How to send message from firebase console after creation project?

Open your firebase page ( as shown below –

Now select your project. In our case we have tutorialspoint project. It will direct to console page of project as shown below –

Now scroll down right side menu to grow as shown below –

In Grow tab select Cloud messaging as shown below –

Now click on new notification button. It will redirect to compose message button as shown below –

Now write your message as shown below –

Now click on next to go target tab. Now select project as shown below –

Now click on next button to go schedule as shown below –

Now click on next button to go conversation even. Select an even as shown below –

Now click on next button to go addition options and fill all required fields

Now click on review button as shown below-

Now click on publish button to publish message. That’s it.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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