How to Avoid Online Scams?

With the evolution of the internet, cybercriminals and scammers have also adapted themselves and created several ways to manipulate users and scamming them. Unfortunately, they have got so much advanced that it has become challenging to detect a scam.

In this post, we would list out the types of internet scams that are widely spread and ways to avoid them.

Common types of Online Scams

Though cybercriminals have developed thousands of ways to perform scams on users, below listed are the most popular types of online scams −

Tech Support Scams

Tech Support scams are one of the oldest form of scams. Previously it was conducted through phony phone calls, but after the growth of the internet, the scammers have started doing the tech scams through emails. The scammers format an official mail and send it to the users pretending from a reputed, official organization.

e-Commerce Scams

With the evolution of the internet, e-commerce has become pretty popular among users, especially during this pandemic when online shopping is the safest option. Unfortunately, online scammers take undue advantage of the popularity of e-commerce sites and lure users into their trap. Through fake product selling websites, scammers offer the products at a highly discounted price. Users in greed of getting products at a lower price buy it through online payment, but the product never reaches them.

Dating Scams

Dating Scams are getting pretty popular with time. In this, the scammer would attract users by creating a fake dating profile. Then, after gaining the victim's trust through text conversations, the scammer would get confidential information and use it for illicit purposes. The scammers might also ask for money by telling fake emotional stories.

Banking Scams

Banking Scam is one of the most skillfully planned scams. In this, the scammers use phishing techniques to panic or attract users into their trap and get their banking details. For example, scammers can pretend to be bank officials and scare users by telling them that their account is in danger. To get out of the threat, they need to provide their banking credentials through email. Users, in fear of losing their bank account, provide the asked details to the scammers.

How to avoid Online Scams?

Modern scammers have become too advanced and made it difficult to detect the scams. However, there are few ways through which you can avoid online scams happening to you. Here are those −

  • Never share any confidential information with anyone through emails or online forms. Even if the email seems to be from official sources, thoroughly verify before providing any sort of data to the sender.

  • Use multi-factor authentication to safeguard your online accounts from scams. With multi-factor authentication enabled, even if your account credentials get into the hand of scammers, the account would be safe.

  • Keep your Social Media accounts safe. Carefully configure the privacy settings so that all your personal information is secured. Intruders can use social accounts to get the details and guess the passwords.

  • While shopping online, never get into the trap of huge discounts. Before buying anything discounted item from eCommerce sites, thoroughly verify whether the website is genuine or not. If you can't confirm the reliability of the website, never pay online and choose Cash on Delivery (COD).

Updated on: 12-Jul-2021


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