How to Monitor Website and Application with Uptime Kuma?

Monitoring the availability and performance of your website or application is crucial for ensuring a seamless user experience. Downtime and performance issues can lead to dissatisfied users and potential revenue loss. That's where Uptime Kuma comes in. Uptime Kuma is an open-source monitoring tool that allows you to track the uptime, response time, and other important metrics of your websites and applications.

In this article, we will explore the installation, configuration, and usage of Uptime Kuma to effectively monitor your websites and applications. We'll cover topics such as adding monitors, customizing alerts and notifications, analyzing the Uptime Kuma dashboard and reports, and scaling for high availability.

Installing and Configuring Uptime Kuma

Before we can start monitoring our websites and applications with Uptime Kuma, we need to install and configure it properly. In this section, we'll walk through the steps to get Uptime Kuma up and running.


Before installing Uptime Kuma, ensure that your system meets the following prerequisites −

  • Operating System  Uptime Kuma supports Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  • Node.js  Install the latest stable version of Node.js on your system.

  • MongoDB  Uptime Kuma requires MongoDB as the backend database. Install and configure MongoDB if you haven't already.

Installing Uptime Kuma

To install Uptime Kuma, follow these steps −

  • Open your terminal or command prompt.

  • Run the following command to install Uptime Kuma globally 

npm install -g uptime-kuma
  • Once the installation is complete, you can verify the installation by running 

uptime-kuma --version

Configuring Uptime Kuma

After installing Uptime Kuma, we need to configure it to suit our monitoring needs. The configuration file allows us to specify settings such as the MongoDB connection details, port number, and more.

  • Locate the config.yml file in the Uptime Kuma installation directory.

  • Open the file in a text editor and modify the settings as per your requirements.

  • Ensure that you specify the correct MongoDB connection string and credentials.

Securing Uptime Kuma with SSL/TLS

To secure your Uptime Kuma instance with SSL/TLS, you can use a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache. Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved 

  • Obtain an SSL/TLS certificate for your domain using a certificate authority or Let's Encrypt.

  • Configure the reverse proxy server (e.g., Nginx) to terminate SSL/TLS and proxy requests to Uptime Kuma.

  • Update the Uptime Kuma configuration file to reflect the reverse proxy settings.

With Uptime Kuma successfully installed and configured, we're now ready to add our websites and applications for monitoring. In the next section, we'll explore the process of adding monitors to Uptime Kuma.

Adding Websites and Applications to Uptime Kuma

Now that we have Uptime Kuma installed and configured, let's learn how to add our websites and applications for monitoring.

Adding a Basic HTTP Monitor

To add a basic HTTP monitor to Uptime Kuma, follow these steps −

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface by navigating to the configured URL in your web browser.

  • Log in with your credentials (if required).

  • Click on the "Monitors" tab and then click the "Add Monitor" button.

  • Provide a name for your monitor and enter the URL of the website or application you want to monitor.

  • Select the monitor type as "HTTP" and configure any additional options as needed.

  • Click the "Save" button to add the monitor.

Uptime Kuma will now start monitoring the availability and response time of the specified URL.

Monitoring HTTPS with SSL/TLS

If your website or application uses HTTPS with SSL/TLS, you can add an SSL/TLS monitor to Uptime Kuma. Here's how −

  • Follow the steps mentioned in section III.A to access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Click on the "Monitors" tab and then click the "Add Monitor" button.

  • Provide a name for the monitor and enter the URL of your HTTPS website or application.

  • Select the monitor type as "HTTPS" and configure the SSL/TLS settings, including the certificate validation method.

  • Click the "Save" button to add the monitor.

Uptime Kuma will now monitor the SSL/TLS handshake and certificate expiration status in addition to the availability and response time.

Monitoring Specific Application Endpoints

In some cases, you may want to monitor specific endpoints or APIs of your application. Uptime Kuma allows you to create custom monitors for this purpose. Here's how:

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Navigate to the "Monitors" tab and click the "Add Monitor" button.

  • Provide a name for the monitor and enter the URL of the specific endpoint you want to monitor.

  • Select the monitor type based on the protocol or technology your application uses (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, etc.).

  • Configure any additional settings specific to your application's endpoint.

  • Save the monitor to start monitoring the specified endpoint.

Uptime Kuma will now track the availability and response time of the targeted application endpoint.

Advanced Monitoring Options

Uptime Kuma offers advanced monitoring options to cater to various scenarios and requirements. Some of the advanced options include:

  • Specifying custom request headers for HTTP and HTTPS monitors.

  • Setting up HTTP authentication for password-protected websites or applications.

  • Configuring custom check intervals and timeouts.

  • Defining expected HTTP status codes or response patterns.

In the next section, we'll explore how to customize Uptime Kuma alerts and notifications to stay informed about any issues with your monitored websites and applications.

Configuring Alerts and Notifications in Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma provides a comprehensive alerting and notification system to ensure you stay informed about any issues with your monitored websites and applications. Let's explore how to configure alerts and notifications:

Setting Up Email Notifications

To receive email notifications for monitoring events, follow these steps −

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Navigate to the "Alerts" tab and click on the "Email" sub-tab.

  • Enter your email address in the designated field.

  • Configure the email settings, such as SMTP server details and authentication if required.

  • Save the settings to enable email notifications.

Now, whenever an alert condition is triggered, Uptime Kuma will send an email notification to the specified email address.

Configuring Slack Integration

If you prefer receiving notifications in your Slack workspace, you can integrate Uptime Kuma with Slack. Here's how −

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Go to the "Alerts" tab and click on the "Slack" sub-tab.

  • Create a new Slack app or use an existing one for Uptime Kuma integration.

  • Configure the Slack app settings, including the channel to send notifications to.

  • Save the settings to enable Slack notifications.

Now, Uptime Kuma will send notifications to the designated Slack channel whenever an alert condition occurs.

Customizing Alert Conditions

Uptime Kuma allows you to customize the alert conditions based on your specific monitoring requirements. You can define conditions such as response time thresholds, HTTP status code expectations, or SSL certificate expiration warnings.

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Navigate to the "Alerts" tab and click on the "Conditions" sub-tab.

  • Define the desired conditions for triggering alerts, such as response time thresholds or expected status codes.

  • Save the settings to apply the customized alert conditions.

With customized alert conditions, you can fine-tune Uptime Kuma to notify you about specific issues that are crucial for your website or application monitoring.

In the next section, we'll explore how to analyze and visualize the monitoring data collected by Uptime Kuma to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

Analyzing and Visualizing Monitoring Data

Uptime Kuma provides powerful analytics and visualization features to help you analyze the collected monitoring data and gain valuable insights. Let's discover how to leverage these capabilities 

Viewing Monitoring Metrics

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Navigate to the "Metrics" tab to explore the available monitoring metrics.

  • Select the desired metric, such as response time or availability, to view the corresponding data.

Uptime Kuma offers various visualization options, including line charts, bar charts, and heatmaps, to present the monitoring metrics in a visually informative manner.

Creating Dashboards

Dashboards enable you to customize the presentation of monitoring data by grouping relevant metrics and visualizations in a single view. Follow these steps to create a dashboard 

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Go to the "Dashboards" tab and click on "Create Dashboard."

  • Give your dashboard a descriptive name and choose the desired layout.

  • Add the desired metrics and visualizations to the dashboard.

  • Save the dashboard for future reference and analysis.

Dashboards in Uptime Kuma provide a consolidated view of your website and application monitoring data, making it easier to track performance trends and identify potential issues.

Setting Up Reports

Uptime Kuma allows you to generate automated reports for your monitoring data. These reports can be scheduled to run at specific intervals and delivered via email. To set up reports, follow these steps 

  • Access the Uptime Kuma web interface.

  • Navigate to the "Reports" tab and click on "Create Report."

  • Configure the report settings, such as the desired metrics, time range, and recipients' email addresses.

  • Schedule the report to run at specific intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

  • Save the report settings to enable automated reporting.

With automated reports, you can stay updated on the performance of your websites and applications without manually accessing the Uptime Kuma interface.


Monitoring the performance of your websites and applications is crucial for ensuring their availability and optimal functioning. With Uptime Kuma, you have a powerful tool at your disposal. In this guide, we explored how to set up Uptime Kuma, configure monitoring checks, and analyze the collected data. We also learned about setting up alerts and notifications, creating custom dashboards, and generating automated reports.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023

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