Pendulum Module in Python

The Pendulum Module is used in Python for datetime manipulation and time zone management. Using this module, you can manage date, time, and other related things over time.

The Pendulum Module's ability to manage time zones easily is one of its main advantages. It makes it simple to deal with dates and times from all around the world since it can instantly convert between various time zones. The Pendulum Module is a powerful tool for anyone who is dealing with time-sensitive data. You can install this module with following command −

pip install pendulum

We have some methods in Pendulum Module

  • add

  • subtract

  • format string

  • period

  • parse string

  • in_timezone

add() Method

This method increments a Pendulum instance by one or more units (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, etc.).


add(days=5) will add 5 days to a Pendulum instance and return the new date.

import pendulum

now =
result = now.add(days=3)



This output indicates that it is June 15, 2023, at 12:59 PM and 34.170914 seconds in the UTC+05:30 timezone.

subtract() Method

This method subtracts one or more units (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, etc.) from a Pendulum instance.


subtract(days=3, hours=2) will subtract 3 days and 2 hours from a Pendulum instance and return the new time.

import pendulum

now =
result = now.subtract(days=3, hours=2)



This output indicates that it is June 9, 2023, at 11:21 PM and 58.461996 seconds in the UTC+05:30 timezone.

format() Method

The format() method is available in the Pendulum module and is used to display the date and time in a specified format. It receives a format string and uses that to parse the Pendulum instance into a specified format.


In this example we are creating different-different format string in the Pendulum module.

import pendulum

# Creating a Pendulum instance
dt = pendulum.datetime(2023, 6, 12, 2, 19, 35, 123456, tz='UTC')

# Format the Pendulum instance using format()
form_date = dt.format('YYYY-MM-DD')
form_time = dt.format('HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS')
form_datetime = dt.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')

# Print the formatted results
print("Date formatted:",form_date)
print("Time formatted:",form_time)
print("DateTime Formatted:",form_datetime)


Date formatted: 2023-06-12 
Time formatted: 02:19:35.123456 
DateTime Formatted: 2023-06-12 02:19:35

Period() Method

A Period object will be returned by the diff() function or when you subtract one DateTime instance from another.


we can create period instance with the help of period() method.

import pendulum
start_date = pendulum.datetime(2022, 6, 12)
end_date = pendulum.datetime(2023, 6, 12)
period = pendulum.period(start_date, end_date)



In this program we are finding the difference between two datetime with the use of period() function.

parse() Method

The parse() method of the pendulum module is used to create a pendulum instance by parsing the given date or time string. It automatically recognizes various date and time formats and is useful for parsing them into pendulum objects.


Here is an example in which we use the parse() method in Pendulum.

import pendulum

result = pendulum.parse("2023-06-12T03:30:48", tz="UTC")



In this example, we have created a pendulum DateTime instance result using the parse() method. We use the date and time string "2023-06-12T03:30:48" as an argument to parse() . The tz parameter is used so that the parsed DateTime can be checked. In this example we set it to the "UTC" timezone. The parse() method automatically detects the format of the input string and creates the Pendulum instance accordingly.

in_timezone() Method

The in_timezones() function is available in the Pendulum module and is used to convert a given instance into one or more timezones. Returns a new Pendulum instance containing the date and time according to the given timezone.


Here is an example that shows how to use the in_timezones() method.

import pendulum

res ="UTC")
final_res = res.in_timezone("Asia/Kolkata")

print("Current datetime in the UTC timezone: ",res)
print("Converted datetime in the 'Asia/Kolkata' timezone: ",final_res)


Current datetime in the UTC timezone: 2023-06-14T03:53:50.575082+00:00 Converted datetime in the 'Asia/Kolkata' timezone: 2023-06-14T09:23:50.575082+05:30

In this program first we print the current time of “UTC” timezones then we convert into “Asia/Kolkata” timezone with the help of in_timezone method.


The Pendulum Module is an important asset for Python users who deal with dates and times. Its useful features, user-friendly interface, and effortless timezone compatibility can streamline your tasks and enhance your efficiency.

Updated on: 29-Sep-2023


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