How to Combat Injection Attacks?

What is an Injection Attack?

Cyber Hackings can occur due to a security flaw of any site which then leads to the extraction of private information, inserted or deleted data, and destroys operations for the entire website. Injections are one of the oldest and the most dangerous attacks focussing on harming web applications. It is because it tops the list of vulnerabilities. The codes received by the server from the browser are executed. It may result in loss of knowledge and denial of access. To avoid injection attacks, one must code their web applications in the most secure way possible to avoid injection vulnerabilities. The utmost part to consider is never to trust user inputs.

Considered as a major issue in web security, injection attacks, particularly Structural Query Language injection (SQLi) and Cross-site Scripting (XSS), have the most widespread legacy in web applications.

For example − In the Structural Query Language (SQL) injection, the attacker inserts SQL query into the input fields. Then it is processed by SQL database. Attacker then uses OS commands to abuse the files when the entry form allows user-generated SQL statements.

The below following defensive mechanism always works −

  • The best defense practice against injection attacks is to obtain secure habits and adopt different policies and procedures that limit vulnerabilities.

  • It is advisable to stay aware of the varieties of attacks you are vulnerable to regarding your programming languages, operating systems, and database management systems.

  • More restrictions, controlling and monitoring of any form of user input, the more you can avoid your application form hacking.

How to Prevent Injection Attacks?

Following steps can be considered in order to prevent web injection attacks −

Validate User Input

The primary step to prevent SQL injection attacks is to validate your user inputs. Configure your inputs for user data by context. This action alone will add an additional barrier to a common fact-finding tactic for injection attacks.

Apply Restrictions

It is advisable to use a database user with restrictions. For SQL injection vulnerabilities, always scan your code. Further, using an ORM layer is critical. Perform input validation and do not only rely on blacklisting.

Avoid Shared Database

It advisable to make sure not to use shared database accounts between different websites or applications.

Input Filtering

Usage of input filtering and escaping can help stop the most trivial attacks. But it cannot completely prevent SQL injection. Sometimes it can be evaded by attackers, and leave the web applications vulnerable.

Mitigating Inadequate Data

Mitigating inadequate data sanitization is another tool for safeguarding against injection attacks. One can also consider usage of prepared statements is another method of avoiding these unauthenticated queries.

By configuring user inputs to a function such as MySQL’s mysql_real_escape_string() is also a way to prevent injection attacks.

Avoid Error Messages

Another critical step is to avoid involving into unnecessary error messages ensuring your website to be exposed to the minimum.

Use Variable Binding

Using variable binding similar to parameterization. Manage updates and patches actively. To filter out malicious data we recommend using a software appliance-based WAF (Web Application Firewall).

Minimize Application Privileges

One way to ensure that the attacker who gets into the database through the application cannot have access to specific data is to minimize privileges to the application. Also, for immediate mitigation of such attacks manage your web application firewall.

Limited Access Account

For general activity, use a limited access account. This will ultimately limit the attacker’s access. Another step for stopping attackers from altering stored information is to adopt active user employing read access only.

Penetrating Testing

For Apache, Microsoft IIS and Nginx web servers’ free open-source MoD Security is also available. Also, with continuous scanning & Penetrating Testing one can target vulnerabilities within the web application for quite some time now. Manual testing can also be beneficial. >

Other firewalls include NGFW and FWaaS, that provide both a comprehensive set of default rules as well as the ease to change configurations as required. WAFs are quite handy too.


Although the above mentioned defense strategies are beneficial, still it depends on the individual whether to apply them or not. But following these strategies will help you not to look for loopholes manually, and mend problems, as these data protection techniques are universally employed for a good reason.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2022


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