Pattern Generation using Python time() module

Programming's basic concept of pattern creation entails producing ordered sequences or patterns. Python as a powerful programming language, provides a great range of tools as well as modules that make it simple to manage patterns. The time() is one kind of module that gets tools for managing time-related tasks. The time() module, while mostly used for time monitoring and measurement, can also be creatively utilized to produce dynamic patterns that alter over time.

We will examine two different methods for pattern generation using the Python time() function in this article. We will examine the underlying algorithms of each strategy, offer thorough code examples along with their associated results, and then emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.


For pattern generation using the Python time() module, we can follow the two methods −

  • Using Random Numbers to Create Patterns.

  • Pattern Creation with the help of current time.

Let us look into both approaches −

Utilizing Random Numbers to Create Patterns

To ensure that unique patterns are generated each time, we use the current time as the seed for the random number generator in this method. A series of random numbers are generated, and they are subsequently mapped to the desired pattern. In this example, even numbers are mapped to "*," whereas odd numbers are mapped to "#." We print the created pattern off last.


The algorithm for pattern generation using the Python time() module is given below −

  • Step 1 − Import the time as well as the random module.

  • Step 2 − Utilize the time() to obtain the current time.

  • Step 3 − Provide set the seed for the provided random number generator.

  • Step 4 − Get the series of random numbers.

  • Step 5 − For the pattern, map the random numbers into the pattern.

  • Step 6 − Display the resultant pattern.


# import the time as well as the random module
import time
import random

# With the aid of time() get the current time
time_current = time.time()

# The seed for the random number generator is set

# Generate a sequence of random numbers
numbers_random= [random.randint(0, 9) for _ in range(10)]

# Mapping the random numbers to the pattern
pattern = ['*' if num % 2 == 0 else '#' for num in numbers_random]

# Display the generated pattern
print('Pattern 1: ', ''.join(pattern))


Pattern 1:  #**###*#**

Pattern Creation With the Help of Current Time

In this approach, we make use of the time() module to determine the current time in seconds as the epoch. To work with this floating-point value more efficiently, we convert it to an integer. The afterward step provides performing basic mathematical operations to extract the seconds, minutes, as well as hours from the current time. Printing '#' for each hour, '*' for each minute, and '-' for each second provides the pattern. With passing time, the pattern will alter dynamically.


The algorithm for pattern generation using the Python time() module is given below −

  • Step 1 − Import the time module.

  • Step 2 − The time() is utilized to compute the current time.

  • Step 3 − Get the integer value by converting the current time into it.

  • Step 4 − Extract the hours, minutes as well as seconds with this module.

  • Step 5 − Produce the pattern with the help of time components.

  • Step 6 − Display the generated pattern.


# import the time module
import time

# Get the required current time
time_current = time.time()
# Convert the current time to an integer value
time_current = int(time_current)

# Get the time components for hours, minutes as well as seconds
hours = (time_current // 3600) % 24
# Get the minutes component
minutes = (time_current // 60) % 60
# Get the seconds component
seconds = time_current % 60

# Create the pattern based on time components
pattern = '#' * hours + '*' * minutes + '-' * seconds

# Display the generated pattern
print('Pattern 2: ', pattern)


Pattern 2:  ####*****************************************---


The second method, which generates patterns employing the time() module, provides an intriguing dimension to pattern design. The created patterns evolve in real-time by factoring in the current time, providing dynamic data representations or creative graphics that change over time. Python's time() module is versatile and enables programmers to build a variety of time-dependent patterns, making it a useful tool for data visualization, digital art, and other applications where temporal features are important. Developers will be able to design compelling and time-aware patterns for their projects by having a solid understanding of both methods.

Updated on: 18-Oct-2023


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