Developing the Essay Topic


Some people find it easy to just sit down at their computer, turn on their computer, and start typing. Nevertheless, properly writing an essay requires a lot more preparation. It is a good idea to adhere to a few crucial elements in the essay writing process if you have never written an essay before, struggle with writing, or wish to enhance your abilities.

For instance, in general, while writing an essay, you should −

  • Choose the type of essay to write.

  • Select a writing style after doing research on your chosen subject.

  • Create a thesis statement and essay outline.

  • Write your essay and then proofread it for grammar and spelling.

Even if it seems like a lot of procedures to do in order to create a straightforward essay, if you do so, you will be able to produce more effective, coherent, and clear writings. You must decide what kind of essay you are writing before you can begin.

Essays can be divided into the following four major categories −

  • Narrative − Narrative essays tell a tale or convey facts about your topic in a clear, systematic way, much as in a story.

  • Persuasive − In a persuasive essay, you must persuade the reader of your point of view.

  • Descriptive − Descriptive writing should concentrate on the specifics of the action. For example, if you wanted to write a descriptive essay on your visit to the museum, you would go into great detail about what you experienced: how the grass felt under your feet, what the park chairs looked like, and anything else the reader would need to feel as though he was there.

  • Expository − You can explain to the reader how to carry out a certain procedure in an expository essay. For example, an expository essay about how to prepare a chicken tikka curry may provide detailed directions.

It may be a lot easier to select a topic and organise your essay effectively if you know what type of essay you are attempting to produce.

Other kinds of essays include the following −

  • Argumentative essay − State your opinion on a hot-button subject and back it up with arguments.

  • Compare and contrast essay − Determine the similarities and differences between two topics that are generally grouped under the same heading in a compare and contrast essay.

  • Essays on problem-solving − Essays on problem-solving should identify an issue, pique the reader's interest in it, suggest a solution, and be ready to address any objections.

  • Essay that informs the reader by providing information on a certain subject.

Essay writing requires a topic, which must be thought out beforehand. The method through which you develop the essay topic is called brainstorming. During this stage, you should just sit and brainstorm.

  • You can always focus such things down later, so write down anything that comes to mind now.

  • To brainstorm and come up with essay topic ideas, use thought mapping or clustering. Using this technique, you would write your subject or concept in the middle of the page and then surround it with related ideas in the form of bubbles (clouds or clusters).

  • Using a brainstorming exercise is a terrific method to explore a topic in greater depth and find connections between its numerous elements.

  • It's time to select the ideal topic that will address the essay's stated purpose now that you have a list of potential themes. A topic that is in the middle of the two extremes is what you want to select.

  • Writing about "the history of India’s independence," which may take up entire volumes of books, in a one-page essay would be way too much to ask of you. Instead, you may discuss a specific moment of the Indian freedom struggle, such as the quit India movement, or the role of Gandhi, or the Dandi March.

  • After you've completed your brainstorming and selected your topic, you might need to conduct some research in order to produce an effective essay. For information on your subject, visit a library or conduct an internet search. Interview any potential subject-matter experts.

Outlining your topic for your essay is the next stage. The skeleton of your essay should thus be drawn, in essence. Making an outline may help to guarantee that your work is coherent, well-organized, and logical. The greatest formula for an argumentative essay outline is provided below in case you have been assigned to write one.

  • The topic phrase for each paragraph should be written underneath the thesis statement, which should come first. This implies that before writing each paragraph, you should be completely aware of its topic.

  • Don't mix together too many concepts in a paragraph or the reader will become lost.

  • Make sure your paragraphs transition smoothly from one concept to the next so the reader can follow the paper's progression.

  • Under each paragraph, add supporting information gleaned from your investigation. Assemble a coherent, intelligible essay by ensuring that each paragraph connects to your topic.

It's time to begin writing after you have a plan. Create a solid, coherent, and understandable essay by basing your writing on the plan itself. Make sure your essay sounds precisely the way you want it to by editing and rereading it. To keep in mind, consider the following −

  • Check your writing for organisation, coherence, and clarity.

  • Your paragraphs' content appropriately supports your point. Each paragraph has to contain a distinct topic sentence. The most crucial sentence in the paragraph, it provides readers with a preview of what the next sentences will cover.

  • Ensure that everything works together. The use of transitional phrases will be crucial as you write. Every paragraph is held together by transition words, which also keep the essay from sounding disconnected. Even a list of transitional words might be used to jumpstart your writing.

Lastly, review your opening and closing sentences - Will the reader clearly understand what your essay was about after finishing it?

Updated on: 10-Jan-2024


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