In Chapter 10, you will find ways of measuring the length of curved lines. In your mathematics classes, you will learn to prepare bar graphs. After you learn these, try the following interesting project. Prepare some sprouts of moong as discussed in the chapter. Every day, wash them in water and drain all the water. Let them grow for a week until all of the seeds grow into young plants. Measure the lengths of the sprouts every day using a string. Take care that they do not break. Prepare a bar graph of the number of sprouts having lengths in different ranges.

Mung bean sprouts, also called bean sprouts or moong beans, come from soaked and sprouted mung beans. This bean is often used in Asian dishes like Indian, Thai, and Lao, and it is mostly grown in Eastern and Southeastern Asia.

Mung bean sprouts are full of vitamins C, K, and B, as well as fibre, magnesium, and potassium. To grow mung bean sprouts at home, you just need to soak the beans and put them in a dark place until they sprout. It can take as little as one or two days for seeds to sprout, and they are ready to eat in about three or four days.

1. Rinse beans. Use a colander or strainer and clean water in the sink to rinse the mung beans well. Run water through the beans until it runs clear. Then, run clean hands through the beans to remove any dust or other debris.

2. Let the beans soak. Pour half a cup of mung beans into a large container. A glass jar like a mason jar is a good choice. Then, pour one to one and a half cups of cool water over the beans. Use a rubber band to hold a cheesecloth or paper towel over the top of the container so the beans can breathe. Soak beans at room temperature for eight to twelve hours, until they get bigger.

3. Pour out the water and rinse the beans. After eight hours or the next day, strain the beans. Use a cheesecloth or a strainer to pour in the water from the top of the jar. Rinse the beans again and drain the water.

4. Put the beans away. Store the beans in the empty, dry container where they sprouted, pack them in layers of paper towels in a bowl or colander, or wrap them in a slightly damp kitchen napkin or cheesecloth and store them in a bowl with a lid. Make sure to put them somewhere dark and away from the sun.

Every day, use a string to measure the length of the sprouts, making sure they don't break while taking the measurement. After a week (7 days), the length of the sprouts' hair is mentioned below:

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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