) = 0.8

The F1 score can be calculated as follows using these values −

F1 Score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall) = 2 * (0.4 * 0.8) / (0.4 + 0.8) = 0.53

This model has a relatively low F1 score of 0.53. This implies that the model isn't performing very well in both accuracy and review. It is incorrectly identifying some negative instances as positive and missing some positive ones.

We can see that the model needs to be improved by looking at the F1 score. To boost the model's performance, we can try various algorithms, feature engineering, or hyperparameter tuning. The F1 score can assist us in monitoring the progress of these enhancements and determining whether they are improving outcomes.


In conclusion, classification tasks frequently employ the F1 score to evaluate the performance of machine learning algorithms. Data scientists and machine learning engineers need to know how the F1 score works in order to build and improve models that perform better in real-world situations. By working out the accuracy and review and utilizing the disarray lattice, the F1 score can be effectively determined and deciphered. To get a complete picture of the model's performance, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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