How to Make Java Application Faster?

Since more than 2 decades Java has been a popular language, and it’s been highly used by coder globally. By using Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and garbage collection mechanisms, Java used to be slow.

However, after various updates the speed has been improved to some extent. Though there are some optimizing tricks that can make your Java program run faster, in this article we will talk about such tips and tricks.

Need of Java Application Optimizer

Java application optimization is needed to improve the performance of the application. This can include making the application run faster, using less memory, and reducing resource usage. Optimization can also help to make the application more scalable, so it can handle increased loads or larger amounts of data.

Additionally, optimization can help to improve the overall user experience by reducing latency and making the application more responsive. In summary, Java application optimization is important to ensure that the application runs efficiently and can meet the demands of its users.

Tips for Java Optimization

Avoiding writing long methods is a technique for Java optimization because it can improve the readability and maintainability of the code. Long methods can be difficult to understand and modify because they often contain multiple responsibilities or tasks. When a method becomes too long, it can be divided into smaller, more focused methods that each have a single responsibility.

This makes the code easier to read, understand, and modify, and makes it easier to test and debug. Additionally, breaking a long method into smaller methods can also make it more reusable, which can lead to further optimization.

Another technique is to use the DRY principle, which stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself". This means that you should avoid writing duplicate code, as it increases the size of the codebase and makes it harder to maintain. Instead, you should use functions, classes, or other constructs to encapsulate functionality and reduce the amount of duplicate code.

No to BigDecimal Class

The BigDecimal class in Java is useful for performing precise decimal calculations, but it can be slower and more memory-intensive than other options. If performance is a concern, it may be better to use the double or float data types for calculations, or to use the java.math.BigDecimal class only when necessary.

Additionally, it's also important to remember that double and float are not recommended for precision-sensitive financial calculations, and BigDecimal is the best option for that case.

ThreadPoolExecutor is Recommended Over Manual Thread Creation

Using a ThreadPoolExecutor in Java is generally a better approach than manually creating and managing threads. ThreadPoolExecutor provides a way to manage a pool of worker threads, which can be used to execute tasks. This approach has several advantages over manually creating and managing threads:

  • It can help to reduce the overhead of creating and managing threads.

  • It can help to improve the performance of an application by reusing existing threads, rather than creating new ones.

Use Primitive Types Whenever Possible in Java

Using primitive types can help to reduce the amount of memory used by an application and can improve performance by reducing the amount of memory that needs to be allocated and garbage collected. Additionally, primitive types are typically faster than their corresponding wrapper classes since they do not have the overhead of the extra methods and fields.

It is important to keep in mind that certain data structures like List, Map, etc. only support object types, so it's necessary to use the wrapper classes in those cases.

However, when using primitive types, it is important to pay attention to the potential pitfalls like overflow, underflow, and loss of precision. This can be mitigated by using appropriate data types for the given problem.

Use Stored Procedures Instead of Queries in Java to Make it Faster

In Java, using stored procedures instead of individual queries can potentially improve performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network. Stored procedures are precompiled on the database server and can be called with a single command, reducing the number of round trips to the server. Additionally, Stored procedures can be optimized by the database server and can allow for the use of advanced features such as caching and parallel execution.

It's also worth noting that some ORM frameworks like Hibernate may not support the use of stored procedures and instead prefer to use queries.

In general, it's a good practice to evaluate the use of stored procedures on a case-by-case basis and consider factors such as the size and complexity of the data, the performance requirements of the application, and the capabilities of the database server.

Few additional tips for optimizing Java code to make it run faster

  • Use appropriate data structures − Choosing the right data structure can have a big impact on performance. For example, using a HashMap instead of a LinkedList can make a big difference when working with large datasets.

  • Avoid unnecessary object creation − Creating new objects can be costly in terms of performance, so try to reuse objects whenever possible.

  • Use a profiler to identify performance bottlenecks − Profilers like VisualVM, JProfiler, or YourKit can help you identify which parts of your code are causing performance issues and where you should focus your optimization efforts.

  • Use parallelism when possible − Java's built-in parallelism features like Fork/Join framework and streams can help take advantage of multi-core processors, giving a boost in performance.

Final words

It's worth noting that the best optimization strategy will depend on the specific requirements and characteristics of the application. It's always better to first test and measure the performance of the code before and after the optimization.

Updated on: 05-Apr-2023


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