N-gram Language Modeling with NLTK

Machine translation, voice recognition, and even the act of writing all benefit significantly from language modeling, which is an integral aspect of NLP. The well-known statistical technique "n-gram language modeling" predicts the nth word in a string given the previous n terms. This tutorial dives deep into using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a robust Python toolkit for natural language processing tasks, for N-gram language modeling.

Understanding N-grams and Language Modeling

As a first step in our study, we will examine the basics of N-grams and language models. N-grams are sequences of n elements occurring together in a text. We'll discuss how various N-grams—such as unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams—can provide light on language's statistical tendencies. We will also investigate the Markov assumption, upon which N-gram models are founded, to understand its implications for linguistic modeling better.

NLTK: A Powerhouse for NLP

The Natural Language Toolkit, or NLTK, is a Python library for various NLP jobs. We will look closely at the parts and functions of NLTK that make it such a helpful tool for N-gram language modeling. From tokenization to part-of-speech tagging and grammar parsing, NLTK has many features that make it easier to prepare and analyze text data. We will also talk about NLTK's large number of samples, which can be used to train language models.

Preparing the Corpus for N-gram Modeling

Preparing a corpus, a group of text papers used to train the model is essential to N-gram language modeling. We will discuss how to find or make a collection that suits our needs. This covers things like the data sources, cleaning the data, normalizing the data, and putting the group together. NLTK has several ways and tools to help prepare corpora so that the data is in the right shape for N-gram modeling.

Tokenization: Breaking Text into Words or Sentences

Tokenization is splitting text into smaller pieces, like words or sentences. We will talk about how vital tokenization is in N-gram modeling and look at ways to tokenize, such as by tokenizing words or sentences. NLTK has powerful tokenization features that can break up text into valuable pieces. We'll talk about the pros and cons of tokenization and show how it can be done using NLTK with some code examples.

Generating N-grams with NLTK

Once the text is broken into tokens, we can use NLTK to make N-grams. We will look at using NLTK's 'ngrams' function to generate N-grams from the tokenized text. We'll look at choosing the correct number for N and discuss how the size of N-grams affects the language model. We will show how N-grams are made with code examples and look at their structure and spread.

Building an N-gram Language Model with NLTK

A language model may be constructed using NLTK with the N-grams in hand. In this article, we will examine creating a language model using the frequency of N-grams. This involves calculating the likelihood of the following word based on the terms already present using the frequency distribution. In addition, we'll discuss methods like "smoothing" that may be used to handle infrequent N-grams and improve the language model's performance. Here, we provide code examples for constructing an N-gram language model using NLTK.

Evaluating and Applying the N-gram Language Model

This part discusses how well our N-gram language model works. We'll talk about metrics like confusion and cross-entropy that are often used to measure how good a language model is. Also, we will look at how N-gram language modeling can be used in different NLP jobs. We will examine how N-gram models can improve apps like text generation, word checking, and machine translation.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to generate n-grams using NLTK −


import nltk

# Tokenize the text into words
text = "This is an example sentence."
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)

# Generate trigrams (n=3)
n = 3
trigrams = list(nltk.ngrams(tokens, n))

# Print the generated trigrams
for trigram in trigrams:


The output will be −

('This', 'is', 'an')
('is', 'an', 'example')
('an', 'example', 'sentence')

Once the n-grams have been formed, the language may be modeled based on them. The simplest approach is to count how often each n-gram occurs in the corpus and use that knowledge to make a prediction about the following word. The FreqDist class in NLTK may be used to determine the frequency distribution of n-grams.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to build a unigram (n=1) language model using NLTK −


from nltk import FreqDist

# Generate unigrams (n=1)
n = 1
unigrams = list(nltk.ngrams(tokens, n))

# Calculate the frequency distribution of unigrams
freq_dist = FreqDist(unigrams)

# Calculate the probability of a word
word = 'example'
probability = freq_dist.freq((word,))

print(f"The probability of '{word}' is: {probability}")

The output will be the probability of the word 'example' in the corpus.


In conclusion, NLTK's N-gram language modeling adds a great deal of adaptability to the field of natural language processing. You may now construct and evaluate your N-gram language models using your firm grasp of N-grams, language modeling, and the powerful tools NLTK provides. From data preparation to creating N-grams and the language model, NLTK provides the tools and functions to speed up the process. N-gram language modeling may help you discover fresh perspectives on the reading, writing, and critiquing text.

Someswar Pal
Someswar Pal

Studying Mtech/ AI- ML

Updated on: 11-Oct-2023


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