Introduction to Remotion - Create Animation and Videos with React.js

In many ways, people utilize videos to enhance their digital encounters, yet what if someone informed you that you may now make videos on the internet?

This article covers Remotion, a library collection that lays the groundwork for automatic program-producing films with React.

Remotion is a freshly released package that allows React to make films and visual effects. Several web developers found it intriguing because it gives them more freedom to produce their films and animation.

Overview about Remotion

Your favorite web technologies, including JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, CSS, etc., may be used to make animations and films utilizing Remotion. This fascinating library was just released only sometime ago.

It allows you to assemble visual elements into videos using WebGL, SVG, CSS, and canvas. Even better, you may accomplish these using well-known programming structures like math, functions, variables, etc.

With Remotion, users may easily create videos and convert them into MP4 format using JavaScript programming. It is capable of making the most of React's advantages, including speedy reloading, reusable elements, and potent compositions since it's a React-based framework.

Additionally, Remotion comes with a player called Remotion Player that lets you watch and evaluate your videos in the browser while giving you the impression of utilizing a genuine video editor.

Get started with Remotion

The process of starting a unique Remotion venture is reasonably straightforward. Node.js and FFmpeg are two prerequisites that You must install before you can begin using Remotion.

See the steps here to configure remotion-

Step 1: Installing FFMPEG and Node.js

You will concentrate on implementing FFMPEG because deploying Node.js is quite frequent. Through the downloads section, you must initially install the appropriate edition of FFMPEG.

After extracting it into your chosen directory, modify your route variables by running the command following in CMD (Windows) as an administrator.

setx /M PATH "path\to\ffmpeg\bin;%PATH%"

Step 2: Starting a New Project

Initializing an innovative Remotion movie only takes one prompt following downloading the prerequisites; you may utilize yarn or npm.

npm init video


yarn create video

You’re done now. The new Remotion program has been effectively initialized, allowing you to now launch it utilizing -

npm run start

Starting the Remotion

After obtaining FFmpeg and Node, you are prepared to begin using Remotion. Run the following boilerplate code to launch a demo video and a React app −

yarn create video


npm init video

With the help of these prompts, a JavaScript app operating on an explicit server will be created that includes the preceding −

  • A file called ‘remotion.config.ts’ allows you to customize different Remotion settings.

  • A ‘server.tsx’ file which holds the reasoning behind how you rendered your video

  • If you wish to dockerize your site for server-side rendering or SSR, you may provide an additional Dockerfile

  • GitHub processes, ESlint, Prettier, and your coding editing configuration data (when you utilize VSCode)

  • A directory called ‘src’ houses the React elements used to make your film

Additionally, the script installs any npm requirements you'll require to get going. Once this is finished, you may launch the video using npm run start or yarn start. Equivalent to video makers such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Remotion's media player can operate at localhost:3000 having the parts arranged on a grid.

Principles of Remotion

You may begin making a video now that you have started your Remotion venture. However, it's preferable if you had some knowledge of Remotion's fundamentals before all this.

Video Qualities

Remotion offers video characteristics like Height, durationInFrames, Dimensions, and frames per second, i.e., fps.

These properties allow you to specify the frequency of frames per second, the number of frames it must broadcast, and the dimensions of an element in aspects of the pixel. It's also recommended to deduce those attributes utilizing useVideoConfig to keep your parts reusable.


In Remotion, users may also employ compositions as a component and utilize the attributes above, like metadata. You may see three composition components in the project's video.tsx file, all of which have video properties and other metadata supplied into it. Additionally, these compositions are displayed inside this Remotion Player's upper-left corner.

Sequence Component

Sequential elements in Remotion provide two essential functions. It’s chiefly employed to allocate various time frames into video components, and you can repeat a similar component while keeping the relationship between parts.

A higher-order element with the capacity to retain child elements is the sequence element.

It also takes three props, one of which is optional and two of which are necessary.

  • durationInFrames - The extent of the frame-based sequence component

  • from This specifies the frame, specifying which part of the clip should be displayed.

  • name - The name you enter for this optional prop shall be displayed in any Remotion player timeframe. If you follow a correct naming strategy, you shall be capable of grasping how each element is connected.

Animation Characteristics

Animation is crucial when it relates to video, and Remotion allows you the flexibility to configure some incredible animations.

For instance, you may change the opacity of the frame by frame when you require a simple expression in appearance. Additionally, Remotion features two built-in functions, spring and interpolate, which you may utilize to create more complex animations.

  • Spring - By enhancing the naturalness of the animation, spring animations let you be much more imaginative with the presentation.

  • Interpolate - The interpolate algorithm takes four input criteria: a variety of values to which you would like to translate that input, a spectrum of possible values for the inputs, an input quantity (often a frame), and an additional parameter.


Remotion is still very new, but it indeed boasts several incredible features.

Remotion contains capabilities that are well-known to developers, such as Data fetching, Parametrized rendering, and Server-Side Rendering, which is an excellent opening to lure the developers’ community its way.

In particular, it’s an excellent choice for those who wish to find a technique to make animations or short videos for private use.

Updated on: 07-Dec-2022


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