Three equal cubes are placed adjacently in a row. Find the ratio of total surface area of the new cuboid to that of the sum of the surface areas of the three cubes.


Three equal cubes are placed adjacently in a row.

To do:

We have to find the ratio of total surface area of the new cuboid to that of the sum of the surface areas of the three cubes.


Let each side of the cube be $s\ cm$

This implies,

Surface area of the cube $= 6s^2\ cm^2$

Surface area of three such cubes $= 3 \times 6s^2$

$= 18s^2\ cm^2$

By placing three cubes side by side, we get a cuboid of

Length $(l) = s \times 3 = 3s$

Breadth $(b) =s$

Height $(h) = s$


Total surface area of the cuboid $= 2(lb + bh + lh)$

$= 2(3s \times s+s \times s+s \times 3s)$

$= 2(3s^2 + s^2 + 3s^2)$

$= 14\ s^2$

The ratio between their surface areas $= 14s^2 : 18s^2$

$= 7 : 9$

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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