How to take backups of MySQL databases using Python?

Safeguarding the integrity and recoverability of your MySQL database is of paramount importance to mitigate the risks associated with data loss and corruption. Python, a versatile programming language, offers a myriad of libraries and techniques for seamless interaction with MySQL databases and accomplishing efficient backup procedures. This article delves into three distinct methodologies for creating MySQL database backups using Python, encompassing the utilization of the subprocess module, integration of the mysqldump command with the pymysql library, and leveraging the robust capabilities of the MySQL Connector/Python library. Through practical examples, we will delve into the intricacies of these techniques.

Method 1: Harnessing the Power of the subprocess Module

The subprocess module in Python empowers developers to initiate new processes, establish connections with their input/output/error pipelines, and retrieve return codes. Through the utilization of this versatile module, we gain the ability to execute the mysqldump command−line utility, thereby generating dependable MySQL database backups.


Let's explore the subsequent example, which leverages the subprocess module to execute the mysqldump command and safeguard a MySQL database backup.

import subprocess

# Define database connection details
host = "localhost"
user = "username"
password = "password"
database = "database_name"
backup_file = "backup.sql"

# Execute the mysqldump command
command = f"mysqldump −h{host} −u{user} −p{password} {database} > {backup_file}", shell=True)


CompletedProcess(args='mysqldump −hlocalhost −uusername −ppassword database_name > backup.sql', returncode=127)

Please ensure that you replace the placeholders `username`, `password`, and `database_name` with your specific MySQL connection credentials.

Method 2: Utilizing the mysqldump Command with the pymysql Library

The pymysql library provides a pure−Python MySQL client interface, facilitating seamless interaction with MySQL databases. By incorporating pymysql, we can effectively utilize the mysqldump command to generate comprehensive backups of MySQL databases.


Consider the following example that demonstrates the usage of the pymysql library to establish a connection with a MySQL database and execute the mysqldump command to create a backup.

import pymysql
import subprocess

# Define database connection details
host = "localhost"
user = "username"
password = "password"
database = "database_name"
backup_file = "backup.sql"

# Establish connection with the MySQL database
connection = pymysql.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database)

# Execute the mysqldump command
command = f"mysqldump −h{host} −u{user} −p{password} {database} > {backup_file}", shell=True)

# Close the database connection


subprocess.CalledProcess: Command 'mysqldump −hlocalhost −uusername −ppassword database_name > backup.sql' returned non−zero exit status 1.

Again, kindly substitute the placeholders `username`, `password`, and `database_name` with your specific MySQL connection credentials.

Method 3: Leveraging Subprocess Module with Return Code Verification

The Python subprocess module, a potent instrument for giving birth to fresh processes and engaging with their input/output/error conduits through diverse streams, is noteworthy. One of its salient features is the capacity to procure the return code of the process, a crucial aspect to ascertain the success of the execution.

Considering a MySQL database backup scenario, the subprocess module can be deployed to trigger the mysqldump command−line utility, and examine the return code of the procedure to confirm the success of the backup.


Let's plunge into the subsequent illustration, which employs the subprocess module to activate the mysqldump command, thereby generating a backup of a MySQL database. Concurrently, it verifies the success of the task by scrutinizing the return code.

import subprocess

# Define database connection details
host = "localhost"
user = "username"
password = "password"
database = "database_name"
backup_file = "backup.sql"

# Execute the mysqldump command
command = f"mysqldump -h{host} -u{user} -p{password} {database} > {backup_file}"
process =, shell=True)

# Print out status messages based on the return code
if process.returncode == 0:
    print("Database backup completed successfully.")
    print(f"Database backup failed with return code {process.returncode}.")


If the `mysqldump` command is successful and the database backup was created without any issues, the output will be:

Database backup completed successfully.

If the `mysqldump` command fails (for example, due to incorrect database details or issues with the `mysqldump` utility), the output will indicate the failure and provide the return code:

Database backup failed with return code 127.

In this example, `returncode=127` typically signifies that the command (`mysqldump` in this case) was not found. The actual return code and corresponding error can vary based on the specific issue encountered.

By executing the SQL commands inside this backup record, you'll consistently restore the database's structure and information within the occasion of information loss or corruption. For database rebuilding, tools like phpMyAdmin or the execution of SQL commands through the mysql command line utility can be employed.

To protect your database's touchy data, it is vital to secure your backup records. Consider encrypting the backups or putting away them in a secure area to avoid unauthorized access.


This article comprehensively explored the techniques for creating MySQL database backups using Python. We delved into the utilization of the subprocess module, the integration of the mysqldump command with the pymysql library, and the powerful capabilities of the MySQL Connector/Python library. Each approach offers distinct advantages, allowing developers to tailor their backup solutions to meet specific requirements and preferences. Armed with a solid understanding of the syntax and practical examples provided, you can confidently select the most suitable method for your unique needs.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023

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