How to Write a Great Essay Quickly?


Everyone can write a flawless essay when they have the time, however there are times when you need to write an essay quickly. Though at times intimidating, this is definitely attainable with careful preparation and time management.

How to Write a Great Essay?

Recognize the Assignment

Writing a paper that doesn't even attempt to address the professor's issue is the greatest waste of time. If there is anything about the assignment that is unclear, don't be hesitant to approach the professor to clarify it.

It is not your teacher/instructor’s intention to confuse you if the assignment looks ambiguous. They frequently assume some things are "obvious" to them even when they are not to those of us who are not specialists since they are so knowledgeable in their area. But keep in mind that asking for clarification doesn't make you stupid; being stupid is doing the project without comprehending it.

Research with ruthless effectiveness

You need to begin your investigation as soon as you comprehend the assignment. But take care! Research has a reputation for being one of the finest ways to put off doing anything. It is simple to let "one more source" snowball into hours that you might have spent writing. You reach a threshold of diminishing rewards if you spend any more time than this. Don't be concerned that you lack sufficient knowledge.

When you begin writing, you may always conduct further research if you discover that you need more details. Your initial research session should provide you with just enough information to get started writing. Find your sources in the database or library, make notes as you go, and then start writing.

Establish a Clear Outline

Before you sit down, review your materials, and really attempt to write, it is hard to plan out every aspect of your case. Soon as their fingertips touch the keyboard, the majority of pupils give up on their hierarchical outline.

  • Avoid developing a hierarchical framework. Instead, make a list of the subjects you wish to cover in the order you choose.

  • Return to the library to look for references for the subjects that still require help.

  • File under the themes any pertinent quotations from your sources.

  • Create your paper using the topic-level outline. Avoid beginning with a blank screen.

Establish the ideal setting for writing

Well, so you've done your research, have a thorough knowledge of the subject, and your flat outline is complete. You must now sit down and write that jerk. Not so quickly though—where you write matters.

Visit a quiet area. It may be a peaceful area of the library, coffee shops off-campus, or even your room. You must travel to a location where you are confident that no one will obstruct your progress or distract you.

Make sure It is cosy − If the table wobbles or your chair feels like a bed of nails, you won't be able to concentrate on writing. Before writing anything else, tend to your basic physical needs. Caution: avoid writing in bed.

Discourage digital diversion − This could be as simple as closing unrelated programmes and switching your phone to aeroplane mode, depending on how bad your internet/phone addiction is, or it could be as drastic as installing an app like Cold Turkey Writer that disables everything on your computer until you write a predetermined number of words. Use an app like Freedom or Self Control to block distracting websites if you require the internet to write (if you're writing on Google Docs, for example).

Prepare your materials − A sure productivity killer is sitting down to write and realise you forgot one of your sources back at your hostel. Before you start writing, make sure your computer is charged, your sources are available, and you have coffee or tea on hand.

Observe a standardized format

Every paper you write shouldn't feel like you're starting from scratch. While writing a paper for a college class, your aim should be to meet the criteria while going just a little bit farther to wow the professor. You're not attempting to pioneer a new field or reinvent how the English language is used.

Just choosing and adhering to an established framework for your discipline can prevent you from becoming bogged down in it.

Separate draught and edit phases

Like other types of multitasking, simultaneous editing and drafting is ineffective and eventually impossible. Not at all. Compose with all of your focus and effort, then edit.

Similar to this, when writing, never take a break to do research. Just note the information you are unsure of and return to it later. Looking anything up diverts your attention from writing at best, but It is more likely to lead you down a rabbit hole on the internet that will really interfere with your writing efforts.

This method of writing aims to keep you as long as possible in a state of flow. Because once you reach a state of flow, your momentum won't be able to be stopped.

Compose the introduction and conclusion last

Creating an introduction is one of the biggest obstacles to starting a paper. This challenge is understandable when you consider how you would present something you haven't yet constructed.

For this reason, you shouldn't start writing the introduction until the major body of the paper is complete. I know it seems counterproductive, but I implore you to give it a go. This approach prevents what I have experienced more times than I can count, which is writing the paper just to discover that my intro doesn't even mesh with the finished product.

The same holds true for the ending. Put it in last. How, after all, can you draw a conclusion while your writing is still incomplete? Check read my essay on how to write a paper for more tips on how to create strong conclusions.

Do Not Edit Alone

You require solitude and concentration when composing the draught. Yet, editing might go more quickly if you ask someone else to review your work. Why? Considering that you are naturally blind to the errors in your writing. Since you've been staring at the draught for so long, errors won't stand out to you as they would to a new pair of eyes.

Some Quick Tips for Writing Effectively

  • Get a head start on writing, the sooner, the better. Procrastination is counterproductive, because starting provides you time to refine your ideas while reducing worry.

  • Recall the essay question. Keep your focus on the work or subject at hand. While you write and revise your argument, have a copy in front of you.

  • Avoid attempting to compose an essay from start to finish (especially not in a single sitting). Start with a plan, a few phrases, or a list of bullet points that you are prepared to write. Beginning with the body, write each paragraph one at a time.

  • After the body, write the introduction and conclusion. When you have decided on your essay's topic, compose the introduction and conclusion.

  • When writing, use "signpost" terms. The reader can follow your ideas' flow and order with the aid of transitional cues.

  • Carefully include your evidence. Use introduction sentences before any quotations or paraphrases.

  • Thoroughly edit your initial draught. Make sure the essay flows as a whole and that the paragraphs are arranged logically.

  • Set away the essay for a few days. As a result, you may think about and modify your essay again.

Updated on: 10-Jan-2024


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