How to disable selecting text in a Python/Tk program?

Tkinter provides a robust set of tools for creating graphical applications. However, there are instances where you might want to customize the behavior of widgets to meet specific requirements. One common requirement is to disable text selection in certain Tkinter widgets. Read this tutorial to learn how you can disable text selection by using Python and Tkinter.

Understanding the Problem

By default, Tkinter allows users to select and manipulate text within widgets like Entry and Text. While this is often desirable, there are cases where you might want to prevent users from selecting text for various reasons, such as creating read-only input fields or enhancing the user experience in specific scenarios.

Solution Overview

The solution involves modifying the event bindings and bindtags of the Tkinter widget to intercept and suppress the events responsible for text selection. We'll focus on the Entry widget for simplicity, but the same principles can be applied to other widgets like Text.


Let's dive into a detailed implementation using a Python script.


import tkinter as tk

def disable_text_selection(event):
   return "break"  # Prevents the default behavior of text selection

def main():
   root = tk.Tk()
   root.title("Text Selection Disable Example")

   # Create an Entry widget
   entry = tk.Entry(root, width=30)

   # Bind the disable_text_selection function to the Button-1 event for the Entry widget
   entry.bind("<Button-1>", disable_text_selection)
   # Start the Tkinter event loop

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • Importing Tkinter − We start by importing the tkinter module, which provides the tools needed to create a graphical user interface.

  • disable_text_selection Function − The disable_text_selection function is defined to handle the <Button-1> event, which is triggered when the left mouse button is clicked. By returning "break" in this function, we prevent the default behavior of text selection.

  • Main Function − The main function is where the main Tkinter application is constructed. We create a Tkinter window (root) and set its title. An Entry widget is created and packed into the window with some padding.

  • Binding the Function − We bind the disable_text_selection function to the <Button-1> event for the Entry widget. This ensures that the function is called whenever the left mouse button is clicked inside the Entry widget.

  • Running the Application − Finally, we start the Tkinter event loop by calling root.mainloop(). This loop continues to run until the user closes the application window.


When you run the above Python script you will see a simple Tkinter window with an Entry widget. When you click inside the Entry widget, you'll notice that text selection is disabled.

Adapting for Other Widgets

To disable text selection in other widgets, such as Text or Listbox, you can apply a similar approach by modifying the event bindings and bindtags for those specific widgets. Let’s see a Python script that demonstrates how to achieve this for a Listbox. The implementation will use the bind method to associate a custom function with the <Button-1> event, preventing text selection.


import tkinter as tk

def disable_text_selection(event):
   return "break"  

def main():
   root = tk.Tk()
   root.title("Text Selection Disable Example - Listbox")

   # Create a Listbox widget
   listbox = tk.Listbox(root, selectmode=tk.SINGLE)

   # Insert items into the Listbox
   for item in ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5"]:
      listbox.insert(tk.END, item)

   # Bind the disable_text_selection function to the Button-1 event for the Listbox
   listbox.bind("<Button-1>", disable_text_selection)


if __name__ == "__main__":


When you run the above Python script you will see a Tkinter window with a Listbox containing items. When you click on an item inside the Listbox, you'll notice that text selection is disabled.


In this tutorial, we explored how to disable text selection in Tkinter widgets using Python. By suppressing the events responsible for text selection, we can customize the behavior of widgets to better suit our application's requirements.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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