Opportunities in Digital India

Discussion and debate around the topic “Digital” and “Digital India” has increased in the past few years after the initiation of Digital India program by Government of India. GOI’s aim of bringing digital in governance, among people has increased in the recent years, where most of the government organization and services are migrated towards digital format. As a result of migration towards the digital life or digital India, opportunities for techies have increased. It has also influenced in the creation of large number of Startup communities in India.

In this article, we are going to see the opportunities for the young generation in Digital India, especially in the area of SMAC (Social Mobility and Cloud). These are the core area, which is used by the Government organization and private organization to migrate towards the digital life. The term digital India or digitization can be defined as,

“Process of involving digital medium for faster and efficient service to the people”.

Let us look upon some of the core area of Digital India in this article.

Be Social

The term social generally indicates social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Quora, LinkedIn, Instagram), which have become popular after the implementation of Web 2.0. Number of social networking site users has increased in the recent years, which has placed India in the 2nd highest number of social networking users. Social networking sites has opened a wide opportunities for politicians and business people, where they can directly connect with people via advertisements and other medium. Social networking sites have become agent of inducement for the business. Traffic in the social networking sites is always higher than the normal websites, which obviously become the target for the business people. These sites offer faster, reliable, required, wide reach of advertisements than any other medium with low cost.

Social networking site have opened a new are of job opportunities, such as “Digital Marketing”, “Social Networking Marketing”, “Social Networking Engineer”, “Social Networking Analyst”. And the basic skills that are required for these jobs are: Marketing skill, presentation skill, Problem solving skill, Analytics skill.

Mo, Mo, Mobility

Mobility and Mobile communication plays a vital role in Indian society, which has changed the nature of the common man. India has worlds’ largest tele-communication market in the world, with largest number of users using the mobile technologies. Mobile communication had created a new are of computing called pervasive computing, which is considered as the base for the Internet of things (IoT). IoT has connected all the non living entities and elements under single roof using the available mobile communications.

At many occasions, IoT environment is formed using the Bluetooth network or using the Internet. Internet of things has converted the normal object as the digital object. These digital objects are capable of creating data, which can also be utilized for the analytics.

Thereby these mobile communication and IoT had created an Omni present digital environment, which is also the major reason for making the digitalization as the fastest medium of communication and delivery of service.

Network Engineer, IoT Engineer, Mobile Marketing, Tele marketing are some of major opportunities created by Mobility. Strong networking knowledge, Communication skill, analytical skill, problem solving skill are the few important skills required to grab the opportunities in the domain of Mobility.

Automation Analytics Era

Analytics and Automation is the budding domain in the information and technology sector, which has tremendously changed the nature of the common business. Analytics has influenced the business by predicting the nature of the business with the previous old historical data. It has also wide opened by creating a new area of analytics such as Big Data analytics. Big Data Analytics helps to identify the scope of the business and automation takes it forward. Data which were (was/is) once considered as memory occupier is now considered as Gold.

Yes, in the (today’s) digital world Data is considered as Gold. Data analytics will predict the future of the business and automation will implements the same. Data analytics helps the human engineers to increase the productivity by helping them to identify the key area of the business. These kinds of analytics have opened a new branch of science called as Data science. Data science is the combination of Mathematics and Data structures.

Data science engineer, Big Data Engineer, Analytics Engineer, Storage Administrator, Data base administrator, Big Data infrastructure engineer are some of the important and key roles of Data analytics evolution. Strong knowledge on Data structures, Research Mathematics, Probability, Problem Solving skills, Analytical skill are some of the commonly required skill for grabbing the opportunities in the domain of analytics.

Above and Beyond Clouds

Cloud plays a vital role in the digital migration, which creates a single roof for the services to be delivered to people. It helps in creating a common platform to host all the services, which were hosted offline. Cloud orchestration (automation), makes the process of service delivery much easier and faster than the manual delivery of process. Form generation in government offices and other places have become much easier and faster. One of the popular Cloud services from government of India is Dig locker service which allows the user to save the important documents. Since Dig locker is operated by government of India, data that reside in locker will be safer and secured. The stored data can be accessed across the globe.

Due to implementation and migration towards cloud, it has become mandatory for the software professionals to have idea about cloud computing and its usage. It is also mandatory for the professionals to have idea on networking and storage. Opportunities in cloud computing can be utilized only with the help of enhancing the skills that are associated with cloud. Few important skills required are, Scripting Language (PowerShell, Python, Shell Scripting) and Awareness on popular cloud models (Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud).

Few popular opportunities of cloud computing are, Cloud administrator; Cloud Architect; Cloud solution Engineer; Cloud Database Engineer; Cloud storage engineer. These roles are mostly filled with prior knowledge on cloud computing and with certification from the reputed organization. Some of the popular certifications are: Microsoft Azure certification, Amazon Web Services Certification, IBM Certification and Google certification.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2020


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