Cmdparse module in Python

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity and extensive library support. With Python, developers can create a wide range of applications, from web development to data analysis and automation. One of the standout features of Python is its ability to handle command−line interfaces (CLIs) effortlessly, thanks to modules like Cmdparse.

In this tutorial, we will take a deep dive into the Cmdparse module and learn how to harness its features to create robust and interactive CLIs. We will start by covering the basics, including the installation process and importing the module into our Python scripts. Then, we will guide you through the process of defining commands and options, as well as handling arguments effectively.

Getting Started with Cmdparse

Step 1: Installation

To begin working with Cmdparse, we first need to install the module. Fortunately, the installation process is straightforward. In this tutorial, we will use pip, the package installer for Python, to install Cmdparse. Open your command prompt or terminal and execute the following command:

pip install cmdparse

This command will download and install the Cmdparse module from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Once the installation is complete, you'll be ready to start using Cmdparse in your Python projects.

Step 2: Importing Cmdparse

After installing Cmdparse, we need to import the module into our Python script to access its functionality. To import Cmdparse, add the following import statement at the beginning of your script:

import cmdparse

With this import statement, we can now make use of the Cmdparse module in our code. In the following sections of the article, we will explore the various features and capabilities of Cmdparse to build powerful command−line interfaces.

Step 3: Creating a Basic Command−Line Interface (CLI)

Now that we have Cmdparse installed and imported, let's dive into creating a basic Command−Line Interface (CLI) using Cmdparse. This will serve as a foundation for understanding the structure and components of a CLI built with Cmdparse.

In this example, let's create a simple CLI that allows users to greet each other. Open your text editor and create a new Python file. Import Cmdparse at the beginning of the file with the import statement we discussed earlier.

Next, define a class that inherits from `cmdparse.CmdParse` to create our CLI. Let's call it `GreetingCLI`. Within the class, define a method named `do_greet`, which will handle the 'greet' command. Here's an example code snippet:

import cmdparse

class GreetingCLI(cmdparse.CmdParse):
    def do_greet(self, argv):
        print(f"Hello, {argv[0]}!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli = GreetingCLI()

In this example, the `do_greet` method takes an argument `argv`, which represents the command−line arguments passed to the 'greet' command. Inside the method, we simply print a greeting message using the first argument.

To execute the CLI, we create an instance of the `GreetingCLI` class and call its `parse()` method. This will parse the user's input and invoke the appropriate command handler.

Save the file with a `.py` extension and run it using the command prompt or terminal:


Now, in the command prompt, type `greet Prince` (replace 'Prince' with any name you like) and hit Enter. The CLI will respond with "Hello, Prince!".

Congratulations! You have successfully created a basic CLI using Cmdparse. In the next section of the article, we will explore how to define commands and options in more detail.

Advanced Features and Functionality

Command Aliases

Command aliases allow us to define alternative names for existing commands, providing more flexibility and convenience for users. To define aliases for commands, we can use the `add_alias()` method provided by Cmdparse.

Let's continue with our previous example of the GreetingCLI. Suppose we want to add an alias for the 'greet' command, allowing users to use the 'hello' command as well. Here's an updated code snippet:

import cmdparse

class GreetingCLI(cmdparse.CmdParse):
    def do_greet(self, argv):
        print(f"Hello, {argv[0]}!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli = GreetingCLI()
    cli.add_alias('greet', 'hello')  
    # Adding alias for 'greet' command

In this example, we added the line `cli.add_alias('greet', 'hello')` to our code. This line specifies that the 'hello' command is an alias for the 'greet' command. Now, users can use either 'greet' or 'hello' to invoke the same functionality.

Command Groups

Another powerful feature of Cmdparse is the ability to create and manage command groups. Command groups allow us to categorize related commands under a common group name, making the CLI more organized and easier to navigate. To create and manage command groups, we can use the `add_group()` method provided by Cmdparse.

Let's enhance our GreetingCLI by adding a command group called 'greetings' and placing the 'greet' command inside it. Here's an updated code snippet:

import cmdparse

class GreetingCLI(cmdparse.CmdParse):
    def do_greet(self, argv):
        print(f"Hello, {argv[0]}!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli = GreetingCLI()
    greetings_group = cli.add_group('greetings')  # Creating a command group
    greetings_group.add_command('greet', cli.do_greet)  # Adding 'greet' command to the group

In this example, we created a command group called 'greetings' using the `add_group()` method. Then, we added the 'greet' command to the 'greetings' group using the `add_command()` method. By organizing related commands into groups, we can provide a more logical structure to our CLI.

With this, we’ve successfully explored the advanced features of Cmdparse, including command aliases, command groups, and output customization.


In this tutorial, we delved into the world of the Cmdparse module in Python, which empowers developers to create robust and interactive command−line interfaces (CLIs). We began by installing the module using pip and importing it into our Python scripts. We provided examples for each step, ensuring that beginners could easily follow along. We then created a basic CLI using Cmdparse, allowing users to greet each other. Next, we explored advanced features such as command aliases and command groups.

Updated on: 19-Jul-2023


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