Six Sigma Certification - Black, Green, White, Yellow Belt

Six Sigma is a tested and proven technique for businesses that aim to bring transformation in their operations. It helps bring operational efficiency to your business by improving the way you work or the processes you deploy to accomplish different projects. Having a sound knowledge of Six Sigma methodologies won’t only increase your chances of landing a high−paying job in nearly any industry, but it will also help you improve your business performance. That’s why more and more graduates are considering Six Sigma certification courses to get a certification that would enhance their resume. First, we are going to discuss the meaning of Six Sigma, and later we’ll take a look at the certification programs and how to master each. Let’s get started.

What is Six Sigma Certification?

Six Sigma is an iterative process that aims to help businesses improve operational efficiency by cutting costs and reducing inefficiencies in processes and products. The certification programs have several levels, from the primary end user to a professional and experienced Six Sigma user who has mastered each level.

Simply put, Six Sigma is a set of techniques, processes, and tools to reduce defects, improve product quality, and make processes manageable and achievable. Training in Six Sigma help professionals learn the basic of this program and understand the skills required to eliminate defects in a product or process. Therefore, before you pursue this course, it’s important that you gain the fundamental knowledge of Six Sigma, its significance, applications, etc.

Six Sigma Certification Levels

There are five levels of Six Sigma, each requiring a different level of proficiency and knowledge. Below we have mentioned them in brief.

White Belt

White Belt is the first level designed for beginners who need basic knowledge of this concept. It teaches you the methodologies used for solving different problems. It is based on bringing a change in organizing using the Six Sigma concept.

Yellow Belt

Once you have finished the white belt, you will have the basic knowledge of Six Sigma and how to apply it. At a Yellow Belt level, you get to support the project management team by assisting them in developing solutions and handling problem−solving projects effectively.

Green Belt

This is an advanced course for those who understand Six Sigma and need a complete introduction to the methodologies used by different professionals. It consists of the DMAIC approach. After enrolling in a green belt program, you will know how to measure a company’s performance, determine potential issues, and deploy the right solutions. Simply put, the green belt teaches you how to analyze a problem, get to the root cause, and come up with a solution that can bring positive change to the organization.

Black Belt

Once you have finished all the above levels, you can achieve a black belt certification that proves your expertise in Six Sigma and increases your chances of getting a job at a reputable company. People on this level not only lead a project but are certified to train those on the beginner’s levels.

Master Black Belt

The last and the most valuable certification in this industry is the Master Black Belt. once you have finished this level, you will be qualified to implement Six Sigma's two critical methods, generate important metrics, work as a consultant, devise strategies, and train people on green and black belts.

Reasons You Should Consider Getting Six Sigma Certification

Eliminates Errors

Someone who has completed the above levels of Six Sigma (even if it’s just the first few) becomes capable of detecting and reducing errors in any project. They can detect these mistakes ahead of time, helping the team achieve the highest level of accuracy.

Improves Processes

Once you have achieved the green belt, you can take part in improving the company’s manufacturing processes by identifying the defects and suggesting alternatives to the processes the company has currently implemented. During the course of your training, you will learn how to identify if the team is straying from the correct path and what corrective measures can help improve the performance.

It is Applicable to All Industries

Six Sigma is a business management concept that can be applied to all industries (regardless of the nature of the business). The certification will increase your value across different industries and also make you appear as a prominent figure. The technique works in aerospace, banking, finance, management, etc. The concept involves tons of methods and tools that can be applied to different situations. When done the right way, it can result in increased revenues, reduced cost, minimized errors, and a better image for the company — all of which improve the bottom line.

Good Salary

Companies are willing to pay an excellent salary to Six Sigma−certified employees. As mentioned above, the ultimate goal of any business is to improve its bottom line. Whether a business has expansion goals or wants to improve its performance, Six Sigma−trained and certified employees can achieve its goals. While that sounds tempting, there’s a catch. Six Sigma is not as easy as it seems, especially rising from one belt to another requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that people with Six Sigma certifications are paid well. In fact, it’s one of the highest−paid professions in the world.

Ensure Compliance

Six Sigma has strict quality standards. You will find many vendors and professionals applying these standards to their business processes. Those who have achieved a green belt certification can easily get hired by companies that need the best quality in processes, products, services, and all aspects of the business. Just a green belt certification is enough to ensure that you meet international standards and bring a positive transformation in the company’s function.


These were only to name a few. There are plenty of reasons people should consider achieving certification in Six Sigma and its various levels. People certified in these levels are likely to earn a good salary and perform well in their careers (no matter where they work).

Updated on: 16-Nov-2022


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