How to Have a Balanced Lifestyle?

Everyone desires a happy and healthy life. It involves a balanced lifestyle that covers all aspects of your life, including fitness and health, relationships, social circle, and emotional well-being. You can focus on integrating a healthy diet and exercising to achieve a healthy lifestyle. For happiness, you can focus on a balanced life that protects your mental and emotional health.

Here is a step-by-step guide for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Method 1: Managing Physical Health

Let us know how we can manager our physical health. Here we have mentioned four steps to manage your health better.

Step 1: Eat a balanced diet

Your nutrition intake can impact your body and brain's functions. Make sure to eat a balanced diet of 1800-2000 cal for men and 1600-1800 cal for women containing 45-65% carbohydrates, 20-35% fat, and 10-35% protein. In simple ways, eat a meal with your place half filled with vegetables and fruits, with plenty of proteins.

Eat around five servings of fruits and vegetables, including salads, steamed vegetables, and smoothies.

Switch to whole grains and fresh meats instead of processed foods like white bread, white sugar, and processed meats.

A balanced diet is often confused with "eating to lose weight," but this is not the same. The goal of a balanced diet is to eat healthily and provide your body with the nutrients it needs for daily functioning.

Step 2: Do exercises daily

Regardless of age, it would help if you remained physically active to live a healthy lifestyle. Try to do at least 150 minutes of exercises each week that include light and highly intense exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, weight lifting, and any physical activity that challenges you.

If you are exercising after a long while, start with a brisk walk and try to work slowly. Once you get hold of that, you can take the intensity up a notch by running.

Focus on training all your major muscles, including your biceps, triceps, pectorals, abdomen, back, hamstring, claves, and oblique. While weight lifting is a perfect way to target individual muscles, you can also try various bodyweight exercises like squats and push-ups.

Step 3: Get your sleep

You need to develop a sleep routine and stick with it religiously. How, when, and how much we sleep dictates our overall health. Make sure to get on your bed at the same time every day, and keep your gadgets far away from your bed. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours daily for adults. For school-going children, it's 9-11 hours, and for teenagers, it's from 8-10 hours. Similarly, for adults over 65, it's 7 hours of nightly sleep.

Step 4: Relax your body

Mental stress never does well for your physical and psychological health. Add yoga, meditation, and relaxing massages to your daily regimen to help your body recover from the stress of the day.

You don't need to spend hours doing yoga and meditation; a simple five minutes each day is enough.

You can also try going to bed with a warm bath as it helps soothe your mind and open the pores of your skin, making you feel relaxed.

Method 2: Managing Mental Health

Let’s discuss in a step-by-step way how you can manage your mental health. Read the below steps:

Step 1: Try to stay motivated

Plan out your daily tasks, such as what tasks to complete within a specific time. This gives you enough adrenaline to keep going to achieve the goal, even as small as paying electricity bills. Take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to write down your whole plan, including work tasks, duties, errands, household chores, and hobbies. It can also include personal time, such as watching a movie, family time, and time for some relaxation.

Step 2: Set achievement goals

Setting small and long-term goals daily can help you achieve them a bit easier. Try to break down your goals into small milestones. Then break down those milestones into actionable steps.

For instance, if your goal is to stay healthy, you can make two small goals: running 5k daily, hitting the gym thrice a week, and getting a six-pack.

Keep a journal with you to track down your achievements towards each goal.

Step 3: Do something that makes you happy

This includes pursuing hobbies, going out with friends, or spending time in a nursing home. Try to pick up a hobby such as painting, crafting, sports, etc., and ensure you give yourself at least an hour for that.

You can also have fun hobbies such as watching your favorite movie or series.

Method 3: Improving your Social Life

To balance your lifestyle, you need to improve social life with friends and family to reduce your stress level. Below we have discussed how you can improve your social life.

Step 1: Develop friendships

Having friends who support you and make you laugh plays an essential role in your social network. Try to reach out and connect with your old friends, stay in touch with them, plan to go out together, and lend an ear to them. It would help if you also made new friends near your house and in your office.

Step 2: Spend time with your family

A healthy family dynamic is key to a happy and healthy lifestyle. Spend quality time with your kids, spouse, parents, siblings, and in-laws. Try to attend family functions and show your involvement.

Step 3: Improve your communicative skills

It's not what you say but how you say it matters the most. By improving your communication skills, you can enhance your interpersonal relationship with your friends, family members, and colleagues. Learn active listening and concise speaking, and try to express your statements in a clear and non-aggravating way.

Step 4: Involve with your community

Engaging within or outside your community can encourage appreciation and collaboration and give back to society. Not only will you make new relationships, but you will also learn to appreciate others and have a comprehensive perspective on life.

You can join your local sports team, work at a food pantry, or work in your local community theatre. If you have particular skills or talents, you can use them to help your community. For example, cooking food every weekend for the homeless.

Method 4: Maintaining work-life balance

Nowadays maintaining work life balance is a vital concern. We will guide you how to do work life balance in a proper way:

Step 1: Prepare a financial plan

Your finances play a vital role in stabilizing your physical and mental health. You can start by creating a budget to see how much you earn and how much you spend.

Your budget should include necessary costs like rent or mortgage, utility bills, groceries, transport passes, credit card bills, student loan payments, and other recurring fees that you need to pay every month.

Write down all the expenses that are not mandatory and see if you can make some changes to cut costs without hampering your lifestyle. For instance, a Netflix subscription may not be required, but if it helps you stay engaged and happy, then go for it. Similarly, if you are planning to pay a hefty price for a pair of boots that you may not wear for months, this may not be a viable investment.

Step 2: Keep your work life away from your home

You need to set boundaries between your home life and work life.

Keep your office things like laptops, documents, and other items away from your personal space so that it doesn't remind you of your work every time you look at them.

If you can, switch off your work phone after getting home or avoid taking work-related calls. Instead, spend time with your family or do fun activities or hobbies such as watching a movie, reading a book, cooking, etc.

Updated on: 06-Jun-2023


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