How To Do a Facial Steam at Home

The skin can get many advantages from the common skincare practice of facial steaming, including deep cleansing, pore unclogging, and relaxation. While getting a facial steam in a spa or salon is an option, you can also do it at home with a few basic tools and supplies. We'll go over how to make a facial steam at home in this article as well as the advantages it can have for your skin.

What is Facial Steaming?

Using warm water vapour to relax and revitalize your facial skin is known as facial steaming. You can use a facial steamer device or just hot water, cloths, herbs, and essential oils. A weekly steaming routine can offer your skin a complete cleaning, encourage the formation of collagen and elastin, and increase blood flow to give you a healthy shine. Relaxation can be promoted by aromatherapy facial steaming sessions.

Benefits of Facial Steaming

Following are the major benefits of facial steaming −

  • For a more thorough clean, steam helps to open up your pores and loosen any built-up grime. Blackheads get softer when your pores are opened, which makes them simpler to eradicate.

  • It encourages blood flow. Your blood vessels widen and your circulation improves as a result of the heated steam and increased sweating. This increase in blood flow provides oxygen to your skin and nourishes it. An all-natural, healthy glow is the end result.

  • It exudes cells and bacteria that cause acne. Dead skin cells, germs, and other impurities that clog pores and cause acne can be released when your pores are opened.

  • It releases trapped sebum. Your sebaceous glands naturally create this oil to lubricate your skin and hair. Acne and blackheads are caused when sebum accumulates beneath the surface of your skin, where it serves as a breeding ground for bacteria.

  • It hydrates you. By encouraging an increase in oil production, steam moisturizes the skin and keeps the face naturally moisturized.

  • It makes skin care products easier for your skin to absorb. Skin that has been exposed to steam is more permeable, which makes it easier for it to absorb topicals. This means that skin care products used after a steam offer greater value.

  • Elastin and collagen are encouraged. During a steam facial, the increased blood flow encourages the development of collagen and elastin. Skin looks tighter and younger as a result of this.

  • It's calming. It's soothing to feel warm steam on your face.

  • Congestion in the sinuses is relieved. The headaches that frequently accompany sinus congestion can be relieved with steam. A few essential oils might enhance the effect of your steam.

  • It's accessible and reasonably priced. To reap the benefits, a steam facial at a spa is not necessary; you may perform one at home with supplies you already own.

Step by Step Guide to Get Facial Steam at Home

Following are the major steps; follow that step-by-step −

Step 1: Gathering Materials

To make your steam, you'll need baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and some herbs. You can use whatever herbs you think are best for you.

Step 2: Exfoliate

All you need for a quick, inexpensive deep pore cleanse and gentle exfoliation is baking soda and water. Make a paste by combining two teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of water. To eliminate pore-clogging dead skin cells, massage the mixture into your face for one minute in circular strokes.

Step 3: Select Steam Facial Base with Add-Ins

A simple base of water is sufficient, but incorporating additional drinks, such as green tea, can also have a positive effect (this is because the antioxidants in green tea can help the skin become even more clear). It's crucial to select your herbs and oils wisely. Some, like lavender, have both skin-calming and aromatherapy advantages. Also, given that you'll be breathing in the steam from your at-home facial, some ingredients, like peppermint, may be too harsh for your skin or your sinuses.

Step 4: Steam

Now there are different techniques to steam your face at home which will be discussed below −

Method 1: To steam over a hot water basin or sink

  • Get a large, fluffy towel, then settle in. Comfort is important, so if you're working over a sink, choose a chair or stool with the appropriate height. Your best option is a bowl on a table if nothing else.

  • Hold your hair away from your face, then wash your face with a mild cleanser that exfoliates. Remember to wash your neck as well!

  • Depending on the size of the sink or bowl, bring 4 to 6 cups of water to a boil in a kettle or pot.

  • When the water starts to boil, add some herbs and stir.

  • For two or three minutes, simmer, cover, and lower the heat. Pour with caution into the bowl or sink. Here is the time to add a few drops of any essential oils you're using to the water.

  • Take a seat, cover the pot with your towel, and raise your face 6 inches over the water.

  • Lift a towel corner to cool off if necessary and raise or lower your head to adjust the amount of heat you are receiving.

  • Give your face a five-to-ten-minute steam.

Method 2: utilizing warm cloths to steam

  • Turn on the hot water tap and grab a towel. Fill your sink or basin with hot water when it's hot enough to wet your towel. Include your herbs.

  • Cleanse your face and neck with a gentle exfoliating cleanser while holding your hair back from your face.

  • Your towel should be moist after being soaked in the hot water and wrung out.

  • Lie down or lean back in a comfortable chair. Holding the towel's corners up so they meet in the middle of your forehead, place it on your face.

  • Just your nose should be visible through the towel once you've adjusted it to cover your complete face, including your eyes. Take 5 minutes to unwind.

Method 3: use a face steamer at home

  • Read the filling directions on your facial steamer and follow them. So that you can plug it in, put it on a table close to an outlet. It will take a few minutes before steam starts to come out.

  • Lock your hair away from your face and wash your face with a mild cleanser that exfoliates.

  • As instructed in the instruction manual for your steamer, take a seat, make yourself comfortable, and place your face inside the cone attachment while maintaining a 5 to 10-inch distance from it.

  • See how your skin is responding to the steam by steaming for 2 or 3 minutes at a time with a 1-minute pause in between.

Step 5: Dry

Use a fresh towel, preferably one with a soft texture, to pat your skin dry.

Step 6: Tone

Use a toner to remove all of the dirt and impurities that have been released from your pores. You can simply use apple cider vinegar if you don't have a toner on available. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. While gently exfoliating your skin to keep pores clear, may balance the pH of your skin. Simply combine ACV and filtered water in equal amounts (or, if your skin is sensitive, use one part ACV and two parts water), and then apply the toner with a cotton pad.

Step 7: Moisturize

Using your preferred moisturizer will round up your face. Use a natural oil if you want to be completely natural. We use rose hip seed oil, but many people adore coconut oil.


The health and appearance of the skin can be improved with facial steaming, which is a quick and easy process. Facial steaming can assist to open pores, encourage relaxation, and enhance circulation by exposing the face to hot, humid air. Also, it can aid in clearing the skin of impurities and dirt, giving it a brighter, smoother, and more radiant appearance.

The best part is that you only need a few basic tools and supplies to do it at home. Using facial steaming in your normal skincare regimen might be a terrific approach to have a complexion that is healthy and bright.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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