How to Deploy Redis Cluster on Kubernetes?


Redis is a widely used open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. It is designed to handle a large set of data structures with high performance and flexibility. Redis Cluster is a distributed implementation of Redis that provides high availability and scalability through partitioning the dataset across multiple nodes.


Understanding of Kubernetes Architecture

Before diving into deploying Redis Cluster on Kubernetes, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of Kubernetes architecture. This involves knowing the main components of a Kubernetes cluster, such as nodes, pods, and services.

Understanding how these components interact with each other is also essential. In addition, knowledge of the Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes is important.

Familiarity with Redis Cluster

It is also important to be familiar with Redis Cluster before deploying it on Kubernetes. Redis Cluster is a distributed implementation of Redis that provides high availability and scalability through partitioning data across multiple master nodes.

Access to a Kubernetes Cluster

To deploy Redis Cluster on Kuberenetes you need access to a kubernetes cluster which you can create or use an existing one. You can create your own kubernetes using tools such as minikube or microk8s which creates a single node kubernetes environment locally or provision clusters from providers such as AWS EKS,GKE etc.

Setting up a Redis Cluster on Kubernetes

Creating a ConfigMap for the Redis configuration file

A ConfigMap is an essential component of deploying any application in Kubernetes. It is a key-value store that holds configuration data for an application and makes it available to the application without having to rebuild the image or modify the container.

In this step, we will create a ConfigMap for Redis configuration files. First, create a text file with your Redis configuration.

The default location is /etc/redis/redis.conf. Then, use the kubectl command to create a ConfigMap −

kubectl create configmap redis-config --from-file=redis.conf       

The above command creates a ConfigMap named `redis-config` by reading data from the `redis.conf` file.

Deploying a StatefulSet for the Redis master nodes

StatefulSets are used to deploy stateful applications like databases in Kubernetes. This is because they ensure that each instance has its unique identity and hostname which makes it easy to manage storage as well as facilitate scaling of specific instances of stateful applications like databases. To deploy the Redis master nodes using StatefulSets, first, you need to define a YAML manifest that describes how you want your StatefulSet configured.

Here's an example YAML manifest−

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: StatefulSet metadata: 
name: redis-master spec: 
serviceName: redis-master replicas: 3 
selector: matchLabels: 
app: redis-master template: 
metadata: labels: 
app: redis-master spec: 
containers: - name: redis-server 
imagePullPolicy: Always image:
envFrom: - configMapRef: 
name: redis-config ports: 
- containerPort: 6379 name: redis-port 
args: - "redis-server" 
- "/opt/bitnami/redis/conf/redis.conf" - "--cluster-enabled" 
- "yes" - "--cluster-config-file" 
- "/opt/bitnami/redis/data/nodes.conf" 

The above manifest creates a StatefulSet with the name `redis-master` and deploys three replicas of Redis master nodes.

The configuration for the Redis server is taken from the ConfigMap created earlier. The `--cluster-enabled` flag enables cluster mode, while the `--cluster-config-file` flag specifies the location where Redis will store information about its cluster.

Deploying a StatefulSet for the Redis slave nodes

ReplicaSets are used in conjunction with StatefulSets to deploy multiple replicas of an application in Kubernetes. ReplicaSets provide high availability and disaster recovery capabilities, as well as load balancing within a cluster. To deploy Redis slave nodes using StatefulSets, first define another YAML manifest similar to that of master nodes except that it has different labels−

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet 
metadata: name: redis-slave 
spec: serviceName: redis-slave 
replicas: 3 selector: 
matchLabels: app: redis-slave 
template: metadata: 
labels: app: redis-slave 
spec: containers: 
- name: redis-server imagePullPolicy: Always 
- configMapRef: name: redis-config 
command: ["/bin/sh"] args : 
["-c", "cp /opt/bitnami/redis/conf/slave.conf /opt/bitnami/redis/conf/redis.conf; redis-server /opt/bitnami/redis/conf/redis.conf"] ports: 
- containerPort: 6379 name: redis-port  

The above manifest creates a StatefulSet with the name `redis-slave` and deploys three replicas of Redis slave nodes. The configuration for the Redis server is taken from the ConfigMap created earlier.

Deploying Services and Ingresses

Services and Ingresses are used to expose applications outside of a Kubernetes cluster. Services provide network access to Kubernetes resources while Ingresses route external traffic to the right service within a cluster.

To deploy Services for Redis master and slave nodes, you need to define two YAML manifests as follows −

apiVersion: v1 
kind: Service metadata: 
name: redis-master-svc spec: 
selector: app: redis-master 
ports: - protocol: TCP 
port: 6379 targetPort: redis-port --- 
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service 
metadata: name: redis-slave-svc 
spec: selector: 
app : redis-slave ports: 
- protocol : TCP port : 6379 
targetPort : redis-port 

The above manifests create two services, one `redis-master-svc` which selects master nodes, while the other one `redis-slave-svc` selects slave nodes.

Each service exposes the port used by Redis (6379) on its assigned endpoint IP address. To deploy an Ingress for accessing Redis externally, you can use this YAML manifest −

apiVersion : kind : Ingress 
metadata : annotations : : "true" : "false" 
name : redis-ingress spec : 
rules : - host : 
http : paths : 
- backend : serviceName : redis-master-svc 
servicePort : 6379 path : /master 
pathType: Prefix - backend: 
serviceName: redis-slave-svc servicePort: 6379 
path: /slave pathType: Prefix  

The above manifest creates an Ingress rule for Redis with two paths, one for master nodes and another for slave nodes. The Ingress controller is responsible for routing external traffic to the correct Service based on the path defined in the Ingress rule.


Debugging Redis Cluster Setup

Once the Redis Cluster has been deployed, it is necessary to monitor the cluster to ensure its smooth functioning. Kubernetes provides various tools and techniques to monitor and debug a deployed application.

Use the following steps to troubleshoot issues with the Redis Cluster setup−

Check logs− The first step in troubleshooting any issue with a Kubernetes application is to check the logs of the application's pods.

Logs can be viewed using kubectl logs command, which will retrieve logs from all containers running in a pod.

Check deployment status− Use kubectl describe command to check the status of each resource that makes up your Redis Cluster deployment like pod status, StatefulSet replicas etc.

Check connectivity− Ensure that all pods are able to communicate with each other using their respective service names.

Delete problematic resources− If you encounter an error that you're not sure how to fix, deleting and recreating problematic resources is often an effective approach.

Scaling Redis Cluster

Scaling a Redis cluster involves adding or removing nodes based on your workload requirements. Kubernetes supports scaling up or down StatefulSets as well as ReplicaSets, which makes it easy for scaling Redis Clusters−

Scaling up StatefulSet− Increase the number of statefulsets using ‘kubectl scale statefulset’ command

Scaling down statefulset− Decrease number of statefulsets count while ensuring there are no online shards on them


Deploying a Redis cluster on Kubernetes provides several benefits such as scalability, fault tolerance and easier management of workloads when compared to traditional deployment methods . With Kubernetes' built-in features like StatefulSets and ReplicaSets along with easy-to-use CLI commands, setting up and running your own highly available distributed database has never been more accessible.

Troubleshooting and scaling Redis clusters can be achieved with ease using Kubernetes tools. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now have a solid foundation for deploying and managing your own Redis Cluster on Kubernetes.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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