SARG - Squid Analysis Report Generator and Internet Bandwidth Monitoring Tool

A robust tool for analysing and producing reports on Squid proxy server logs is called SARG, or Squid Analysis Report Generator. By obtaining useful data from these logs, such as websites visited, user activity, and data transfer volumes, it makes it easier to manage internet bandwidth. Administrators can readily understand and evaluate network usage patterns, spot possible bottlenecks, and make well-informed decisions about bandwidth allocation and optimisation thanks to SARG's active voice. SARG demonstrates to be a crucial tool for efficient network administration and maximising internet bandwidth utilisation with its succinct reports and clear insights.

Methods Used

  • Installation and Configuration

  • Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • Log File Analysis

Installation and Configuration

The Squid Analysis Report Generator, or SARG for short, is a potent programme used for examining and producing reports from the logs of the Squid proxy server. By obtaining useful data from these logs, including websites visited, user activity, and data transfer quantities, it facilitates internet bandwidth monitoring. With SARG's active voice, managers can quickly understand and evaluate network consumption trends, spot possible bottlenecks, and decide how to best allocate and utilise bandwidth. SARG establishes itself as a vital tool for efficient network administration and maximising internet bandwidth utilisation thanks to its succinct reports and clear insights.


  • Start.

  • Switch on the computer.

  • To install SARG and its dependencies, use a package manager (such as APT or YUM).

  • Verify that the installation went smoothly.

  • If everything goes well, continue; if not, display an error message and stop.

  • Find the SARG configuration file, which is often located at "/etc/sarg/sarg.conf".

  • Allow editing of the configuration file.

  • Change the relevant parameters, such as the locations of the log files, the report formats, and the time intervals.

  • Make optional options, such as report headers, prohibited URLs, and user authentication, to your specifications.

  • Save the configuration file's modifications.

  • To implement the modified configuration, restart the SARG service.

  • Verify whether the service is successfully restarted.

  • Show a confirmation message in case it was successful.

  • Go to the selected directory to access the created reports.

  • If a web server is wanted for web-based access, include the reports into it.

  • End.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

The way of interfacing with SARG using text commands entered in a terminal is referred to as the Command Line Interface (CLI) in the context of SARG - Squid Analysis Report Generator and Internet Bandwidth Monitoring Tool. Administrators can create custom report formats, specify log files, configure time intervals, and generate reports by using the CLI to execute SARG commands followed by the relevant options and arguments. Users have precise control over SARG's capabilities thanks to the CLI, which also enables effective data extraction from and manipulation of Squid proxy server logs. Administrators can use SARG's strong capabilities to generate informative reports and analyse internet bandwidth utilisation by utilising the CLI.


  • Launch the SARG programme.

  • Ask the user for the necessary inputs, such as the location of the logs from the Squid proxy server and the parameters for the desired report.

  • Verify that the user inputs are accurate and usable by validating them.

  • Configure the report's time intervals, report type, and output directory based on user inputs.

  • View the log file for the Squid proxy server.

  • Go through each log entry.

  • Sift through each log entry to find pertinent data, such as visited websites, user activities, and data transfer quantities.

  • Use the retrieved data to do any necessary calculations or aggregations.

  • Put the edited data in memory or a temporary storage location.

  • Using the data that has been processed and the configured report options, generate the report.

  • Save the report to the output directory that has been defined or display it on-screen.

  • Let the user know in a suitable way whether the report was successfully generated.

  • Close the SARG programme.

This is a condensed version of the algorithm; the full implementation may call for additional steps and error handling.

Log File Analysis

Log File Analysis is the process of obtaining and modifying pertinent data from Squid proxy server logs using Linux command-line tools in the context of SARG - Squid Analysis Report Generator and Internet Bandwidth Monitoring Tool. Administrators can filter, sort, and format log entries to extract specific information using programmes like "grep," "awk," and "sed." SARG can then be used to analyse this data and produce in-depth reports. Administrators can gain insights into internet bandwidth usage trends by identifying user activities, visited websites, and data transfer volumes through log file analysis. SARG improves the monitoring and management of internet bandwidth effectively by utilising Linux's command-line utilities.


  • Launch the SARG tool first.

  • Configure SARG's setup parameters, including the output directory, report type, time intervals, and log file location.

  • Get the logs from the Squid proxy server.

  • Using SARG, parse and analyse the log files by carrying out the following operations for each log entry −

    • Gather pertinent data, such as user actions, websites visited, and data transfer quantities.

    • Save this data in an appropriate data structure or format for processing later.

  • Using SARG, create detailed reports based on the analysed log data:

    • Make use of predefined report formats or modify the format to suit needs.

    • Include pertinent data in the form of graphs, summaries, and statistics to give a clear picture of internet bandwidth utilisation.

    • Save the created reports in the output directory that has been defined.

  • You may integrate SARG results with a web interface to make bandwidth monitoring data easier to obtain and see.

  • To better allocate internet bandwidth and acquire insights into network usage trends, monitor and analyse the generated reports on a regular basis.

  • Change SARG setup settings as necessary to satisfy particular monitoring and reporting needs.

  • To assure ongoing monitoring and reporting, repeat the procedure periodically or automate it using shell scripting and scheduling tools like cron.


Ultimately, SARG - Squid Analysis Report Generator and Internet Bandwidth Monitoring Tool proves to be a reliable method for examining the logs of Squid proxy servers and efficiently controlling internet bandwidth. Administrators can get insightful knowledge into network usage patterns, spot potential bottlenecks, and decide on bandwidth allocation and optimisation by creating thorough reports and using log file analysis tools. By enabling administrators to quickly setup and generate customised reports, SARG's active voice, command-line interface, and integration features improve network administration and maximise internet bandwidth usage. SARG demonstrates to be an invaluable tool for effective monitoring and management of internet bandwidth in a Linux system with its effective reporting and clear insights.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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