Hegemon - A Modular System Monitoring Tool for Linux


Linux is one of the most popular operating systems used by businesses and individuals around the world. It has a reputation for being incredibly reliable, secure, and customizable.

However, even with all its benefits, Linux is still susceptible to problems like any other operating system. To ensure optimal performance and prevent potential issues, system monitoring is essential.

System monitoring refers to the process of observing and collecting data about a computer system's performance metrics like CPU usage, RAM usage, disk space usage, network traffic flow patterns etc., to identify any issues or irregularities that may need attention. In Linux operating systems, there are numerous tools available for system monitoring purposes; however, not all of them are effective or user-friendly.

Overview of Hegemon

If you are a Linux user, you know how critical system monitoring is for the smooth functioning of your system. Hegemon is an open-source, modular system monitoring tool designed for Linux users that provides real-time information about your computer's performance. It can monitor all essential system metrics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, disk utilization, network traffic, etc.

What is Hegemon?

Hegemon is a lightweight tool that runs in the background and collects data about your system's performance. It visualizes this data using charts and graphs to give you an overview of what's going on with your computer in real-time.

How does it work?

Hegemon works by using modules which are essentially small plugins designed to monitor specific aspects of your system. These modules can be customized to track only the metrics you care about. The collected data is displayed on a dashboard or web interface in an easily digestible format.

Key Features and Benefits

The following are some key features and benefits of Hegemon −

  • User-friendly interface − the interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.

  • Modular design − with its modular design, it allows users to customize their monitoring experience by selecting only the modules they want.

  • Limited resource usage − since it uses minimal resources, it doesn't slow down the overall performance of your computer.

  • Email alerts − users can configure email alerts when specific thresholds are reached such as high cpu usage or low disk space availability

  • CPU and Memory usage tracking − this feature enables users to track their cpu and memory usage over time, which helps them identify resource-intensive applications.

  • Easy installation − hegemon can be installed with a few simple commands, making it ideal for linux users of all skill levels.

Hegemon is an excellent monitoring solution for Linux users who want to keep track of the performance of their computers in real-time. Its modular design and user-friendly interface make it a must-have tool for developers and system administrators alike. With its ability to track essential system metrics without putting a strain on resources, you can be assured that your computer's performance is at its optimal level at all times.

Installing and Configuring Hegemon

Installing and configuring Hegemon is a straightforward process, but it requires a few steps to complete. In this section, we will guide you through the installation and initial configuration of Hegemon on your Linux machine.

Step-by-step Guide on how to Install and Configure Hegemon on a Linux Machine

To install Hegemon, first, you need to download its source code from the official website or from the GitHub repository. Once downloaded, extract the archive file to a directory of your choice. Next, open up a terminal window and navigate to the extracted directory using the "cd" command.

Run the "make" command to compile the source code. The compilation process may take some time depending on your machine's performance.

$ cd /path/of/directory
$ make

Once compiled successfully, run "./configure" command in terminal window followed by "make install" command which will install hegemon system wide. After installing Hegemon, you can start configuring it by creating a configuration file named ".hegemon" in your home directory.

$ ./configure 
$ make install

This file contains all necessary settings required by Hegemon for monitoring system resources. You can customize these settings according to your needs.

Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Performance

Hegemon is designed for efficient system resource monitoring without affecting system performance. However there are few tips that can help further optimize its performance such as −

  • Use only necessary modules − By default all modules are enabled which may not be required always so disabling unused modules can help improve monitoring efficiency.

  • Adjust update interval − By default updates are displayed every second which might affect system overall performance so adjusting this value (for example 5 seconds) could be more efficient.

  • Providing custom filters − Along with customizing modules list another way of optimizing tool performance is providing custom filters while configuring tool.

By following these simple tips you can get maximum benefit out of using Hegemon as a monitoring tool for your Linux machine.

Modules in Hegemon

One of the key features of Hegemon is its modular design. It offers a variety of modules that allow you to monitor different aspects of your system's performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, network traffic, and more. Each module provides real-time information about the specific aspect it monitors.

CPU Module

The CPU module in Hegemon displays detailed information about your system's processor usage. It allows you to observe each process running on your system and the amount of CPU time it consumes. This information is helpful when identifying which applications or processes are consuming too much system resources.

Memory Module

The Memory module in Hegemon provides real-time information about memory usage on your Linux machine. This module displays the total amount of RAM installed on your server as well as how much is currently being used by different processes running on the machine.

Disk Usage Module

The Disk Usage module in Hegemon enables you to monitor the total size and available space on all mounted disks or partitions on your Linux server. With this module, you can easily identify over-utilized storage devices and free up valuable disk space by deleting unnecessary files.

Network Traffic Module

The Network Traffic module in Hegemon enables you to monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic for all network devices configured on your Linux server. This feature can help you identify any unusual spikes or drops in data transmission rates so that you can troubleshoot network performance issues more effectively.

Customizing Modules

Hegemon allows users to customize each module according to their specific needs through its configuration file located at /etc/hegemon.d/config.yaml. You can modify a particular metric for a given module or even add a new module entirely. For example, you could create a custom module that monitors the temperature of your CPU or the number of active SSH connections on your Linux server.

Customizing Hegemon modules is straightforward because the configuration file is well documented and easy to understand. It also provides options for setting thresholds, which allows you to define warning levels for particular metrics so that you can respond proactively and avoid potential system problems.

Hegemon's modular approach allows users to tailor their monitoring experience according to their needs. With its various modules and customization options, it offers an efficient way to monitor system performance on a Linux server.


System monitoring is a crucial aspect of managing a Linux machine, especially for businesses and organizations that rely heavily on their systems. Failure to monitor can result in downtime, security breaches, and overall system instability.

With the increasing complexity of modern IT infrastructure, it is becoming more challenging to keep track of all the moving parts. That's why using a comprehensive monitoring tool like Hegemon can provide peace of mind and help mitigate issues before they become major problems.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023


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