How to maximize all columns in Excel?

In the article, the users are going to maximize all of the columns in Microsoft Excel. There are numerous types of structures within the Excel sheet including conditional formatting, Adjust Cell Size, and Column Width that are used according to the need. The users can use the Adjust Cell Size from the Ku-tools tab and Column Width to customize the column size which will maximize all columns in Excel. This method may be completed utilizing an easy way within Microsoft Excel by using the top-left corner button to select the whole sheet that will adjust the size of the column.

Example 1

Step 1

Deliberate the Excel worksheet. First, open the Excel sheet and create the data one by one from cell A1 to D11 in any cell according to the need. In the cell, create it and place the cursor and click on the top-left corner icon to select the whole sheet as shown below.

Step 2

In the sheet, place the cursor on the top corner of any column border in the single column. If you click any single column border, then it will automatically adjust to fit all the cells and it will adjust the size of the columns as shown below.

Step 3

Place the cursor and click on the top-left corner icon to select the whole sheet as shown below. In the sheet, place the cursor on the top corner of any column border in the single column and drag it to the right or left side. If you click any single column border, then it will adjust to fit all the cells and it will adjust the size of the column as shown below.

Step 4

Place the cursor and click on the top-left corner icon to select the whole sheet as shown below. In the sheet, place the cursor in the ribbon. In the ribbon, there are many tabs included in the top corner. Place the cursor in the Home tab and click on the tab that has many options included. On the Home tab, place the cursor and click on the Format tab which has a drop-down menu on the Cells group. Click on the menu and select the Column Width tab that will open the dialog box as shown below.


Step 5

In the dialog box, enter the width that the users need into the drop-box then click on the ok button. It will maximize the column size as shown below.



Example 2

Step 1

In the sheet, place the cursor and click on the top-left corner icon to select the whole sheet. Place the cursor in the ribbon. In the ribbon, there are many tabs included in the top corner. Place the cursor in the Ku-tools tab and click on the tab that has many options included. On the Ku-tools tab, place the cursor and click on the Format tab which has a drop-down menu on the Editing group. Click on the menu and select Adjust Cell Size tab which will open the dialog box as shown below.

Step 2

In the dialog box, place the cursor in the Unit Type and enable the option Centimetres, then place the cursor on the Column Width drop-box and enter the value 4 to maximize the size by 4 centimetres. Click on the Apply button then it will resize it by 4 centimetres for all columns as shown below.

The users utilized the easy instances to display how they maximize all of the columns differently by using the Ku-tools tab and using Format tab. The users used the necessary tabs which are included in the ribbon. They have to practice the essential options from the ribbon and modify the data according to the need.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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