How to upgrade django to a newer version in anaconda?

Anaconda is very popular framework used for python development. It enables users to develop web applications, desktop application, data analysis programs, machine learning applications and more. Another great feature of anaconda is that it enables users to create virtual environments, so installing a package or library only in that environment saves a lot of space and time.

Django is widely used for python web development due to its ability to ease server-side scripting. To install Django in your anaconda environment, you can use the following command.

conda install django

To create a virtual environment and install Django inside it, you can visit the article here.

Upgrading Django can often be a bit time consuming, but upgrading it has a lot of benefits. Some of the benefits include the following.

  • Many new features and improvements added to the newer versions, so it is often very helpful to upgrade.

  • A lot of bugs are fixed, so the newer version could be of more use to your problem statement than the older version.

  • One of the major reasons, people prefer to work with the upgraded version is that the older version will no longer receive security updates, this using the older version makes the project prone to attacks in the long run.

  • Another reason is by upgrading to the newer version of Django, future upgrades will be less painful as your code base will be up to date.

Before upgrading, there are two things that need to be taken care of.

Firstly, there could be a lot of dependencies to a framework or library, so it will be necessary to upgrade the Django-related dependencies to the latest version as well. In some cases, the Django version released may not support some of the ill-maintained dependencies, so, waiting for new version of those dependencies to be released would be the only option.

The final step to take care of before upgrading is taking care of depreciation warning. To do so, you must ensure that all the depreciation warning have been handled so that the transition to a newer version of the framework is smooth.

After taking care of all the bases, you can go ahead and install the newer version of Django.

If you are using a virtual environment, ensure that your dependencies are taken care of, if not create a new environment to handle the upgraded version.

The following command can be used to upgrade the framework.

python -m pip install -U Django

--upgrade or -U can be used with pip command to upgrade any library or framework in anaconda.

Upon execution of the command, the following output can be seen,

Collecting Django
 Downloading Django-4.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (8.0 MB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade……
Installing collected packages: Django
 Attempting uninstall: Django
  Found existing installation: Django 4.0.3
  Uninstalling Django-4.0.3:
   Successfully uninstalled Django-4.0.3
Successfully installed Django-4.0.4

Updated on: 02-Sep-2022


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