Which of the two families X or Y do you think is more environmentally conscious and why?

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The pie charts A and B shown in Fig. 16.1 are based on waste segregation method adopted by two families X and Y respectively.

Which of the two families X or Y do you think is more environmentally conscious and why?


Family X is more environmentally conscious because they segregated biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances separately. They are aware of disposing of waste materials in the wrong manner. They disposed of kitchen waste (biodegradable) and polythene bags (non-biodegradable) separately, unlike family Y, who disposed of kitchen waste and polythene bags together as one waste.

Extra information: 

Biodegradable substances are those substances that decompose easily through the actions of bacteria, fungi, and other living organisms. Examples include food waste, human waste, paper waste, manure, sewage, hospital waste, sewage sludge, and slaughterhouse waste.

Non-biodegradable substances are those substances that do not decompose easily by the action of bacteria, fungi, and other living organisms. Examples include plastics, metallic cans, pesticides, metals, fibers, glass, hazardous wastes, etc.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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