How to send private messages from twitter to a browser

How many of us have once tried our hands on Twitter, but left it as soon as we joined just because we found it too confusing, with all that @s and # tags for everything. Like all that re-tweets and following you or you are following someone it feels so confusing. But now we have a solution for it.

So, the good news is twitter has recently introduced a new feature which allows you to send private group messages to a browser near you. It is a simple as writing a tweet, hitting send and going on and on till your finger hurt. Earlier this feature was explored only by iOS users but now a web app gives this comfort.

This new feature is a great move for people to connect with their favorite public figure or have some private discussions. This way you can read all the tweets and have your share of gossip about it personally. Now let’s have a look on how can we expand our group chat.

Key Points

  • You can only add up to 20 members in a group for your private chat.

  • If you have less than 20 group members, then you can add some at any instant. Any group member can add a new member not just the one who started the group.

  • You start a group with your own followers, but all in the group need not follow one another to chat.

  • When you are invited to a group, you receive a notification regarding your membership.

  • Along with the text messages, group chats support pictures, links, emoji along with tweets.

Next time you think of twitter, the first thing that comes to your mind will be let’s chat privately. So for all the chatter-boxes over there, you are never out of topic, you will always have some gossip to share and talk about. Now, let’s see how to create a new group message from the scratch.

  • Step 1 − Click on “Messages – “There will be an envelope-shaped icon captioned “Messages” at the bottom of your screen and click on it.

  • Step 2 − Click on “New Message” – This will be in the form of a chat bubble located at the top right of your screen.

  • Step 3 − Enter the name in the address box for you to enter the names or @usernames of your followers whom you wish to send the message. Once you are done click on “Next”.

  • Step 4 − Compose message to send it. Write your message with a character limit of 140 along with any picture or links or tweets you wish to send.

It seems very easy to create a new group and start your chit chat. Another good news is that, you can even change your group name according to the topic you are discussing, making it easier for other members to understand it. The next query is how to add members to an existing group message. You can surely do that by following the below steps.

  • Step 1 − Go to messages: Yes, the same envelope labelled icon “Messages”.

  • Step 2 − Click on group messages: Go to the group message to open it.

  • Step 3 − Click on the ellipsis present in the top right-hand corner and select “Add people” from the list of options available. This list also has an option of leave the group, if you wish to do so at any point of time. While using your phone you should click into the tweet to see the ellipsis.

  • Step 4 − Share the tweet: In the address box type the names of the followers with whom you want to share the message. Finally click “Done” to add them to the group. These new members cannot see messages exchanged prior to their involvement.

This way you increase your contacts, invite new people to the group chat and expand your network of trusted connections on Twitter. It’s better to have a purpose for every group chat. Now let’s see how can we share a tweet in a group message.

  • Step 1 − Look for the tweet you want to share and then click on the ellipsis below the tweet. While using cell phone click into the tweet to see the ellipsis.

  • Step 2 − Select “Share via Direct Message” mentioned in the list of options that appears.

  • Step 3 − Enter the names or @usernames of your followers in your address box, whom you want to send the tweet. Click “Next” once you are finished.

  • Step 4 − Now add a personal message with the tweet you attached and click on “Send Message” when you’re finished. This personal message has a character limit of 116.

These group chats have been real game changers for the way people now use twitter. It’s great how these features bring so much value in our connections. You simply invite people and they invite some more. One thing that counts is the relationship of the guest with the person.

This twitter group chat feature is not accessible to any third party apps, so they won’t work on it. In order to have group chat you need to use the official Twitter app on your cell phone or web or the Tweetdeck by Twitter. Setting a group is just like any other group but its way more exciting.

Apart from enjoyment, you can actually use it as a platform to chat with your co-workers working on the same team. This twitter chat option is easier and better for some members.

Another great use of this feature could be seen by adding all your family members in the group. This way you can bring some fun and excitement to your boring household stuff that too privately. Not to forget it helps us stay connected with your family staying far away from you with a tweet.

Now you can’t make any excuses not to use twitter, but you have got so many reasons to install the app right now and start using it already.

Updated on: 13-May-2022


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