How to Deploy NGINX Reverse Proxy on Docker?


NGINX is a popular open-source web server that also functions as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of web servers and forwards client requests to the appropriate backend server.

The benefits of using NGINX reverse proxy include improved security, scalability, and performance. By acting as an intermediary between clients and servers, NGINX can also provide additional features such as caching, SSL termination, and content compression.

In this article, we will discuss how to deploy NGINX reverse proxy on Docker – a platform that allows developers to easily create, deploy, and run applications in containers. By deploying NGINX reverse proxy on Docker, we can take advantage of its benefits while also benefiting from the portability and isolation provided by containerization.

We will cover everything you need to know to set up an environment for deploying NGINX reverse proxy on Docker – including prerequisites, configuration options for both NGINX and Docker – along with testing scenarios you can perform to ensure everything is working correctly. Whether you're new to both technologies or just looking for ways to simplify your deployment process while improving performance at the same time - this article has got you covered!

Setting up Docker Environment

The Setup

Before we can deploy NGINX reverse proxy on Docker, we must first set up a Docker environment. Docker is a container-based platform that allows for the creation and deployment of applications within containers, providing an efficient way to package and distribute software. To begin setting up our Docker environment, we must first install Docker on our system.

Installation instructions vary depending on your operating system, but can be found easily online. Once installed, we must then create a new directory in which we will store all necessary files for our reverse proxy deployment.

The Components

There are several components required for setting up a Docker environment that will be used to deploy NGINX reverse proxy. These include −

  • **Docker Engine− ** This is the core component of the Docker platform and is responsible for running containers.

  • **Docker Compose− ** This tool allows us to define and run multi-container applications with ease.

  • **NGINX Image− ** We will need to pull or build an image of NGINX from the official repository or elsewhere in order to use it as our reverse proxy server. Once these components have been installed, we can proceed with configuring the necessary files for deploying NGINX reverse proxy on our newly set-up Docker environment.

Configuring NGINX Reverse Proxy

Explaining the Configuration

After setting up the Docker environment, it is time to configure NGINX reverse proxy. The configuration file determines how the server handles incoming HTTP requests.

A sample configuration file is a good starting point for configuring your own file. To begin with, open a text editor and create a new file named nginx.conf.

The configuration file consists of different blocks like http, upstream, server, and location blocks. The http block contains global settings such as timeouts and proxy buffering settings.

The server block contains specific settings for a particular virtual host or domain name. These specific settings include SSL certificate paths and redirect rules.

Settings that can be Configured in an NGINX Configuration File

NGINX reverse proxy can be configured using several settings −

  • Proxy_pass − this setting allows you to specify the backend server to which requests will be forwarded.

  • Proxy_cache − this setting allows you to save responses from upstream servers on disk so that they can be served quickly in future requests.

  • Add_header − this setting allows you to add custom headers to all responses generated by the server.

  • Gzip − this setting enables or disables gzip compression on responses generated by the server.

  • Ssl_certificate − this setting specifies ssl/tls certificates that should be used when securing traffic between clients and servers.

There are many other options available in an NGINX configuration file that allow you to fine-tune how your reverse proxy operates. It is important to test different configurations before deploying them in production environments. You can use tools like Postman or cURL commands to test requests made through NGINX reverse proxy.

Deploying and Running the Container

Using Docker Compose

Once you have configured your NGINX reverse proxy as per the previous section, the next step is to deploy it using Docker Compose. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

It allows you to define all of the containers that make up your application in a single YAML file, making it easy to deploy and manage your application. To use Docker Compose, you first need to create a `docker-compose.yml` file in your project directory.

This file will specify all of the containers that make up your application and their configuration options. Here's an example of what this file might look like for an NGINX reverse proxy−

version: '3' services: 
nginx: image: nginx 
volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf 
ports: - "80:80" - "443:443"  

In this example, we are defining a single service called `nginx` which uses the official `nginx` image from Docker Hub.

We are mapping our local `nginx.conf` file into the container's `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` directory using a volume mount, which will allow us to customize our NGINX configuration as needed. We are mapping ports `80` and `443` from our host machine to these ports on the container.

Options Available When Running Containers

When running containers using Docker Compose (or any other method), there are many different options available that can be used to fine-tune their behavior. Some of these options include−

  • Port Mapping − As shown in our example above, you can map ports on your host machine to ports on your container so that traffic can be routed appropriately. - Volume Mounts: You can mount local directories or files into your container to provide access to data or configuration files.

  • Environment Variables − You can set environment variables that will be available inside your container, which can be used to customize its behavior. - Restart Policy: You can specify a restart policy for your container that will dictate what happens if it crashes or exits unexpectedly.

  • Resource Limits − You can set limits on the amount of CPU, memory, or other resources that your container is allowed to use. By understanding and utilizing these options, you can create highly customized and efficient Docker deployments that meet the specific needs of your application.


Deploying NGINX reverse proxy on Docker can seem daunting at first, but by following these simple steps outlined in this article, it can be accomplished easily and efficiently. With its flexibility and scalability capabilities, it is a great solution for businesses looking to optimize their web applications' performance and security. Even though some issues might arise during deployment such as port mapping or DNS resolution errors, there are simple solutions available for most of them.

By utilizing NGINX reverse proxy in conjunction with Docker's robust containerization technology, businesses can enjoy increased reliability and cost savings while improving their web applications' performance and security. We hope that this article has provided sufficient information to help you deploy NGINX reverse proxy on Docker effortlessly!

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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