CoreFreq – A Powerful CPU Monitoring Tool for Linux Systems

When it comes to monitoring the performance of a Linux system, the CPU is one of the most important components to keep an eye on. CPU utilization can have a significant impact on system performance, so it's essential to have accurate and detailed information on CPU usage.

One of the best tools available for monitoring CPU performance on Linux is CoreFreq. In this article, we'll take a closer look at CoreFreq, its features, and how it can be used to optimize CPU performance on your Linux system.

What is CoreFreq?

CoreFreq is an advanced CPU monitoring tool that provides real-time information on CPU utilization, temperature, frequency, and more. It supports a wide range of CPUs, including Intel, AMD, and ARM-based processors, making it a versatile tool for monitoring performance across different hardware configurations.

CoreFreq's main features include βˆ’

  • Real-time CPU monitoring βˆ’ CoreFreq provides accurate and up-to-date information on CPU utilization, temperature, frequency, and voltage in real-time.

  • CPU throttling detection βˆ’ The tool can detect and report CPU throttling, which can help identify performance issues and prevent hardware damage.

  • Power consumption monitoring βˆ’ CoreFreq provides detailed information on CPU power consumption, allowing you to optimize power usage and reduce energy costs.

  • Dynamic frequency and voltage adjustment βˆ’ CoreFreq supports dynamic frequency and voltage adjustment, which can help optimize CPU performance and power usage.

  • Customizable dashboard βˆ’ CoreFreq's web-based dashboard is highly customizable, allowing you to create a personalized view of CPU performance metrics.

Installation and Usage

CoreFreq is available for installation on a wide range of Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and more. To install CoreFreq on Ubuntu, run the following commands βˆ’

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cdemu/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install corefreq-core

Once installed, you can launch CoreFreq by running the following command βˆ’

sudo corefreqd

This will start the CoreFreq daemon, which will collect and display real-time CPU performance metrics. You can access the CoreFreq dashboard by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080.

CoreFreq's web-based dashboard provides a customizable view of CPU performance metrics, including utilization, frequency, temperature, voltage, and power consumption. You can customize the dashboard to display the metrics that are most relevant to your needs, allowing you to focus on the information that matters most to you.

Advanced Features

In addition to its core features, CoreFreq also provides several advanced features that can help optimize CPU performance and power usage.

Dynamic Frequency and Voltage Adjustment

One of CoreFreq's most powerful features is its support for dynamic frequency and voltage adjustment. This feature allows you to adjust CPU frequency and voltage on the fly, based on current system load and other factors.

Dynamic frequency and voltage adjustment can help optimize CPU performance and power usage, by adjusting the CPU's clock speed and voltage to match current system requirements. This can help reduce power consumption and improve overall system performance.

To enable dynamic frequency and voltage adjustment in CoreFreq, you'll need to configure the tool to use a supported governor. CoreFreq supports several different governors, including ondemand, conservative, and performance.

To enable the ondemand governor, for example, you can run the following command βˆ’

sudo corefreq-cli -g ondemand

This will configure CoreFreq to use the ondemand governor, which will adjust CPU frequency and voltage based on current system load.

CPU Throttling Detection

CoreFreq can also detect and report CPU throttling, which occurs when the CPU is forced to reduce its clock speed to prevent overheating. CPU throttling can have a significant impact on system performance, so it's essential to detect and prevent it when possible.

To enable CPU throttling detection in CoreFreq, you can use the following command βˆ’

sudo corefreq-cli -s [sampling rate] -t [threshold]

The -s option specifies the sampling rate in milliseconds, and the -t option sets the threshold for throttling detection. For example, to detect CPU throttling with a sampling rate of 100ms and a threshold of 90%, you can use the following command βˆ’

sudo corefreq-cli -s 100 -t 90

This will monitor CPU throttling and display a message when the threshold is exceeded. You can adjust the sampling rate and threshold to suit your needs.

CoreFreq vs. other CPU monitoring tools

There are several CPU monitoring tools available for Linux systems, including top, htop, and iostat. While each of these tools has its strengths, CoreFreq offers some unique features that set it apart from the others.

One significant advantage of CoreFreq is its ability to monitor CPU frequency scaling in real-time. This feature is particularly useful for laptops and other mobile devices that often require frequent adjustments to CPU frequency to optimize performance and battery life. Unlike other tools that only display the current frequency, CoreFreq provides detailed information about frequency scaling and can even adjust it dynamically.

Another benefit of CoreFreq is its support for advanced CPU features, such as Turbo Boost and Hyper-Threading. These features can significantly improve CPU performance, but they can also make it more challenging to monitor accurately. CoreFreq handles these features with ease, providing accurate and reliable information about CPU usage and performance.

Overall, CoreFreq is a more comprehensive and feature-rich tool than many of its competitors. It offers a broader range of information and more advanced features, making it an excellent choice for power users and system administrators.

Tips and tricks for using CoreFreq effectively

Here are some tips and tricks for using CoreFreq effectively βˆ’

  • Adjust sampling rate βˆ’ The default sampling rate for CoreFreq is 100ms, but you can adjust it to suit your needs. A higher sampling rate provides more detailed information but can also use more system resources.

  • Use hotkeys βˆ’ CoreFreq supports several hotkeys that allow you to quickly access various features and information. For example, you can press 'f' to toggle frequency scaling or 't' to display temperature information.

  • Customize display βˆ’ CoreFreq offers many customization options, allowing you to adjust the display to your liking. You can change the colors, font size, and other aspects of the display to suit your preferences.

  • Use CoreFreq with other tools βˆ’ CoreFreq works well with other system monitoring tools, such as top and htop. You can use CoreFreq to monitor CPU usage while using other tools to monitor other aspects of the system.

By following these tips and tricks, you can make the most of CoreFreq and use it to optimize your system's CPU performance.


CoreFreq is a powerful and flexible CPU monitoring tool for Linux systems. It provides a comprehensive overview of CPU utilization, temperature, frequency, and power consumption, making it a valuable tool for system administrators, power users, and developers.

With CoreFreq, users can easily monitor and optimize their CPU performance, detect and prevent CPU throttling, and analyze the behavior of their CPU-intensive applications. The tool provides real-time monitoring and advanced reporting capabilities, making it a valuable addition to any Linux system.

Whether you are a system administrator managing a large-scale server deployment or a power user seeking to optimize your personal workstation, CoreFreq is a versatile tool that can help you understand and optimize your CPU performance. Its open-source nature also means that it is highly customizable, and users can modify the code to suit their specific needs.

Overall, CoreFreq is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to monitor and optimize their CPU performance on Linux systems. Its powerful features, flexible configuration options, and intuitive interface make it an ideal choice for both novice and advanced users.

Updated on: 22-Jun-2023


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