Nervous System Coordination


Nervous system Coordination can affect the whole body including memory to feel and can control the sense so, that the brain can interpret what one person can see, taste or touch. In simple words, the whole body can be controlled and coordinated for various activities by the nervous system and its coordination. Nerves help to send and receive the message that too in form of an electrical impulse, is called the nerve impulse.

Control and Coordination in Human

Control and coordination are the kinds of activities that take place via the nervous system and the organs, that comprise different kinds of hormones that is the endocrine system. The five types of sense organs in the body are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. They are known as the receptors and these organs function by gaining information from the surrounding, or the environment. Therefore, the response and coordination in both humans and animals involve the sense organs, the nervous system and hormones.

Conduction and Coordination of Nerve Pulses

The information that is transmitted is carried in a form of a nerve impulse. The term nerve impulse can be referred to as any electrical or chemical or mechanical disturbances that are created by the stimulus in a neuron. It simply helps in the process of neurotransmitters. The main thing about a neuron is that it is a non-conducting and its membrane is positive and negative on the inside. Nerve conduction is an electrochemical process. The conduction of a nerve pulse occurs because of the presence of active and electronic potentials along with the conductors. The process that transmits the signal works through the synapse. The nerve conductors comprise the higher membrane resistance and the lower axial resistance.

Three Types of Neurons 

There are different types of neurons and they consist of sensory neurons, motor neurons and relay neurons.

  • The function of the sensory neurons is to carry the impulses from the sensory organs to the brain.

  • The function of the motor neurons is to get the messages from the brain to the sense organs.

  • The function of the relay neurons is to execute both the functions of the sensory neurons and the motor neurons. The neuron acts as the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. Its function is to get and transmit electrical nerve impulses.

Other types :

Control and Coordination in Plants

In comparison to animals the process of coordination in plants is very different. Is it not surprising that all types of plants do not have the same heights or structure? While some plants are dense, some are scanty, some are short like shrubs, some are tall and sturdy like the banyan. While some plants grow better in the tropical areas, there are plants that grow better in the temperate areas.

According to a study, this is because of the influence of a plant hormone known as the phytohormone. Phytohormones are also known as the growth regulators of the plants. They play an important role in the control and coordination of plants.

It is noted that movement among the plants also took place; however, it cannot be seen or observed in a normal way. It is because, in comparison to the control and coordination of animals, the control and coordination in the plants is significantly slow, and can take about weeks and months to show their expression. For instance, consider the example of not watering a plant, the result of its complete withering takes place only after some days, and not just immediately in a day or two.


Control and coordination imply the proper and systemic functioning of the body. The working is generally assisted by the nervous system and the endocrine systems. The endocrine system assists in the process through the activity of the different hormones. The nervous system comprises the five sense organs in humans. Broadly, it can be classified into three types according to the functions of the different systems. Control and coordination also take place in plants although much slower than the animals or humans. The activity in the plants generally takes place through the plant hormone phytohormones. The outcomes of their reflexes can take days to show themselves.


Q1. What are the types of nervous coordination?

Ans. The central nervous system is made with the combination of brain and spinal cord, and the other nervous system is the peripheral nervous system, which is made of the somatic and automatic nervous system.

Q2. What is meant by the coordination of the body?

Ans. The coordination of the body can be defined as the ability that helps the body to proceed smooth, accurate and controlled motor response. It also means the appropriate selection of the muscle with the proper intensity that helps it to achieve the exact result.

Q3. What is the cause of loss of coordination?

Ans. The loss of coordination can be referred to as Ataxia, which results from the damage to the brain’s part that controls muscle coordination or the connection.

Q4. What is the main function of the nervous system?

Ans. The main function of the nervous system is that it helps all the body parts in the process of communication. It also helps to react when any change occurs inside or outside of the body.

Q5. What is a common example of coordination?

Ans. The coordination can be explained easily with the help of a gymnast, who can walk on a tightrope without failing from it, it is because of his body's coordination.

Updated on: 25-Jan-2023


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